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Month: January 2023

30 Jan 2023
exercises for a herniated disc

Neck Exercises and Stretches for a Herniated Disc

What is a herniated disc?

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped, or bulging disc, is extremely painful. It is a common condition in early to middle-aged people. It is caused when too much pressure is put on the spine.  

The human spinal cord is composed of bony vertebrates separated by a disc. These discs are:

  • Act as a cushion of joints at the time of impact
  • Allow spine movement
  • Keep vertebrae in place 

When the soft inside of the disc, the nucleus, leaks through the rigid outer portion, it leads to a herniated disc. It tends to irritate the surrounding area. 

Movements that lead to herniated discs are:

  • Lifting
  • Bending
  • Pulling
  • Twisting
  • Bad posture and poor ergonomics. 

Herniated discs can lead to pain and weakness in the area whose nerves are impacted. However, it can be relieved with exercises for herniated discs.  

Cervical Radiculopathy

 The herniated disc in the upper part of the spine can cause pain in:

  • Shoulder
  • Arm
  • Hand

This pain is called cervical radiculopathy, also known as a pinched nerve. 



There are various treatment options available for herniated discs; doctors recommend trying medications, rest and physical therapy before deciding on surgery. Several herniated disc exercises can improve your condition faster. The aim is to push the disc back away from the nerve root. 

However, it is best to have your doctor evaluate the exercises for herniated discs before you attempt them. 

Herniated disc exercises to relieve neck pain

Some of the most effective herniated disc exercises to get rid of neck pain are:

  • Neck extension
    Lie on the table with your neck inlined with the edge. Slowly lower the head backwards and let it hang. If this makes your pain severe or transfers the pain to the arm, discontinue this slip disc exercise. Hold the position for 1 minute and then take the rest for 1 minute. Repeat this exercise for cervical pain 5 to 15 times.
  • Neck extension with head liftLie on your bed or table with your head hanging off and arms by your side. Start lifting your head slowly and gently, extending the neck. Just hold in this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat this 5 to 15 times.
  • Neck retractionLie on your bed on your back and keep your hands by your side. Tuck your chin in your chest, making a double chin. Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat this 15 to 20 times a day.


  • Shoulder retractionStand against a wall, or you can even sit. Keep your arms by your side and bend your elbows to 90 degrees. Keep your shoulder down and back and push the arm towards the wall, squeezing the blades together.


  • Isometric holdSit tall, relax your shoulder and put your hand on your forehead. Without moving your head, press your hands into your head. Hold the position for 5 to 15 seconds and repeat this herniated disc exercise 15 times.


Neck stretches to relieve pain.

Stretching is effective for herniated discs. However, it tends to increase the pain and immediately stop stretching if it does too much. 


  • Lateral bendSit tall, relax your shoulder and tilt your head to one side as you touch your shoulder with your ear. Stay in the position for 30 seconds and repeat this slip disc exercise 3 to 5 times throughout the day.


  • Scalene stretchSit tall and relax your shoulders. Hold the chair you’re sitting with your left hand and let your blade move down. Slowly move your right ear to your right shoulder and push it slightly backwards. Hold this position for 30 seconds, rest and repeat it 3 to 5 times a day.


  • Neck rotationSit up tall and relax your shoulders. Gently turn your head to the right, do not over-twist your neck. Then repeat it to your other side. Hold this position for 30 seconds, and keep repeating it 3 to 5 times a day.


These are some of the most effective exercises for herniated discs to eliminate pain. However, one should always consult their doctor before attempting any slipped disc exercise. They can help you understand which exercise for cervical neck pain would be most effective. 


21 Jan 2023
What is spinal fusion surgery

What Is Spinal Fusion Surgery and How Long Does It Take?

What is spinal fusion surgery?

Before understanding the question, it is important to know about the structure of the spinal cord.

The spinal cord is composed of nerves that carry impulses from the body to the brain. Vertebrae are the bones we call the backbone that protects the spinal nerves.

In some cases, the spine and vertebrae column might get affected due to natural reasons or accidents resulting in spinal cord instability.

How will spinal fusion surgery improve my condition?

 Lower back surgery can reduce pain caused by:

  • Degenerative disk disease or bad back: In between our vertebrae discs are cushions which prevent friction. With age, these cushions wear out, resulting in severe pain. It might need lower back surgery.

  • Spondolyolethesis: Commonly known as spondylolysis, Spondlysis is the fracture of the vertebrae. It is caused due to sports injury or continuous stress on the lower back due to poor posture or continuous sitting. It causes weakening and shifting vertebrae. The stage where the vertebrae start shifting is known as spondylolisthesis. 


  • Spinal stenosis occurs due to the narrowing of the spinal column and causes severe pain. 


  • Scoliosis: It is the curving of the side of spines from side to side, usually found in children.


  • Fracture in vertebrae: The broken vertebrae would cause immense pain due to trauma or osteoporosis.


  • Herniated disc: The vertebrae are covered with cartilaginous cushions at the back. The slipping and displacement of these cushions can result in the bulging or rupturing of the disc, causing severe pain.


  • Tumours in the spinal cord would also need lower back surgery.


The doctor can provide a treatment plan after diagnosing the condition.


How long would spinal fusion surgery take?

The time taken for spinal fusion surgery depends on the number of fused vertebrae and the extent of the damage. It also depends on the type of disease behind the vertebrae condition.

The Spinal fusion surgery may take anywhere between three to seven hours.

What to expect after spinal fusion surgery?

After the surgery, you would have to stay in the hospital for one to three days. The pain is controlled through medications. If you are facing any of these procedures after your spinal fusion surgery, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Drainage oozing out of the wound
  • Redness at the operated site
  • Tenderness and inflammation
  • Chills and shivering
  •  Fever with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or more


Also, it is important to understand that the surgery is a time taking procedure. l4 l5 surgery recovery time might take months, and you would need to wear a brace for proper alignment and posture of the spine. 

Physical therapy during the l4 l5 surgery recovery time has shown benefits.

Tips to follow for faster recovery from spinal fusion surgery

It is necessary to take good care of your spine after the surgery. You should rest completely to allow the body to heal and recover completely. The doctor and the paramedic teams would provide instructions and follow these tips too:

  • Align with the treatment plan and pace slowly. Do not enforce anything.
  • Wear your brace from time to time and other assistive materials. If the physical therapist has given you braces, make sure to wear them. It would help reduce the pressure and help the spine get strength and stability.
  • Do light physical activities. Take a walk, and do light stretches while following your physical therapy to help your body recover.
  • Restrain from smoking. Smoking interferes with the body’s healing, so avoid smoking before and after the surgery.
  • Consume a balanced diet. Give your body all kinds of macros and micros by consuming a balanced diet.
  • Use a hot and cold compress. Hot showers, heating pads and cold compress can be a soothing experience during recovery.
  • Sleep in a comfortable posture. Sleep on your upper back with your head and shoulder in a slightly elevated position with the help of pillows or a blanket under your knees. It would help in reducing pain and help you in resting properly.
  • Sleep well. Sleep is an important part of the healing process, so avoid late nights while l4 l5 surgery recovery time.

To make the recovery period quick and easier after the spinal fusion surgery, it is best to consult your doctor and follow their advice. 

If you are looking for spine  surgery, the experts at Germanten Hospital might be able to help you with little to no complications. So book an appointment at Germanten today!


08 Jan 2023
6 Do’s and Don’ts After Knee Surgery

6 Do’s and Don’ts After Knee Surgery

The recovery period after the acl surgery swelling can be challenging and painful. It is important to remember that phase during recovery is just as crucial as during the surgery. 

To make your recovery period easier, here are some do’s and don’ts that you should follow after ACL surgery swelling


  1. Take rehabilitation seriouslyFollowing your doctor’s prescription carefully after the acl surgery swelling is vital. One should perform all the exercises they have been asked to do, no matter how uncomfortable. It is common to experience pain initially. Doctors say the positive result after knee surgery depends 50% on the patient’s willingness. Take medications on time and get proper sleep for quick healing.
  2. Use ice and heat therapy.Swelling tends to last for 3 to 6 months after knee surgery. Thus, using ice packs is recommended as they can reduce inflammation. For the first few days, using the packs for 10-20 minutes, three to four times daily, is best to reduce swelling in the knee quickly. Once the swelling reduces, alternate ice and heat therapy is recommended to ease the stiffness and relax the muscles.
  3. Follow healthy routineA healthy routine and lifestyle are required for quicker healing. Smoking slows down the recovery process as it shrinks the blood vessels. Therefore if you smoke, try to quit after the surgery. Moreover, it is also recommended to quit alcohol if you are taking painkillers or blood thinner medications. Keep your weight balanced, as the extra weight will put more pressure on your knee. It is also best to strengthen leg muscles to enhance blood flow. Ask your doctor about the low-impact activities you can indulge in after the acl surgery swelling.
  4. Don’t put stress on the knee.Gaining weight or lifting heavy objects will put pressure on your knee; hence avoid it. While turning, turn your entire body, do not just twist your knee. Take care of your posture while sitting, bending or kneeling to reduce swelling in the knee quickly. It is best to consult your physical therapist to avoid any mishappening by disproportionate posture.
  5. Don’t undergo any surgical procedure while recovering.Surgical procedures while you are in the recovery period can lead to infection. Therefore it is advised to avoid consulting your doctor before any dental work or surgery, especially on the bladder or intestine.
  6. Keep going!It is important to remember that every surgery is different, and people react towards it differently. For some, the rate of recovery is faster and for some slower. It usually depends on the body type of a person. Hence try to be patient during the recovery after the knee surgery.


If you experience any problem after knee surgery, consult your doctor immediately. They can help you by providing effective treatment or precautionary steps to reduce swelling in the knee quickly


What not to do after ACL surgery? 

Taking precautions after knee replacement surgery is very important. It helps in quicker and easier recovery. Here are some of the things that are recommended not to do after ACL surgery.  


Firstly in the hospital, try not to escape the bed alone. Ask for assistance, and immediately trying walking is the first thing not to do after ACL surgery. 


At home, try not to: 


  • Do not skip any of your exercises
  • Do not walk on the slippery floor without socks or skids
  • Do not sit on soft coaches
  • Do not walk without a suggested walker or cane
  • Do not walk at night without a nightlight
  • Do not indulge in activities while on medications for pain
  • Do not drive until told by your doctors
  • Do not give up
  • Do not put pressure on your knee
  • Do not dismiss the pain. 


Following these steps and taking necessary precautions after knee replacement surgery helps with better recovery. Also, during the recovery phase, it is best to have someone with you who can aid you with all the day-to-day activities and avoid putting strain on your knee. 


 If you want to undergo knee surgery or look for an experienced surgeon to understand all about knee surgery recovery, visit Germanten Hospital. It has all the required amenities from experienced doctors, dedicated medical staff and advanced medical technology. Book your appointment now to get effective and safe treatment.