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Month: June 2023

25 Jun 2023

Ask your pulmonologist these nine questions prior to your first visit.

You might still be determining what to expect if this is your first time seeing a pulmonologist. A pulmonary doctor’s consultation is extremely necessary for emergencies related to the lungs. If a person has been severely ill for a long time or doesn’t have his lungs functioning correctly, a pulmonary doctor’s consultation becomes a must. Even though seeing a doctor for the first time could be unsettling, you should ask some key questions to understand your issue and the available solutions fully. Ask your queries to the lung specialists and get your head clear about them. The lung specialist queries can brief you about different procedures and processes regarding the lungs and their well-being.

Think about asking your pulmonologist the following nine questions before your first appointment:

How many patients with my problem have you seen?

Knowing if your pulmonologist has experience treating patients with your ailment is essential. Your confidence in their ability to diagnose and treat your sickness will grow. Once you are confident about it, you can rest assured. Also, if any doubts come to your mind, you can clear them. Be it a chest X-ray interpretation doubt or some other.

What are the typical signs and symptoms of my illness?

Knowing the typical symptoms of your ailment will make it easier for you to recognise when your symptoms are worsening or whether you need to see a doctor. Accordingly, you can go for a pulmonary doctor’s consultation and get the problem diagnosed in its early stage. It is always better to nip it in the bud to avoid getting it bigger in the future. Clear your remaining queries with your lung specialist. You can also ask about and clear the chest X-ray interpretation doubts.

What tests will you run to determine the severity of my condition?

To diagnose your problem, your pulmonologist might need to run several tests. Fear of the procedure might be reduced by knowing what to anticipate. Share your breathing difficulty concerns with the pulmonologist. If you have any other problem related to the working of your lungs, you can mention it to them. However, always check for breathing difficulty concerns first and speak about them to the pulmonologist.

What choices are there for the treatment of my condition?

Your pulmonologist can assist you in understanding which treatment options might be most beneficial for you. There may be several treatment options available for your condition. Clear your chest X-ray interpretation doubts first, and then move on to deciding what you have to do.

What potential adverse effects are there for the drugs you are recommending?

You can better prepare for bad responses by knowing the medication’s possible side effects. Go for the pulmonary doctor’s consultation if there are any.

How often will I need to come back for follow-up appointments?

You can stay on top of your treatment plan and monitor any changes in your condition by knowing how frequently you should attend follow-up sessions.

Should I alter my way of life to manage my condition better?

You can alter your way of life and receive medical care to help manage your disease. What adjustments might be beneficial can be suggested by your pulmonologist.

Do people with my disease have access to any support networks or resources?

Being aware of support groups and services can facilitate the ability to interact with people going through similar situations and learn more about your disease.

How can I stop my health from deteriorating?

You can control your disease and prevent it from worsening by taking precautions. How you can stop your symptoms from getting worse is something your pulmonologist can advise you on. Make sure you keep a note of all the advice given to you by your pulmonologist. It doesn’t end here; you must follow them for a healthy lifestyle.


Before your initial meeting, discuss these nine issues with your pulmonologist to have a better understanding of your illness, your available alternatives for therapy, and how to handle your symptoms. To maximise the value of your appointment, it is crucial to be organised and knowledgeable about the overall treatment. At Germanten Hospital find experienced doctors who can help you with the best treatment options.

10 Jun 2023
How long does it take to replacement

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Hip Replacement?

The recovery time after hip replacement surgery varies depending on factors like the patient’s overall health, age, surgical technique, etc. This article will give you an overview of the things you need to take care of during hip surgery recovery. 

Hip Surgery Recovery:  What to Expect  

The typical recovery time after hip replacement is several months to a year. Generally, bed rest for a few days is followed by immediate physical rehabilitation. Progress is gradual, with decreasing pain, improved balance, and increased mobility each week. A study showed that 46.7% of people experienced significant improvement, while 15.5% had worsened outcomes. 

 Types Of Hip Replacement Surgeries 

There are 3 types—

  1. Total Hip Replacement (Total Hip Arthroplasty): In the case of total hip replacement, the entire hip joint is replaced. It is the most common type. 
  2. Partial Hip Replacement: It is less common and involves replacing only part of the hip. These are usually performed in case of hip fractures or to remove any kind of tumors. 
  3. Hip resurfacing: It is usually performed in young and active patients. 

 Recovery Time After Hip Replacement  

 The typical recovery time for anyone who has undergone a total hip replacement surgery is anywhere between six months to one year. However, patients aged above 50 years [4] might take longer to recover. Here is a general timeline that may give you an idea of what to expect:

After Surgery

Your hip surgery recovery begins within 24 hours after the procedure. 

Hospital Stay: Typically, patients stay in the hospital for 3 to 5 days after the surgery. During this time, they receive pain medication, undergo physical therapy, and are monitored for any complications.

Post-operative period: It involves waking up from anesthesia and monitoring for any complications. In most cases, hip replacements are performed as outpatient surgeries. Thus, allowing patients to go home on the same day. 

1 Week After 

  • After the 5th day, physical therapy continues with a focus on independence in daily activities. 
  • Pain management and medication adjustments continue.
  • Patients engage in physical therapy exercises to improve their range of motion, balance, and strength
  • Walking without assistive devices may be encouraged.
  • Throughout the first week, patients receive guidance on post-surgery care, wound management, pain management, and activity restrictions. 
  • It’s important to note that individual recovery experiences may vary, and it’s best to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice. 

10 to 14 Days

  •  During the first 1-2 weeks after a hip replacement surgery, certain milestones can be expected:
  • Stitches that haven’t yet dissolved are removed, and it is generally advised to avoid getting the wound site wet for a few more days.
  • Pain should have significantly decreased, and pain medication may no longer be necessary. 
  • Surgery staples will be removed, allowing for showers, baths, and walking without assistance.
  • Mobility improves, and patients can move more easily without assistance.
  • Some individuals who previously relied on a cane or walker may still need it during this early recovery period. 

3-6 Weeks

  • Within 3-6 weeks, light activities of daily living can be resumed, without the need for crutches or a walker. 
  • Some discomfort or soreness may persist, particularly towards the end of the day.
  • Approximately six weeks after surgery, driving should be possible again. 
  •  Physical therapy should continue as recommended, along with regular walking and avoiding prolonged sitting. 

6-12 weeks

  •  Most pain should be gone, and swelling further reduced.
  •  Patients can resume regular day-to-day activities, such as climbing stairs or bending.
  •  Increased strength and ability to put weight on the leg.
  •  Continued physical therapy and regular appointments are necessary.
  •  Walking regularly is highly recommended to maintain mobility. 

Beyond three months

  • Daily activities, including low-impact sports, can be fully resumed.
  • Physical therapy exercises should be continued to improve strength, flexibility, joint motion, and balance.
  • Exercises emphasizing weight-bearing and the correct body mechanics are beneficial.
  • Regular follow-up examinations are advised.

Taking Care of Your New Hip: Essential Tips for Hip Surgery Recovery

Tips for caring for your new hip:

  • Don’t bend your hip beyond 90°
  • Stay away from twisting motions (of your hip joint)
  • Take small steps when you turn.
  • Avoid pressure on the wound
  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Be cautious with your hip and avoid discomfort
  • Use raised toilet seats and avoid low chairs. 

Risks or complications of a hip replacement

Here are the possible risks and complications of hip replacement surgery:

  •       Infection
  •       Dislocation
  •       Fracture
  •       The difference in leg length
  •       Nerve or blood vessel damage
  •       Allergic reactions
  •       Loosening
  •       When to Call The Doctor 

 When to Call The Doctor

 It is advisable to call your surgeon or healthcare provider when you experience any of the following symptoms—

  •       Pain in the hips that don’t go away with medications or keeps on getting worse
  •       Shaking chills
  •       The outflow of fluid or any kind of bad smell from the site of the incision. 
  •       Redness/swelling at the incision area (especially if it gets worse with time)
  •       Fever higher than 38°C
  •       Pain or swelling or redness in the calf or legs 


 It’s important to note that the recovery process can vary from person to person. Some individuals may recover more quickly, while others may take longer. Patients need to follow their doctor’s instructions, attend scheduled physical therapy sessions, and report any concerns or complications promptly.