Tag: Hip Replacement

07 Dec 2023

Latest Advancements in Hip Arthroscopy Surgery

Hip arthroscopy is not just a solution for joint issues but is a revolutionary change. With tiny cuts and special tools, it is less invasive, and the recovery is much quicker and less painful. This method stands out due to its precision and enables personalized patient care. 

Advancements in imaging technologies are revolutionizing how surgeons understand the hip joint, allowing for personalized treatment plans. The continuous innovation in hip arthroscopy makes the entire process smarter and more effective with each breakthrough.

In this blog, we discuss the latest advancements in hip arthroscopic surgery. 

Minimally Invasive Techniques

Modern surgery often involves using minimally invasive techniques.

With smaller incisions and advanced instruments, patients experience reduced pain, shorter recovery times, less scarring, and improved overall outcomes. These days, traditional open surgery is making way for minimally invasive surgeries. 

Arthroscopic procedures involve smaller incisions through which a tiny camera (arthroscope) and specialized instruments are inserted. This reduces trauma to surrounding tissues and allows for a quicker return to normal activities.

Advancements in arthroscopic instruments have enhanced these techniques. High-definition cameras provide crystal-clear visuals, and miniature tools designed for delicate procedures contribute to the overall success of the surgery. Patients undergoing minimally invasive hip arthroscopy report less discomfort, shorter hospital stays, and faster rehabilitation than those undergoing traditional open surgeries.

Advancements in Imaging Technology

Accurately visualizing intricate joint details is important for the success of hip arthroscopy. Recent advances in imaging technology have significantly elevated this aspect of the procedure.

The introduction of 3D arthroscopy has been a game-changer, providing surgeons with a three-dimensional view of the hip joint. This technology helps surgeons visualize the body’s structures better, making it easier to figure out problems and do precise treatments. 

Augmented reality goes a step further by adding digital information directly to what the surgeon sees during the operation. Picture a surgeon being guided by virtual markers and cues, making everything more accurate than before.

These technologies enhance the surgeon’s ability to understand the complexities of the hip joint and improve patient outcomes. The more precise the diagnosis, the more tailored the treatment plan, leading to a higher likelihood of successful recovery. 

Personalized Treatment Plans

With the latest technological advancements, it is now possible to do hip arthroscopy with a more customized and patient-centric approach.

For instance, patient-specific implants are designed using advanced imaging and 3D printing technologies. This ensures a perfect fit for each individual’s unique anatomy and improves the overall functionality of the joint post-surgery. It also minimizes the risk of complications associated with ill-fitting implants.

Not only are personalized implants used, but rehabilitation plans are also customized. Physiotherapy programs now consider factors like age, fitness, and lifestyle to ensure the recovery process matches the patient’s unique situation. This personalized approach helps in the overall recovery of the patients. 

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

In hip arthroscopy, using robots and artificial intelligence helps surgeons study, diagnose, and do treatments more accurately. Robotic-assisted surgeries offer great accuracy.

Surgeons can accurately control robotic arms, making precise movements inside the patient’s body. This high level of control is especially beneficial in delicate procedures like hip arthroscopy, where precision is crucial.

AI helps with decisions during surgery and taking care of patients post-surgery. Machine learning algorithms analyze lots of data to find patterns, helping surgeons make smart choices. After surgery, AI monitoring systems track the progress of the patient and notify healthcare providers if there are any unexpected changes in recovery.

Robotics and AI working together improve hip arthroscopy, offering better results and a peek into the future of surgery.

Treating Complex Hip Conditions

Hip arthroscopy doesn’t just handle basic problems but can also deal with complicated issues that were once seen as very challenging. Conditions like femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and labral tears, which were considered hard to treat, are now approached with more hope.

Advanced tools and techniques are playing a pivotal role in addressing these complexities. For FAI, precise instruments and imaging technologies help surgeons reshape the hip joint accurately, easing impingement and bringing back normal function. Labral tears used to be treated conservatively or with open surgeries are now repaired with arthroscopic precision, causing less harm to nearby tissues.

Additionally, regenerative medicine, like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell treatments, broadens treatment options. These therapies support tissue healing and regeneration, providing a comprehensive approach to managing complex hip conditions.


With the advancement in medical technology, orthopedic medicine is going through a massive transformation. From using precise imaging to making personalized care plans, the journey has been about finding new and better ways to help patients. 

By analyzing the latest advancements, we can understand that hip arthroscopy is not just a surgical procedure but a tailored experience to restore mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance overall quality of life. 

23 Aug 2023
The Role of Physical Therapy in Hip Replacement Recovery

The Role of Physical Therapy in Hip Replacement Recovery

Recognizing the significance of physical therapy in hip replacement recovery is vital for achieving optimal outcomes and restoring function. This article offers an introduction to the role of physical therapy in the recovery process, highlighting its benefits in helping patients regain strength, mobility, and independence after hip replacement surgery.

8 Key Components of Physical Therapy in Hip Replacement Recovery

Physical therapy is an essential component of the rehabilitation program designed to help patients regain strength, mobility, and function.

Here’s how physical therapy contributes to the recovery process:

1. Managing Pain And Discomfort


Physical therapists employ various techniques to help manage post-operative pain and discomfort. These may include:

  • Manual therapy techniques such as gentle joint mobilisations and soft tissue massage
  • Modalities like heat or cold therapy

2. Regaining Mobility And Range Of Motion


One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to restore joint range of motion and flexibility in the hip. Physical therapists guide patients through specific exercises and stretches that are designed to gradually increase mobility in the hip joint.

These exercises target:

  • Hip Flexors
  • Extensors
  • Abductors
  • Adductors
  • Rotator Muscles

3. Strengthening Muscles For Improved Joint Support


Following hip replacement surgery, the muscles surrounding the hip joint may have become weakened due to the surgery itself or pre-existing conditions.

Physical therapy includes targeted exercises to strengthen these muscles, such as:

  • Glutes
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Core Muscles

Strengthening these muscles helps improve:

  • Joint stability
  • Overall function
  • And, supports the new hip joint

4. Gait Training (Training For Proper Walking Patterns)


Physical therapists assist patients in relearning proper walking techniques and regaining their balance and coordination. They may initially use assistive devices such as crutches or walkers to provide support while gradually transitioning to walking without assistance. Gait training focuses on achieving a normal, pain-free walking pattern and ensuring proper weight distribution.

5. Enhancing Balance And Coordination Abilities


Hip replacement surgery can temporarily affect balance and coordination. Physical therapists incorporate exercises and activities to enhance balance, stability, and coordination. These exercises may include:

  • Single-Leg Stance Exercises
  • Balance Boards
  • Proprioceptive training

6. Developing Functional Abilities For Everyday Tasks


Physical therapy aims to improve patient’s ability to perform everyday activities safely and efficiently. Therapists focus on training patients in tasks such as:

  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Getting in and out of bed
  • Stair climbing

This functional training helps patients regain independence and confidence in their daily activities.

7. Providing Education And Guidance For Optimal Recovery 


Physical therapists provide education on proper body mechanics, posture, and home exercises to optimize recovery and prevent future hip problems. They teach patients how to protect their new hip joints during activities, avoid excessive stress, and promote optimal healing.

8. Tailoring Care To Individual Needs


Each patient’s physical therapy program is tailored to their specific needs, goals, and unique circumstances. Physical therapists work closely with patients to monitor their progress and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. They ensure that the exercises and activities are appropriate for the patient’s age, overall health, and the surgical technique used.

By participating in a comprehensive physical therapy program, patients can achieve optimal recovery after hip replacement surgery. The guidance and expertise of a skilled physical therapist help maximize outcomes, improve functional abilities, and promote a smooth transition back to normal activities.



In conclusion, physical therapy plays a crucial role in the recovery journey following hip replacement surgery. By actively participating in physical therapy, patients can improve their quality of life, regain independence in daily activities, and confidently resume their normal routines. The expertise and personalized care provided by physical therapists contribute significantly to the overall success of hip replacement recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

Q1. What happens if you don’t take physical therapy after hip replacement?

If you don’t take physical therapy after hip replacement:

  • It may result in a limited range of motion and mobility in the hip joint.
  • Muscle weakness and atrophy may occur, affecting overall strength and stability.
  • Recovery may be slower, and it may take longer to regain functional abilities.
  • Pain and discomfort may persist due to a lack of proper rehabilitation.

Q2. When to start physical therapy after hip replacement?

Physical therapy after hip replacement usually starts within 24 to 48 hours after surgery, while still in the hospital or rehabilitation center. The exact timing may vary based on the surgeon’s recommendation and the patient’s overall health.

Q3. How long should I do physical therapy after hip replacement?

Physical therapy after hip replacement typically lasts for several weeks to a few months. The exact duration depends on various factors, including individual progress, specific goals, and the surgeon’s guidance. Most programs range from 6 to 12 weeks, but they can be longer for complex cases or patients with additional health considerations.

10 Jun 2023
How long does it take to replacement

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Hip Replacement?

The recovery time after hip replacement surgery varies depending on factors like the patient’s overall health, age, surgical technique, etc. This article will give you an overview of the things you need to take care of during hip surgery recovery. 

Hip Surgery Recovery:  What to Expect  

The typical recovery time after hip replacement is several months to a year. Generally, bed rest for a few days is followed by immediate physical rehabilitation. Progress is gradual, with decreasing pain, improved balance, and increased mobility each week. A study showed that 46.7% of people experienced significant improvement, while 15.5% had worsened outcomes. 

 Types Of Hip Replacement Surgeries 

There are 3 types—

  1. Total Hip Replacement (Total Hip Arthroplasty): In the case of total hip replacement, the entire hip joint is replaced. It is the most common type. 
  2. Partial Hip Replacement: It is less common and involves replacing only part of the hip. These are usually performed in case of hip fractures or to remove any kind of tumors. 
  3. Hip resurfacing: It is usually performed in young and active patients. 

 Recovery Time After Hip Replacement  

 The typical recovery time for anyone who has undergone a total hip replacement surgery is anywhere between six months to one year. However, patients aged above 50 years [4] might take longer to recover. Here is a general timeline that may give you an idea of what to expect:

After Surgery

Your hip surgery recovery begins within 24 hours after the procedure. 

Hospital Stay: Typically, patients stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days after the surgery. During this time, they receive pain medication, undergo physical therapy, and are monitored for any complications.

Post-operative period: It involves waking up from anesthesia and monitoring for any complications. In most cases, hip replacements are performed as outpatient surgeries. Thus, allowing patients to go home on the same day. 

1 Week After 

  • After the 5th day, physical therapy continues with a focus on independence in daily activities. 
  • Pain management and medication adjustments continue.
  • Patients engage in physical therapy exercises to improve their range of motion, balance, and strength
  • Walking without assistive devices may be encouraged.
  • Throughout the first week, patients receive guidance on post-surgery care, wound management, pain management, and activity restrictions. 
  • It’s important to note that individual recovery experiences may vary, and it’s best to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. 

10 to 14 Days

  •  During the first 1-2 weeks after a hip replacement surgery, certain milestones can be expected:
  • Stitches that haven’t yet dissolved are removed, and it is generally advised to avoid getting the wound site wet for a few more days.
  • Pain should have significantly decreased, and pain medication may no longer be necessary. 
  • Surgery staples will be removed, allowing for showers, baths, and walking without assistance.
  • Mobility improves, and patients can move more easily without assistance.
  • Some individuals who previously relied on a cane or walker may still need it during this early recovery period. 

3-6 Weeks

  • Within 3-6 weeks, light activities of daily living can be resumed, without the need for crutches or a walker. 
  • Some discomfort or soreness may persist, particularly towards the end of the day.
  • Approximately six weeks after surgery, driving should be possible again. 
  •  Physical therapy should continue as recommended, along with regular walking and avoiding prolonged sitting. 

6-12 weeks

  •  Most pain should be gone, and swelling further reduced.
  •  Patients can resume regular day-to-day activities, such as climbing stairs or bending.
  •  Increased strength and ability to put weight on the leg.
  •  Continued physical therapy and regular appointments are necessary.
  •  Walking regularly is highly recommended to maintain mobility. 

Beyond three months

  • Daily activities, including low-impact sports, can be fully resumed.
  • Physical therapy exercises should be continued to improve strength, flexibility, joint motion, and balance.
  • Exercises emphasizing weight-bearing and the correct body mechanics are beneficial.
  • Regular follow-up examinations are advised.

Taking Care of Your New Hip: Essential Tips for Hip Surgery Recovery

Tips for caring for your new hip:

  • Don’t bend your hip beyond 90°
  • Stay away from twisting motions (of your hip joint)
  • Take small steps when you turn.
  • Avoid pressure on the wound
  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Be cautious with your hip and avoid discomfort
  • Use raised toilet seats and avoid low chairs. 

Risks or complications of a hip replacement

Here are the possible risks and complications of hip replacement surgery:

  •       Infection
  •       Dislocation
  •       Fracture
  •       The difference in leg length
  •       Nerve or blood vessel damage
  •       Allergic reactions
  •       Loosening
  •       When to Call The Doctor 

 When to Call The Doctor

 It is advisable to call your surgeon or healthcare provider when you experience any of the following symptoms—

  •       Pain in the hips that don’t go away with medications or keeps on getting worse
  •       Shaking chills
  •       The outflow of fluid or any kind of bad smell from the site of the incision. 
  •       Redness/swelling at the incision area (especially if it gets worse with time)
  •       Fever higher than 38°C
  •       Pain or swelling or redness in the calf or legs 


 It’s important to note that the recovery process can vary from person to person. Some individuals may recover more quickly, while others may take longer. Patients need to follow their doctor’s instructions, attend scheduled physical therapy sessions, and report any concerns or complications promptly.


13 Feb 2023

5 Tips for a Successful Total Hip Replacement Recovery

Hip replacement surgery recovery tips

A hip replacement is one of the common and life-altering operations. It helps patients get back to normal life and improves their quality of life. Suppose you are considering or have undergone hip surgery. In that case, you should know about the important hip replacement tips that can help you understand how to support yourself during the recovery phase.

Here are some of the hip replacement recovery tips recommended by specialists to help with successful recovery from hip surgery:

  • Prepare your home in advance

    Before surgery, one of the basic hip replacement recovery tips is rearranging your home to access all the necessities easily. Most importantly you will have to reorganise your kitchen and bathroom. Keep all the important things at the waist level and within easy reach.

    After coming home from surgery, you will need assistance with household chores like cleaning, cooking and shopping. Talk to your friend or family in advance to help you out for a few weeks after the surgery.

    Another hip replacement surgery recovery tips is to go shopping before surgery to buy a perching stool or chair. You will need it to move around and complete tasks. The perching stool has a seat that slopes and also has armrests. Using this type of stool can make the everyday activity less strenuous. 

  • Take some time off from work.

    The recovery time depends on how you manage the phase and what hip replacement surgery recovery tips you follow. Giving yourself enough time to recover before continuing your regular activities is very important. It is expected to have three months for rehabilitation after the operation. If you have a physically demanding job, your return to work may take longer.

    Moreover, your travel convenience is also a factor to consider while looking for hip surgery recovery tips. It is best to explore a different way of working for a smoother and quicker recovery. Plan this before the surgery to avoid any issues after the operation.

  • Rest, recovery and gentle exercise

    Patients tend to minimise their movement as much as possible after the surgery. Though taking adequate rest for recovery is important, moving is also important. If you stay still for too long, your body can become stiff, impacting your recovery and increasing the time.

    Therefore one should do gentle exercises like short, gentle walks in and around your home. Supervised physiotherapy, like rehabilitation programmes and hydrotherapy, includes hip surgery recovery tips.

    Consult your orthopaedic care team to support you with exercises. It is important not to overdo exercise as it could lead to more pain and loss of confidence. Hence a balance between rest and exercise is vital.


  • Nutrition plays a major role.

    A healthy and balanced diet is a key hip surgery recovery tip. After surgery, the body needs to heal, and for that, it needs a varied diet. It boosts the healing process. Nutrients such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals must be present in your diet. Moreover, one should not try to attempt weight loss during recovery.

  • Think about your holidays and travel plans


  • Lying

    For the first six weeks after surgery, you should refrain from flying. You can fly short-haul after some time, but long-haul should completely be avoided for three months. Sitting for too long can increase the chances of developing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in your legs.


  • Driving

    This is the basic hip replacement recovery tips you should follow if you drive. You should check with your insurance company if your policy covers you driving following a surgical procedure. You might not be insured to drive for some weeks.


You can consult with your surgical team about your after-surgery pain medication and hip replacement tips. It is important not to drive at all on strong painkillers. 

You start driving again after six weeks. In any case, one should be aware that reflexes can get impacted just after surgery. So take a comfortable position in your driving seat where you can perform an emergency stop.

These are some of the important hip replacement recovery tips that you should follow for quicker recovery. To know more about hip replacement tips, consult the doctors at Germanten Hospital. Book your appointment now.  


06 Dec 2022
What helps with hip replacement recovery

What Helps with Hip Replacement Recovery?

One of the most commonly performed elective surgeries is total joint replacement, including hip replacement. 

Total hip replacement surgery or arthroplasty is the surgical procedure in which the damaged ball-and-socket hip joint is replaced by an artificial joint made of metal or synthetic material. 

The surgery is performed to provide relief from arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and from various other hip-related issues. It helps to restore the range of motion in the joint. The surgery is only performed after conservative measures have failed to treat the underlying pain or mobility. Some of the conservative hip treatments are: 

  • Pain medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise 
  • Stretching
  • Weight Management

Total Hip replacement surgery recovery time varies from one person to another. However, knowing what to expect from the recovery will help you plan effective outcomes. 

How to prepare for recovery?

During hip replacement surgery recovery time, one needs to be patient. There are various instructions that one needs to follow after the surgery. However, preparing before the surgery will help you to make the hip replacement surgery recovery time smooth. 

Before the Surgery

Steps to take before the surgery that helps to make total hip replacement surgery recovery time easier are: 

  • Undergo a physical therapy program to strengthen the muscles around the hip. 
  • Arrange a help who can assist you after the surgery. 
  • Make changes in your home arrangements to make sure that you carry on with your daily activities after the surgery safely and efficiently. Start with putting a seat in the shower or bathtub. Install a hand-held shower. Apart from that, remove things that you can trip on and fall. 
  • Consult your surgeon about what to expect and what issues to look for after the surgery. 
  • If you are overweight or obese, then lose weight before undergoing surgery. 

After Surgery 

Following your healthcare provider’s instructions after the surgery is one of the most vital things. The more you follow their instructions, the easier the recovery will be. 

  • Wound Care
    Always keep the wound area dry and clean for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. After that, you can either change the dressing or ask your caregiver.
  • Exercises
    Physical therapy starts right after the surgery. Being consistent with the exercises after hip replacement is key to leading a safe, effective, and quick recovery phase. Your physical therapist will put together the most effective exercise routine for you. You will need to perform the exercises after hip replacement 3 to 4 times a day for various months.  

The simple exercises you do can be particularly beneficial following surgery to prevent blood clots and improve your recovery.

Ankle pumps: When sitting on the back, slowly move your foot upwards and downwards repeatedly. Repeat this exercise for one foot, and repeat it with the second. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible every 5-10 minutes.

Ankle rotations: When lying back on your back, rotate the ankle towards your body and then back towards your other foot. Perform this exercise on one foot and, afterwards, the other. Repeat five times, three or 4 times per day.

Knees bend: When lying back, bend your knee while keeping your heel on the mattress. Move your foot towards your buttocks while keeping your knee straight. Keep your knee bent for 5-10 seconds before resetting it. Repeat this exercise for one knee, and then repeat it for the other. Do this 10 times. Repeat 3-4 times a day for both legs.

Make sure you work closely with your physical trainer to keep up with the number of exercises after hip replacement you’re performing.

Take a walk frequently

One of the most effective methods to increase your fitness is to walk. In the beginning, you’ll use the walker and, later, aid for stability. As per the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it is possible to begin walking for 5-10 minutes at a stretch three or four times per day. When your strength grows, you can increase the duration from 20-30 minutes per session to 2-3 times per day.


After recovering from your injury, you can begin a routine maintenance regimen that will require walking for 20-30 minutes at a time, three or four times per week.

Visit Germanten Hospital to know more. 


21 Aug 2022
ways to ease hip pain

Ways to Ease Hip Pain

How to reduce hip pain

If you are experiencing hip pain, then there is nothing to worry about as we have some of the best ways for hip pain treatment without surgery. Let us look at some of the most effective ways to reduce hip pain:

  • Lose weight
    Your body weight puts pressure on your hips. For every 10 pounds of weight gain, your hips and knees experience 50 pounds of pressure. In addition, the pain in joints indicates that your weight is increasing more than needed. Visit your doctor’s clinic and know your body’s ideal weight and ways to reach that.
  • Take load off
    When we talk about hip pain, we are not only about your body fat. Anything you carry on your back or in your hand also puts pressure on your hip. To reduce the pain, you will need to take that load off your body, making them natural remedies for hip pain. Using a handcart with wheels to carry groceries and luggage is best. If you need to carry a purse, choose one that evenly distributes the load.
  • Move it
    Of course, your hips need adequate rest to ease the pain. Once your hip is at ease, do hip pain exercises daily. It helps to build muscles stronger and avoid joint stiffness. Walking, swimming, and yoga are the best hip pain exercises to reduce it. It can help ease the pain to a great extent.
  • Say no to high-impact exercises.
    Want to know how to reduce hip pain? The movement will help your hip but just know the right time to do it. Start slow, do not go on downhill running or kickboxing. Instead, take it slow and spend a few minutes on a stationary bike or elliptical. Gradually you can bump up the impact of your exercises.
  • Water workouts
    To do the best low-impact exercise, use a pool or spa. They are natural remedies for hip pain. Water helps to take off stress and strain from your joints. Above all, it ensures smoother and more unrestrained movement by providing good resistance to make muscles stronger. To know which hip pain exercises would be best for you, consult your doctor or physiotherapist.
  • Stretch, strengthen and stabilise:
    Stretching helps in supporting and building joints, including cores and legs. However, one vital thing to remember while working out is never to push yourself too hard. For an exercise routine, consult a professional therapist and do it under their guidance to avoid any injury. Moreover, it is also important to choose the best sitting position for hip pain.
  • Heat and cold therapy:
    Heat and cold therapy have proven to be natural remedies for hip pain. Wrap ice or a bag of frozen veggies into a towel and press it gently to ease the pain. Moreover, you can go for a warm shower to loosen up your muscles.
  • Avoid heels:
    Heels are one of the prime factors of hip pains. To know how to relieve hip pain while walking is right under your toes. Avoid heels as much as possible. Heels disrupt your body’s alignment by putting your heels at an abrupt angle. Instead, go for flat shoes with good arch support and cushioning. Do not stand for too long on the stretch. Moreover, it is also important to know how to relieve hip pain while sleeping by choosing the correct posture.
  • Over-the-counter medicines
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are mostly consumed to get relief from hip pain. If you cannot take it because of some health condition, then let your doctor know. Always consult your doctor for a dosage plan and which medicine to take to avoid any side effects.
  • Alternate therapy
    If traditional therapies do not work, you know it is time to shift towards a mind-body approach. Acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic adjustments are some of the alternative therapies.


The methods of hip pain reduction usually depend on the root cause of it. If you want to understand how to reduce hip pain, come to Germanten Hospital. Our doctors and physiotherapy experts can help you with hip pain treatments without surgery and understand the best sitting positions for hip pain. These positions will help you avoid the pain altogether. So book your appointment with our experts today!

16 Jul 2022
Hip replacement after excercises

Exercises and Activities To Avoid After Hip Replacement

If you have undergone a total hip replacement procedure, you must take some precautions while recovering. It becomes extremely important to take these precautions, especially when you have undergone surgery through the posterior approach. 

You should take these precautions because they reduce the chances of dislocation of the hips. In this situation, the artificial ball of the upper femur gets dislocated from the artificial hip socket. 

In this article, you will understand the three precautions you need to take after undergoing hip replacement surgery. In addition, this article will also help you if you are looking for how long to recover from hip replacement on the internet. 


You must avoid three movements along with heavy exercises after hip replacement through a posterior incision to ensure the artificial hip does not get dislocated. Until you have completely recovered, all your movements will be closely observed by your orthopedic surgeon. Here are a few things you should not do after hip replacement surgery:

  • Stretching your hips past 90 degrees: 

    If you are looking for hip replacement exercises to avoid, you must not stretch your hips too far or list your knee too high. When you sit on a chair, see to it that your thigh should be parallel to the floor. If you are sitting on a low chair, you might have to bend your knee and hip, making it highly possible for you to dislocate your knee. 

  • Crossing your operated leg over the other one: 

    One of the things not to do after hip replacement surgery is crossing your operated leg over the other one. Apart from that, you should also use a wedge such as an abduction pillow while sleeping. It will help you to keep your legs separated.

  • Walking pigeon-toed:After undergoing a total hip replacement through the posterior approach, you must ensure not to rotate your hip inward. Therefore, you should keep your toes straight ahead or slightly rotated outwards while doing activities such as walking, sitting, standing or lying down.


Sometimes doing exercises after hip replacement can be risky and result in several complications. So you may want to have a consultation with physios at Germanten Hospitals to understand the recovery process of hip replacement and the exercises to avoid during that time.


When to call a healthcare provider?

You must contact your health care provider as soon as you experience signs that you may have dislocated your hip. Some other occasions are:

  • Intense pain around the hip area and groyne. 
  • Occurrence of a popping sound while you are moving. 
  • If you are experiencing difficulty in walking or cannot walk at all. 
  • You are not able to move the hip joint.
  • If you notice that the prosthetic hip appears shorter than the other one. 

If you are confused about exercises after hip replacement, contact Germanten Hospital. Our doctors will help you understand the hip replacement recovery exercises and other details about the procedure. If you need advice regarding this, have a consultation with the doctors at Germanten Hospital. They are experts in their field, and you will get everything you need to know about.

Duration of Precautions And Recovery

After hip replacement surgery, most people follow the precautions for around 90 days. However, some health care providers might instruct you to follow the precautions for about six months. On the other hand, some others may ask you to follow them for 60 days. The duration of precaution generally depends on factors such as your general health, your level of mobility and the complexity of the procedure. It is also determined by rehabilitation and recovery after the surgery. 

Your doctor will instruct you when you can stop following the precautions. You will have to listen to the instructions of your health care provider and avoid some movements in your daily routine. Every person has a different recovery time after the procedure, so you should consult your doctor regarding that. 

If you need advice regarding hip replacement recovery exercises, consult the orthopaedic experts at Germanten Hospital. Our experts will help you understand the hip replacement recovery exercises. They will also provide information about how long you will recover from a hip replacement and which exercises to avoid. So book your appointments now for consultation regarding exercises after hip replacement.