Tag: Orthopedic

30 Jul 2022
step by step guide on knee replacement surgery

Step-by-Step Explanation of Knee Replacement Surgery

Total knee replacement surgery is an intricate process which requires high expertise and skill from the surgeon to make exact measurements and precisely remove the affected bone, and shape the remaining portion in a manner to fit the knee implant. Finally, the surgeon would construct an artificial knee joint. Knee replacement surgery has a success rate of around 90%, which shows why it is in demand.

Knee joint replacement surgery is shorter when compared to some of the other joint replacement surgeries. However, even though the knee replacement surgery time is only around 1 to 3 hours, the doctor may ask you to stay back at the clinic for recovery for 2 to 3 days. But it will depend on your condition. Therefore, before deciding to undergo surgery, it is necessary to have a proper knee replacement explanation and other relevant details.

Here is an overview of how the knee joint replacement surgery takes place:


An incision in the knee

Knee joint replacement surgery begins with an incision in the front of the knee to reach the patella, commonly known as the kneecap. In the traditional method, the incision used to be 8-10 inches long. But with a minimally invasive procedure, the incision will only be 4-6 inches long. Either way, knee replacement surgery success rate depends on several factors, including the patient’s condition.

Rotation of kneecap

The kneecap, also known as the patella, is rotated by the surgeon outside the knee region. It helps them directly look into the area which has to be fixed.


Preparing the thigh bone

After the incision, the surgeon would resurface the femur, also known as the thigh bone. All the measurements are taken precisely, and cuts are made with the help of special instruments. The affected portion of bone and cartilage from the femur is removed by cutting it out. The end of the femur bone is shaped to attach perfectly to the femoral component of the artificial knee.  

Insertion of the femoral component 

The surgeon would implant the metallic femoral component in the femur bone. Then, it is sealed with the help of bone cement.

Preparation of the tibia bone

The subsequent bone, the surgeon, would resurface is the tibia, also known as the shinbone. The surgeon would precisely surface and reshape the top of the tibia bone to get under the metal and plastic tibial portion of the artificial knee.

Insertion of the tibial component

The lower portion of the implant, known as the tibial tray, is precisely inserted in the tibia bone and sealed fast with the help of bone cement. Once the tibial tray is placed in position, the surgeon would place it in a polyethene insert (of medical-grade plastic) which is in between the tibial tray and the femoral component. It acts as a buffer. The polyethene insert is essential to provide flexibility to the knee joint as you bend and sit down.

Adjustment of the knee cap

Before putting back the patella in its place, the surgeon would have to flatten it. A plastic component is then attached to the patella such that they fit in perfectly with the artificial knee. The plastic component might also be cemented if required.

Completion of the surgery

After the knee replacement surgery, the orthopaedic surgeon will check the flexibility, alignment, position and size of your knee to see if the implant is working correctly. Then, the surgery is ended by stitching up the incisions and bandaging the area. After the doctor has checked the flexibility and alignment, they shift the patient to the other room for recovery, with the leg in a continuous passive movement (CPM) machine. The purpose of using this machine is to gently keep the knee in a bent position and flex the artificial knee joint while the patient is lying down.

The knee replacement surgery time is usually 1 to 3 hours but varies according to the patient’s condition.

If you want more information about knee replacement surgery time and other relevant procedure details, come to Germanten hospital. Our doctors will explain the knee replacement procedure in great detail to ensure the patient has a complete understanding of what they want. So book your appointment with our experts today!


16 Jul 2022
Hip replacement after excercises

Exercises and Activities To Avoid After Hip Replacement

If you have undergone a total hip replacement procedure, you must take some precautions while recovering. It becomes extremely important to take these precautions, especially when you have undergone surgery through the posterior approach. 

You should take these precautions because they reduce the chances of dislocation of the hips. In this situation, the artificial ball of the upper femur gets dislocated from the artificial hip socket. 

In this article, you will understand the three precautions you need to take after undergoing hip replacement surgery. In addition, this article will also help you if you are looking for how long to recover from hip replacement on the internet. 


You must avoid three movements along with heavy exercises after hip replacement through a posterior incision to ensure the artificial hip does not get dislocated. Until you have completely recovered, all your movements will be closely observed by your orthopedic surgeon. Here are a few things you should not do after hip replacement surgery:

  • Stretching your hips past 90 degrees: 

    If you are looking for hip replacement exercises to avoid, you must not stretch your hips too far or list your knee too high. When you sit on a chair, see to it that your thigh should be parallel to the floor. If you are sitting on a low chair, you might have to bend your knee and hip, making it highly possible for you to dislocate your knee. 

  • Crossing your operated leg over the other one: 

    One of the things not to do after hip replacement surgery is crossing your operated leg over the other one. Apart from that, you should also use a wedge such as an abduction pillow while sleeping. It will help you to keep your legs separated.

  • Walking pigeon-toed:After undergoing a total hip replacement through the posterior approach, you must ensure not to rotate your hip inward. Therefore, you should keep your toes straight ahead or slightly rotated outwards while doing activities such as walking, sitting, standing or lying down.


Sometimes doing exercises after hip replacement can be risky and result in several complications. So you may want to have a consultation with physios at Germanten Hospitals to understand the recovery process of hip replacement and the exercises to avoid during that time.


When to call a healthcare provider?

You must contact your health care provider as soon as you experience signs that you may have dislocated your hip. Some other occasions are:

  • Intense pain around the hip area and groyne. 
  • Occurrence of a popping sound while you are moving. 
  • If you are experiencing difficulty in walking or cannot walk at all. 
  • You are not able to move the hip joint.
  • If you notice that the prosthetic hip appears shorter than the other one. 

If you are confused about exercises after hip replacement, contact Germanten Hospital. Our doctors will help you understand the hip replacement recovery exercises and other details about the procedure. If you need advice regarding this, have a consultation with the doctors at Germanten Hospital. They are experts in their field, and you will get everything you need to know about.

Duration of Precautions And Recovery

After hip replacement surgery, most people follow the precautions for around 90 days. However, some health care providers might instruct you to follow the precautions for about six months. On the other hand, some others may ask you to follow them for 60 days. The duration of precaution generally depends on factors such as your general health, your level of mobility and the complexity of the procedure. It is also determined by rehabilitation and recovery after the surgery. 

Your doctor will instruct you when you can stop following the precautions. You will have to listen to the instructions of your health care provider and avoid some movements in your daily routine. Every person has a different recovery time after the procedure, so you should consult your doctor regarding that. 

If you need advice regarding hip replacement recovery exercises, consult the orthopaedic experts at Germanten Hospital. Our experts will help you understand the hip replacement recovery exercises. They will also provide information about how long you will recover from a hip replacement and which exercises to avoid. So book your appointments now for consultation regarding exercises after hip replacement.

09 Jul 2022
12 foods to avoid Arthritis

12 Foods To Avoid When You Have Arthritis

Arthritis is a medical condition that results in inflammation of the joints causing severe pain and stiffness of the muscles. It refers to all types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.  

The extent of inflammation depends on the diet, physical activity, water intake, current health condition and habits (smoking, drinking).

Higher intake of sugar, salt, fat and refined carbohydrates can increase inflammation. Here is a list of foods to avoid during arthritis:  

  1. Red meat :
    Red meat has a higher percentage of saturated fat as compared to white meat or plant-based proportion. So it is one of the foods to avoid during arthritis. Unfortunately, red meats can also worsen the swelling and inflammation.
  2. Dairy products with high-fat content :
    Arthritis foods to avoid also include dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, milk, ice creams and a lot more. Each product is different from the other and has a different nutritional value. In order to prevent arthritis, it would be better to avoid full-fat dairy products with high levels of sugar as it increases the inflammation of joints.
  3. Omega 6 fatty acid :
    The excessive consumption of omega-6-containing food items can deteriorate the inflammation. Thus, make sure to check off items like soybeans, corn, safflower, sunflower, canola oil, nuts and meat in the list of foods to avoid during arthritis. You can use olive oil as a substitute for everyday cooking as it is monounsaturated.
  4. Salt
    Sodium is an essential element required for the normal functioning of the body. However, our regular salt intake is always much more than needed. Thus higher salt levels should be included in the list of arthritis food to avoid.
  5. High sugar beverages
    The beverages available in the market, such as soda, fruit juices, sweet tea and coffee drinks, have tremendous amounts of sugar. Thus, these are some of the worst foods for arthritis. If you suffer from arthritis, try and control your sugar intake by up to 9 spoons per day.
  6.  Fried items
    Fried snacks and food are friends in cooking oils which are high in omega six fatty acids and fatty acids. Thus, if fried snacks are a large portion of your daily life, they can worsen arthritis. Therefore, you should limit fried foods to avoid arthritis or keep it under control.
    Fried food also has a high amount of salt, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, leading to more inflammation. A better alternative for this is to go for air-fried food or baked items.
  7. Canned products
    The amount of salt used in canned food items is very high. It is used as a preservative in canned vegetables, meat, soup, etc. Thus, to manage your symptoms, make sure to exclude canned foods and avoid them in an arthritis diet.
  8. Alcohol
    Alcohol can be a relief to those who have arthritis. Some varieties like red wine have anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming more than 5 ounces of red wine can improve inflammation.
  9. Refined carbohydrates
    White rice and flour is the highly processed form of their respective grains. The fibre and nutrition are lost in the process, making it a simple carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrate is digested much faster and causes a spike in the blood sugar level, thereby increasing inflammation. Thus, try to limit refined carbohydrate intake as it is one of the worst foods for arthritis.
  10. Candy and desserts
    Candy and desserts are loads of sugar without having any nutritional benefits. It is also known as empty calories for this reason. Thus, be sure to limit desserts, candies and added sugar foods to avoid rheumatoid arthritis.
  11. Processed food
    Packaged food items such as frozen packets, baked items, chips, and fast food are loaded with food items which should be avoided in arthritis. The refined grains, high amounts of sugar, and salt make them last longer than the usual fresh food items. It can result in obesity, worsening the condition. So if you are looking for arthritis foods to avoid, make sure to include processed food items on the list.
  12. Gluten
    Grains like wheat and barley contain protein which is known as gluten. Following a gluten-free diet helps in decreasing inflammation.

Want more information about arthritis foods to avoid? Then come over to Germanten Hospital. Our orthopaedic experts and dieticians will help you prepare a nutritious diet chart and manage your symptoms.


26 Jun 2022
Back pain after c Section

How To Reduce Back Pain After C Section

Most people have a high chance of suffering from back pain after C section delivery. Back pain after a C section occurs due to various factors like an increase in your weight, hormonal change and general inability to become comfortable.

While suffering from general discomfort during pregnancy, you probably would not be expecting back pain after the C section. However, back pain is one of the common problems that mothers face after giving birth, which starts after a few hours of the delivery and can persist for days, weeks and sometimes even months. Here are some reasons you might be experiencing back pain after a cesarean and things to do if you wonder how to get rid of back pain after c section.

If you are looking for ways to reduce back pain after c section naturally online, you can consult the experts at Germanten Hospital. They will help you understand the possible causes of C section back pain and help you find ways to alleviate the back pain after a C section.

Causes of C section back pain

Experiencing back pain after a C section can be a significant problem if you are still healing from your surgery. However, you would not be expecting back pain and would be hurting in more places than you imagined.

There are several reasons leading to the occurrence of lower back pain after a C section. Here are a few of the causes of pain in your lower and upper back:

  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes can be one of the reasons if you are searching for C section side effects or back pain online. Being pregnant has several side effects like increasing the size of your stomach and other factors that lead to lower back pain after a C section.

While pregnant, your body releases a particular pregnancy hormone known as relaxin. It helps prepare the body for giving birth and helps loosen the ligaments and the joints so that it becomes easier for you to push out the baby. The hormone is released irrespective of the delivery method you are thinking about undergoing. When your ligaments and joints become loose, it becomes quite easy for you to strain your back, leading to lower or mid-back pain. If you wonder how to reduce back pain after a C section naturally, you will be relieved to know that the joints, muscles and ligaments strengthen in the months after giving birth.

  • Increase in your weight: One of the leading causes of lower back pain after a C section is increased body weight. It is natural for you to put on weight during pregnancy, but this increase in weight and a change in the centre of balance due to carrying a baby could be stressful on your back and spine, leading to back pain.
  • Lifting and carrying a new baby: The body weight of a newborn baby might not seem to be much, but the extra weight you are carrying can contribute to back pain after pregnancy.

Apart from that, you also have to constantly lift your baby from their crib, car seat or even the stroller. The extra movements of excessive bending can adversely affect your posture and might be why you are experiencing back pain after a C section or pregnancy.

If you are looking for ways to reduce back pain after a C section naturally, you should be more aware and take care of your posture while holding your baby. For example, you should keep your back straight as much as you can when you lift your baby and use your legs.

Take care about the positioning of the car seat, and check if sitting in the car will decrease the possibility of bad positioning while lifting your baby in and out. Adjust the crib so that it is easier for you to lift your baby in and out of it without inconvenience.

  • Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding for too long can strain your neck, and the pain might as well spread to your back. Bad posture while breastfeeding can cause back pain, especially if you shrug your shoulders towards your baby. To reduce the pain, you should make sure to relax your shoulders as well as put a pillow under your elbow to support your arm.
  • Effects of anaesthesia: Some kinds of anaesthesia injected during the C section might cause pain after the procedure. You will either receive an epidural or spinal block to numb the area before the surgery begins. The most significant disadvantage of the epidural or spinal block might result in muscle spasms near the spinal cord.

To get more information or consultation on knee and back pain after a C section, contact Germanten Hospital. Our maternity and orthopaedic experts will help you understand how you can prevent and alleviate back pain after having a natural or C section pregnancy.


05 Jun 2022
How to sleep with a broken shoulder

How To Sleep With A Broken Shoulder?

Shoulder fracture may give you intense pain and suffering. Moreover, your sleep might get disrupted by excruciating pain. However, one of the biggest challenges with a fractured shoulder is to find a perfect sleeping position. One question that keeps recurring in your mind is how to sleep with a broken shoulderIn addition, you may fear tampering with your recovery process by tossing and turning on the bed. 

To sleep comfortably with a broken shoulder, your doctor may suggest specific instructions on maintaining a correct posture while sleeping. 

How to sleep in bed with a broken shoulder? 

Sleeping with a broken shoulder is a daunting task. You may worry about waking up with intense pain in the morning. It is because you cannot control body movements while sleeping. Moreover, the frequent tossing and turning may worsen your condition. Your doctor may suggest ways to prepare your bed for pain-free and undisturbed sleep.  

You may follow the instructions mentioned below if you need answers to ‘how to sleep with a fractured shoulder.’ 

  • Adjust your position for sound sleep
    Adopt an elevated position to sleep with a broken shoulder. Sleeping in this position prevents swelling in the fractured region. Moreover, it prevents blood accumulation at the injury site. Increased swelling may distort the recovery process and lead to pain in the affected area.To prevent further injuries at the fractured site, lay down on your bed and try not to overturn. You may use a few pillows to avoid overturning. The cushions provide support and firmness on both sides of your body. In addition, you may put a pillow under your bedsheet to keep yourself stable. If you do not feel comfortable using numerous pillows, you may sleep on an armchair or sofa. Sleeping on the couch or armchair provides stability to your broken shoulder and restricts your movements during the night.


  • Dress comfortably
    Your doctor will put a cast around your shoulder to heal the fractured bones. However, it may put pressure on your bones and restrict your movements. Moreover, if you have developed a broken shoulder in the summers, you may feel hot in a cast. Therefore, it is crucial to wear light and comfortable clothes. For example, if you cannot lift your arms, you may wear button-down shirts. In addition, loose cotton t-shirts are an excellent option to wear. Since a cast makes you limb longer, you must choose comfortable clothes. Moreover, you can try moisture-wicking cotton clothes. These clothes are suitable to fight the hot weather.


  • Sleep alone
    If you have a partner, they may have to make adjustments in their sleeping position. Moreover, you may develop a fear of hitting your partner with your cast. Therefore, it is better to sleep alone until the broken bone gets healed. You may take time to find the best sleeping position with a fractured shoulder. Therefore, it is better to sleep alone for the first few days. Instead of sharing a bed with your partner, you may use your living room. If you think about how do you sleep with a broken shoulder, you may sleep on a recliner to keep your shoulder elevated and prevent further swelling. In addition, you may use a couch to sleep.
  • Take doctor’s prescribed pain medications.
    Your fractured shoulder may cause intense pain in the beginning. To control extreme pain, you must take the medicines prescribed by your doctor. Severe shoulder pain may disturb your sleep and recovery process. In the initial days, you must take proper rest for better recovery. During the first few weeks of your recovery process, you must consume the prescribed medicines as suggested by your doctor.


If you feel taking the pain medications is not helpful, you can discuss it with doctor. They may change your dosages or advise you to take other drugs. As the days progress and you witness a change in your condition, you may rely on over-the-counter medicines for pain management

You may follow these tips to sleep comfortably with a broken shoulder. For more information on how do you sleep with a broken shoulder, you may contact Germanten Hospitals. Our expert orthopaedic doctors will examine your broken bone to suggest the right after-care tips.

20 Mar 2022
how do i know my elbow injury is serious

How Do I know If My Elbow Injury Is Serious?

Despite being a small joint, the elbow is an integral part of our body. It is a composite joint consisting of cartilage, ligaments, fluid, muscles, tendons and bones. It helps us to execute different activities like rotation, extension or flexing and sometimes a combination of all these movements. Due to the ability of our elbow to perform several activities at the same time, it becomes difficult to detect exactly which movement is causing the elbow to hurt. It is also difficult to identify when the situation is serious enough to get medical help. Here is a detailed guide so that it becomes easier for you to identify the problem and treat it accordingly. 

Signs and symptoms of elbow injury: 

Our elbow does not undergo any problems like arthritis. The factors which are likely to cause pain in your elbows include constant movement in the parts of the body like the arm, hands or wrists. It can be due to performing activities like sports, exercises or various other work. The injuries which are caused due to activities such as these are known as overuse injuries. 

Some symptoms of elbow injury are:

  • Experiencing pain while performing activities like throwing after using your elbow to do it. 
  • Decrease in the strength or flexibility of your elbow or arm. 
  • Stiffness of your elbow. 
  • Experiencing pain while making a fist. 
  • Deformity in the elbow is visible. 
  • Feeling a sensation of numbness or tingling in the elbow, arms, wrist or hands. 

If you feel significant pain in your elbows while moving, then you should consider seeking medical treatment. At Germanten Hospital, we have expert doctors who diagnose the cause of pain and treat you accordingly. 

Elbow injuries and causes of elbow pain: 

The factors that are responsible for injuries occurring in the elbows are trauma or overuse. Wear and tear may also be a cause of injury, but it generally does not happen. Here are some kinds of common elbow injuries and reasons causing them:

  • If you break or fracture your elbow: It can cause pain, and you will be able to see the deformity on the elbow as well. 
  • If you dislocate your elbow: It occurs when your forearm or upper arm bones are dislocated with each other, causing the elbow to move out of place. 
  • If you sprain your elbow or injure the elbow due to stretched ligament
  • If you experience tendonitis or swelling of the tendons and connective tissues in the elbow
  • Bursitis or swelling of the elbow joint. 
  • Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury occurs due to overuse and results in a frayed, torn or loose elbow ligament. 
  • Lateral Epicondylitis or swelling of the tendons which connect the muscles of the forearm to the elbow. 
  • Valgus Extension Overload, leading to the deterioration of the cartilages abnormally and a bone spur. 
  • Osteoarthritis or when the cartilage of the elbow wears out or is damaged. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis or swelling of the elbow joint. 
  • Decreased blood supply results in the cracking, separating or loosening of bones. 
  • If the bones, tendons, muscles put too much pressure on the nerves of the elbow. 
  • Too much pressure on the ulnar nerve near the elbow. 

If you experience any of these conditions, then connect to Germanten Hospital to get it treated. 

How to manage an elbow injury at home

Most times, the elbow injury can be treated at home and does require medical treatment. However, make sure that your elbow is not exposed to further damage. RICE is the best method to treat an elbow injury. 

  • Rest: Get some rest.
  • Ice: Apply ice thrice a day for 20 minutes. 
  • Compression: Compress the area with a bandage to reduce swelling. 
  • Elevation: Keep your elbow elevated. 

When to contact a doctor for an elbow injury?

You should visit a doctor if you observe a bone protruding out or a deformity. You may contact a doctor if:

  • The pain is unbearable and persistent.
  • Swelling around the elbow. 
  • Persistent redness and bruising. 
  • Limited flexibility. 
  • If the RICE method is not working.

If you are wondering, “how do I know if my elbow injury is serious?” then try the RICE method to see if the pain subsides. If not, then seek medical help at Germanten Hospital


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


06 Mar 2022
What are the symptoms of a fractured ankle

What are the symptoms of a fractured ankle?

Fractured Ankles

Ankle injuries are very common bone and joint injuries. An emergency such as a higher degree of pain, the inability to walk, or concern that bone may be broken may warrant an immediate need for medical attention. Often, the doctor’s primary concern is the same as yours. Is the bone broken? 

A sprain, dislocation or a tendon injury can be diagnosed easily. However, it is impossible to diagnose a broken bone or fracture without an X-ray of the ankle. 

The ankle joint is structured of 3 bones: tibia, fibula and talus. The tibia is on the inside and is the main bone of the lower leg. The fibula is parallel to the tibia but is smaller in size. It makes up the outside of the ankle joint. The far ends of the tibia and fibula are known as the malleoli (singular, malleolus). The tibia and fibula form an arch on top of the talus, the third bone.

The joint is encased with a fibrous membrane called the joint capsule. It is also lined with a smoother layer called the synovium. The synovium produces the synovial fluid, filling joint capsule and ensuring smooth movement of the joint surfaces. Several ligaments hold the bones in place and stabilise the ankle joint. 

Causes Of Ankle Fractures

Fractures occurring with simultaneous tears of the ligaments can be caused in several ways:

  • Twisting the ankle
  • Rolling the ankle
  • Applying severe force to the joint like jumping from a high level
  • Flexing or extending the joint

The ankle joint is injured when you stress joint beyond the strength of its elements. Your ankle is sprained if only the ligaments give way and tear. However, if a bone gives way and breaks, you have an ankle fracture.

Symptoms Of Ankle Fracture

Here are a few symptoms of an ankle injury or fracture:

  • Severe pain, which is often unbearable. The pain does not arise from exact area of the fracture. The pain in the ankle makes you unable to walk or stand up.
  • You may experience fractures of your foot, especially on the side of the small toe or the knee, that also causes pain.
  • Swelling due to soft tissue damage with possible blood around the joint. It may also be caused by fluid, most likely blood, within the joint itself. Blood in the joint is called hemarthrosis.
  • Black and blue bruising can be seen around the joint gradually. The bruising can track down toward the sole of your foot or the toes.
  • In severe fractures, you may see clear deformities of bones around the ankle, or you may see exposed bone. An underlying broken bone may stretch the skin over it.

If the blood vessels or nerves in your foot get injured, you may feel even more significant pain. It also comes with pale skin, numbness, or inability to move feet or toes.

When to Seek Medical Care

Several criteria can determine an emergency in an ankle injury case. The following symptoms are a few of them that can help you determine whether your injury is an emergency case or not:

  • You can’t bear weight on the ankle.
  • You experience severe pain, which is intolerable, despite taking pain medications.
  • Home remedies cannot reduce the pain. 
  • Gross deformity of the ankle bones
  • Bones visible outside the skin
  • Inability to move your toes and ankles at all
  • Partial or complete numbness in the ankle
  • Cold or blue foot

If you suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above or signs, you should contact your doctor and seek medical aid as soon as possible.

Exams and Tests

Like you, your doctor’s main concern while evaluating your ankle is to determine if you have a broken or fractured ankle. They also determine if your joint has been damaged enough to become unstable. Joint instability can mean multiple fractures, a fracture with a ligament injury, or a ligament injury alone. They may need to conduct X-rays, CT scans and other imaging tests for the best diagnosis. They will be able to determine the degree of damage to your ankles.

If you want more info about ankle fractures, get in touch with the experts at Germanten Hospital via www.germantenhospitals.com


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Jawad achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaidya Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


27 Feb 2022
How to prevent rotator cuff injury

How to prevent rotator cuff injury?

Torn rotator cuff injury is one of the most common injuries people visit an orthopaedic doctor. Patients of this injury are usually either 60 or are athletes (as they are more vulnerable to injuries and incidents). In rotator cuff injury, the mass of tendons and muscles firmly (holding the upper arm ball in the shoulder socket) is torn. These muscles and tendons provide flexibility to the arm in the shoulder joint. But you need to be careful, as injury may eventually result in degeneration of the shoulder joint.

Rotator Cuff Injury Causes

It is said that “Prevention is better than cure.”. So you may want to understand common causes of rotator cuff injuries, like your profession or recreational activities. That way, you may be able to prevent them.

  • Overhead activities:  Doing some simple tasks like raising your hand to change the lightbulb may put a strain on your shoulder joint. You don’t have to be a Yankees’ pitcher to experience rotator cuff injuries due to throwing a ball. A rotator cuff is a bunch of tendons and muscles that attach to the bones of your shoulder joint, which may get strained by these activities. 

A few of the common overhead activities that may lead to shoulder pain and injury are as follows:

  • Hammering a nail into the wall
  • Serving a tennis ball
  • Playing games like volleyball or basketball
  • Lifting or placing an object on a high shelf
  • Doing construction work
  • Painting a wall or ceiling
  • Repetitive overhead arm motions

The overuse of your rotator cuff muscles can lead to tears and strains. In addition, it may cause dull aches or even result in intense shoulder pain over time.

  • Age and degeneration: Several rotator cuff injuries are caused due to ageing. Hence, it is said that age plays a major risk factor. You are 5 times more susceptible to injury if you are over 60 years old than in your younger years.

Other factors that may cause you to suffer from a rotator cuff tear are smoking, having high cholesterol, arthritis, or diabetes. If you have persistent pain in your shoulder, you may be inflicted with a rotator cuff injury due to the cause mentioned above.

How to prevent rotator cuff injury?

You may have heard a saying: Prevention is always better than cure. 

So here are a few ways you can prevent getting a rotator cuff tear:

  • Exercise the Shoulders Regularly: Regular and gentle arm exercises help prevent a rotator cuff tear. Exercises can help strengthen the muscles and tissues that make up rotator cuff. Light exercise that hardly takes a few minutes can be done throughout the day. Raise your arms above your head and cup your hands together. Then, keep your hands high and rotate your hands and wrists loosely to help boost the circulation. Also, you can reach your arm over your head to the other side and hold for a few seconds.

The advantages of these exercises are that they can be done anywhere, even while sitting at your desk. In addition, these exercises can help you stretch and strengthen your shoulder muscles and prevent other arm-related issues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Warm-Up Before Exercise:
    Another step that helps is to warm up before exercising. If you are an athlete or play tennis, golf, or another sport that can strain your shoulders, you must always warm-up before you play. Warm-ups like stretching out the shoulder muscles should be done before starting any exercise, sports or physical activities. It will help you to prevent a rotator cuff injury.
  • Mind Your Posture:
    You should be aware of your body posture. Sitting erect and standing erect is important to keep the shoulder blades straight. If you tend to lean forward or push your head forward, then hunch forward to change the position of your shoulder blades. Bad body posture can make you more prone to rotator cuff tears and lead to shoulder injuries. 

Do you want to steer clear of the rotator cuff injuries? Then you may follow the approaches mentioned above. If you want more information on how you can avoid rotator cuff injury, get in touch with the experts at Germanten Hospital via www.germantenhospitals.com


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


13 Feb 2022
what causes of muscle cramps

What causes muscle cramps?

If you want to know the reasons, you must understand that muscle cramps cause throbbing pain in the legs, feet, and stomach. These cramps may occur anywhere on your body but are primarily observed during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, they also occur due to digestive disorders. The pain is temporary and usually goes on its own. However, if the pain persists, you may try home remedies to ease the symptoms.

But why do you witness muscle cramps? What is the reason for muscle cramps and throbbing pain in your body?

Muscle cramps occur due to sudden contraction in the body parts. As your body cannot control this contraction, you experience sudden pain. However, this pain is temporary and may range between a few seconds to a few minutes. You may feel that your muscles have become tight, and the over contraction in the muscle groups may cause pain. Moreover, you may observe a hard knot on the tissue. 

What is the main cause of muscle cramps?

It is challenging to understand the exact cause of a muscle cramp. Sometimes, a cramp may appear normal, but it can affect your emotional and physical state. For example, women usually develop period cramps because the uterus muscles contract during the menstrual cycle. It causes excruciating pain in the abdomen, thighs, back, and legs. Moreover, your calves also develop throbbing pain. As you use your calves throughout the day, you may experience cramping. 

What is the exact cause of muscle cramps?

The exact causes of muscle cramps are still unknown. Many times a muscle or group of muscles start cramping. However, they return to their normal position after some time. If you experience muscle pain for long hours, you may consult a doctor at Germanten Hospitals. 

Potential causes of temporary cramping 

Temporary cramping may result from:

  • Overusing a muscle
  • Minor dehydration
  • Staying in a particular position for extended periods
  • Using muscle or muscle groups without proper stretching

These reasons may lead to muscle cramps. However, you can relax your muscles by doing light stretches and keeping yourself hydrated. 

Other reasons for muscle cramps include:

  • Muscle loss from ageing
    If you have crossed your mid-age, your body may change its functioning. Moreover, the muscle groups may not work efficiently. So you may develop frequent crampings at old age. The general muscle loss due to ageing is also known as sarcopenia.
  • Other underlying issues
    Muscle cramps may result from underlying conditions, including:
  • Lack of electrolytes or minerals in the body
  • Compressed nerves
  • Low blood supply
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Cirrhosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Kidney failure
  • Pregnancy issues
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

These conditions may cause cramps in different muscle groups. 

  • Night cramps
    You may develop cramps while sleeping. It may occur because of keeping your legs in a similar position for an extended period. Moreover, awkwardly folding your legs can also cause cramps during the night.
  • Period cramps
    People who menstruate may develop period cramps during their periods. Some people may develop cramps before the onset of the monthly cycle. However, the intensity of cramps may vary. For example, some menstruators experience heaviness in the abdomen, while others may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. Moreover, period pain may also result from contraction in the uterus. The uterus contracts to shed its lining, which is then flushed out of the body through the vagina.


As cramps are majorly temporary, you do not require specific treatments. However, in severe cases, you may get relief from pain medications. Moreover, home remedies can also ease cramps and their symptoms. 

Gentle stretches can also relieve pain and suffering. You may also get relief by applying pressure on the pain points. Moreover, deep tissue massage on the affected area can also reduce the symptoms. In addition, you may try a warm compress to relax the strained or overused muscles. You may also step into a warm shower to loosen the tensed muscles. Some people get comfort by altering between warm and cold compress. 

These tips may control excessive pain during cramping. However, if you want to diagnose your condition, you may contact Germanten Hospitals. Our experts will help you understand the causes of frequent muscle cramps.

For an Appointments call: 9000900937

visit : www.germantenhospitals.com

08 Jan 2022
How to Relieve Sore Muscles?

How to Relieve Sore Muscles?

Your muscles may become sore after rigorous physical activities. As a result, you may feel uncomfortable and lose interest in everything. You may try gentle stretching, muscle massage, rest, and ice and heat compression to get relief during such times. 

If you want to remain fit, you must follow an active lifestyle. Muscle soreness is part of your fitness and nothing to worry about. However, you may control the discomfort by following these tips:

  • Warm-up
    If you are constantly worrying about sore muscles, you may try warm-ups to get some relief. Warming up increases the blood flow in the muscles and prevents soreness. You may try spot jumping, rope skipping, and slow jogging to provide warmth to your muscles.
  • Drink water
    Lack of water may cause dehydration, and as a result, you may develop muscle cramps, dizziness, and other complications. On the other hand, drinking water helps your body maintain its average temperature. Moreover, water enriches your body with essential nutrients. Therefore, try drinking more water to add vital nutrients and prevent cramps and soreness.
  • Limited rest
    Do not work on the same muscle groups every day. For improved results, wait for 48 hours before working on the same muscle groups. However, do not rest for a whole day or stop your workouts. You may alter the exercises each day instead. For example, if you develop muscle cramps after running, you may try slow walks.
  • Use proper technique
    Do not start exercise randomly. You must know the proper techniques for performing the exercises. If you do not know the correct methods, you may repeatedly develop muscle soreness. Ask for help from your trainer to learn the proper ways of lifting weights, stretching, cardio and various other exercises. Moreover, ask them to help you while using various gym equipment.
  • Cooldown
    After exercising, perform light stretches to cool down your muscles. When the muscles are warm, they become more flexible. When you stretch the muscles after workouts, it circulates the blood away from the muscles and prevents muscle soreness. So, how to help sore muscles? Try to cool down your body after rigorous activities.
  • Stay within limits.
    Do not push your boundaries unnecessarily. Instead, start slow and try to give more time to your body. Over time, you may increase intensity. However, lifting heavy weights at the start can cause injuries to your muscles.

Try these tips to get relief from sore and aching muscles. 

How to reduce muscle soreness? Things to consider!

Muscle soreness is a part of your fitness routine. After workouts, the muscles grow strong and help you achieve the highest activity levels. However, you may hurt your joints, tendons, and ligaments in the process. If you develop pain near a joint, it may indicate a severe injury. 

If you have developed muscle pain and soreness, you may adopt the RICE technique. It refers to providing proper rest, using ice and compression, and elevating the sore muscles to prevent further injuries. 

You may try the following:

  • Use ice packs or take a cold shower to soothe the inflamed muscles. You may use ice on the affected area for up to three days after developing sore muscles. 
  • Try to wrap your injuries using a bandage to get relief. It will reduce the swelling and bruising from rigorous activities. 
  • Raise your injury above your heart level. You can elevate the injured area for 2-3 hours every day for effective results.
  • If the injury is intense, you can rest for 1-2 days. 

If the RICE technique does not give you the desired results, you must contact your doctor. Seek medical attention if:

  • You do not observe any improvement in a week.
  • The pain becomes unbearable, and you cannot move. 
  • The pain increases after exercising. 
  • The pain results in dizziness or troubled breathing. 
  • You observe redness, swelling, and warmth in the affected muscle. 
  • The pain travels to your joints, tendons, and bones. 

Maintain a healthy diet to provide strength to your muscles. For example, try to include more proteins in your diet as it is essential for muscle growth and can nourish your muscles. In addition, if you want more tips on how to relieve sore muscles fast, you may contact Germanten Hospitals. 


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients.