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Month: May 2024

18 May 2024
Beat the Heat Summer Strategies for Maintaining Bone Health

Beat the Heat: Summer Strategies for Maintaining Bone Health


For many people, summer is known to be the best time to get more active. The longer days and warmer weather allow people to step outside and do their favorite activities. But what most people don’t know is that summer is also a good time to improve bone strength to prevent future bone fractures or disorders.

The bone mass of most people reaches its peak in their twenties. Once one reaches the peak level of bone mass, it is common for both men and women to start losing their bone mineral density with age. Fortunately, there are certain steps one can take to help in building stronger bones and prevent loss of bone. 

In this article, we will be discussing in detail the various strategies that can be used in the summer season to help maintain and improve bone health.

Different Ways to Maintain Bone Health During Summer

Orthopedic specialists suggest a few easy ways in which one can maintain bone health during the summer season. These methods include the following:

Step Out in the Sun

Summer is the perfect time to get some sunlight for your body. Natural sunlight helps the human body produce vitamin D, which helps in the optimal absorption of calcium and bone mineralization

Vitamin D helps in making the bones healthier and stronger. Spending just twenty minutes out in the sun every day can help one get their recommended daily dose of vitamin D. But, always remember to put on some sunscreen before stepping out in the sun to prevent any skin damage.

Be Physically Active

Any form of regular physical activity is a must to build and maintain strong bones. Weight-bearing activities like walking, dancing, jogging, and weightlifting help stimulate bone growth and prevent the loss of bone with aging.

Summers are a great time to add regular walking into one’s daily routine, be it taking brisk walks around your neighborhood, hikes in nature, or simply walking on a treadmill.

One should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking or 75 minutes of high-intensity workouts like running every week to maintain bone health.

Practice Yoga

Yoga is a very good form of exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors. Regular yoga exercises can help in building strong bones, especially in the hips, spine, and wrist region, and can also help target the major muscle groups that help support the bones.

It is advisable to target the major muscles around the spine and hip region at least for two days a week.

Eat Bone-Healthy Seasonal Foods

There are many delicious seasonal foods available in the summer season that are rich in potassium, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols that help support good bone health. Polyphenols are a group of plant-based chemicals that help in reducing the risk of bone fractures.

Some seasonal fruits and vegetables that you should include in your diet for maintaining bone health include apples, cherries, pineapple, blackberries, raspberries, leafy green vegetables, beets, and prunes.

Eat Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium is an important nutrient for bone health, so it’s important to include calcium-rich food items into your daily diet

Some of the most common calcium sources are milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fortified plant-based milk

Most adults require approximately 700 mg of calcium per day. If you do not get the daily recommended dose of calcium from your diet, you could consider taking a calcium supplement after a consultation with your doctor.

Get Adequate Rest

Take some time out for yourself to relax. Your mental health can negatively impact your physical well-being, including your bone health. 

If you do not take adequate rest, stress could build up in your body. Stress can produce a hormone known as cortisol. This hormone can act as a factor for bone loss. It is therefore important to prioritize your mental health just as much as your physical health this summer.

Avoid Sugary Drinks and Soda

Most people like to quench their thirst in the summer heat by drinking sodas or sugary drinks. However, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the consumption of soda or sugary drinks can lead to lower bone mineral density and should hence be avoided.

Water and milk are considered to be better options to stay hydrated and support your bone health during the summers. You could also add any fresh, seasonal fruit to water to enhance its taste and flavor.

Regular Testing for Bone Density

Bone density testing using tests like DXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan can help in checking bone health and diagnosing low bone density conditions like osteoporosis.

Depending on your age, medical history, and risk factors, your doctor will guide you regarding how frequently you need to undergo bone density testing. Early detection of low bone density can help in early intervention and treatment if required.


Summers are considered to be a good season to maintain and improve your bone health. Simple steps like stepping out in the sun for vitamin D, eating a calcium and vitamin-rich diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, avoiding sugary drinks, and regular testing for bone density can help in getting stronger and healthier bones.

09 May 2024
Exploring the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions

Exploring the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions


Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy is a new, advanced type of treatment that is changing the field of orthopedic medicine. PRP is a concentrated solution obtained from the patient’s own blood that contains a higher concentration of platelets compared to the concentration found in normal blood. Platelets play an important role in the natural healing process of the body by the release of growth factors that can help in stimulating tissue repair and regeneration.

PRP helps in orthopedics by promoting tissue healing, alleviating pain, and reducing inflammation. It helps in faster healing and has a much lower risk compared to other treatment methods.

In this article, we will be discussing in detail how PRP treatment can help people suffering from musculoskeletal or orthopedic problems.

How Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Work? 

The platelets present in blood consist of proteins and growth factors. These elements help in stimulating healing, supporting the growth of the cells, and the formation of new tissues. The first response of the body to any soft tissue injury is delivering several platelets to the injury site to start the process of repairing.

PRP therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that takes advantage of the natural healing process of the body. The procedure involves the extraction and isolation of platelets and plasma from a sample of the patient’s own blood, which is then concentrated by the doctor into a healing solution. This solution is then injected back into the body by the doctor near the pain or injury area.

The growth factors then interact with the local cells and trigger them to heal the injury. This helps in tissue formation and a reduction in inflammation. The PRP solution can also act as a lubricating factor.

Common Orthopedic Conditions Treated by PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is beneficial to many athletes and active individuals suffering from orthopedic problems to recover rapidly and even avoid surgery in some cases. Research shows that PRP therapy has been successful in treating many orthopedic cases when conventional treatment methods like anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, physiotherapy, and even surgery have failed to work.

PRP therapy may be used to treat the following different types of orthopedic conditions:

  • Ligament injuries: Ligaments connect the bones to each other and are prone to tears and sprains. The regenerative properties of PRP therapy help contribute to improved healing and a decrease in recovery times.
  • Tendon injuries: The tendons connect the muscles to bones and are prone to injuries like tendon tears and tendinitis, especially in people engaged in repetitive activities and athletes. The growth factors released in PRP therapy by the platelets help in the regeneration of the damaged tendon tissue.
  • Muscle injuries: Muscle injuries like tears and strains can be treated using PRP therapy. Athletes are particularly benefited by the rapid healing provided by PRP injections so that they can resume their sporting activities sooner.
  • Healing of fractures: Although PRP therapy is mainly used for soft tissue injuries, it is also known to help in the healing of fractures. Since PRP therapy helps in promoting new blood vessel formation and transferring the essential cells to the fracture site, PRP therapy can help in bone healing.
  • Osteoarthritis: This is a degenerative joint disease that is characterized by cartilage breakdown. PRP injections given into the affected joint can help stimulate new cartilage production and reduce inflammation. Although osteoarthritis cannot be treated using PRP therapy, it offers relief from the symptoms associated with the condition and improves joint function.
  • Spine conditions: Although research is still ongoing, some early studies state that PRP injections have an important role in disc regeneration and decreasing the pain associated with spinal conditions like disc degeneration.

Benefits of PRP Therapy in Orthopedic Treatment

PRP therapy has several advantages in the treatment of orthopedic conditions. The key advantages of PRP therapy are as follows:

  • Rapid healing: PRP injections help in delivering concentrated growth factors to promote rapid healing and regeneration of tissue.
  • Decreased recovery time: Since PRP therapy can improve tissue repair, it helps in reducing recovery time compared to conventional orthopedic treatments.
  • Minimally-invasive procedure: Unlike surgical procedures, PRP therapy does not require any incisions or cuts and also decreases the risk of developing complications that are associated with invasive procedures.
  • Autologous approach: Since the blood used in PRP therapy is that of the patient himself or herself a natural healing process takes place without the introduction of foreign bodies into the body.
  • Reduced risk of allergy or infection: Since the PRP therapy is minimally invasive and makes use of the patient’s own blood, there is almost no risk of allergy or infection with it.
  • Less cost: The cost of PRP therapy is much less compared to the cost of surgical interventions.
  • Versatile: PRP therapy has shown to have promising results in various types of orthopedic conditions like muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis.
  • Useful when surgery is contraindicated: Patients having comorbidities of patients who do not want to undergo surgery can opt for PRP therapy to treat their orthopedic condition.


PRP therapy has slowly emerged as an advanced tool that is effective in treating various orthopedic conditions, like tendon and ligament injuries, muscle injuries, osteoarthritis, spinal problems, and rapid healing of fractures. PRP therapy is a minimally-invasive procedure that offers several benefits like rapid and accelerated healing, lesser cost compared to surgery, reduced risk of complications, natural or autologous approach, and is a good treatment option for patients who cannot undergo surgery.

If you suffer from musculoskeletal problems, you can contact a good orthopedic surgeon to discuss your various treatment options and inquire if PRP therapy can help treat your condition.