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Month: December 2022

31 Dec 2022
Does stifness in fingers mean arthiritis

Does Stiffness In Fingers Mean Arthritis?

Stiffness In The Fingers In The Morning

Having stiff and swollen fingers in the morning is quite familiar to people of all ages. It can even be a cause of loss of mobility in your fingers in your daily routine. Although most people think that it is primarily due to arthritis, there can be other reasons. Therefore, a doctor will be able to provide you with treatment only after a thorough diagnosis. Here are a few symptoms of stiff and sore fingers in the morning: swelling, warmth in the area, mild to excruciating pain, redness, bruising, etc. 


Here are a few causes of stiff finger joints in the morning:

  • Arthritis: One of the most common orthopedic problems is arthritis, and it is considered a prevalent cause of stiff fingers. If the stiffness is due to this condition, it might get worse gradually. There are five forms of arthritis. The doctor will provide you with a suitable treatment based on a thorough diagnosis for the type. Then, there’s rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks its healthy cells. As this condition gets worse with age, an early diagnosis is key to treatment. When it comes to arthritis, along with stiff hands in the morning, you might feel swelling, excruciating pain and lack of mobility in your knees and other load-bearing joints. 


  • Dupuytren’s Contracture: It is a medical condition in which the collagen tissues under the skin of your palm gradually get thick and tight. It is also known as palmar fibromatosis. A cord-like structure might form due to the knots in the collagen tissues, which might pull your finger, causing a bend, resulting in stiffness. Although the most frequently affected fingers are your ring finger and pinkie, they might slowly spread around if not treated in time. Symptoms other than stiff fingers include the formation of lumps of tissues in your palms and having dimples or marks on the skin of your palms. 


  • Stenosing Tenosynovitis: It is a medical condition that causes inflammation in the protective sheath over the tendons in your fingers. Another name for this condition is trigger finger. Your finger might lock in a particular position instead of free motion. It tends to cause excruciating pain when you try to bend or move your fingers. 


Your fingers may feel stiff in the morning due to several reasons. But the true cause will be known only after a thorough diagnosis by a doctor. 




The first step in diagnosing a particular condition is usually a session of physical exam or consultation. In this session, the doctor might ask you a few questions about your symptoms, their extent, activity level, any accident you might have been involved in, etc. They will also check your fingers and see the range of motion to examine the symptoms firsthand. 

After that, they might recommend some diagnostic tests to pinpoint the exact cause of your afflictions. Firstly, there will be a regular X-ray to check for any damages or irregularities in your bone structure. Then, in rare cases, the diagnosis might go further with tests like CT scans and MRIs.

Then, the doctor will avail you of a treatment based on the diagnosis. 

So you might want to have an early consultation to ensure that the treatment is provided as soon as possible. 




The treatment of your stiff fingers will depend upon the cause to a great extent. But here are a few common treatments for this affliction:

  • Home remedies: You could try heat packs and ice packs to soothe the pain in your fingers. Then there are anti-inflammatory medications you can buy OTC to have some relief from the pain. 
  • Cast: The doctor might wrap a cast in case of a fracture. 
  • Surgery: Surgery might be the answer in severe cases. 

Having stiff fingers is quite common but can be pretty painful, and as mentioned earlier, it can be due to several reasons. So have a proper diagnosis to ensure a suitable treatment. If you have any more queries like “Why are my fingers stiff in the morning?” you might want to have a consultation with the doctors at Germanten Hospitals. So book your appointment today!




Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 


Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 22 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Jawad achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 


Dr.Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the Times of India Award of “Iconic Joint Replacement Surgeon Of Telangana” by the State Hon’ble Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan and Germanten hospital has been ranked by “All India Lifestyle Hospital & Clinic Ranking Survey 2022” among the top orthopedic hospitals India. 


We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


24 Dec 2022
what is the latest knee replacement surgery

What is the latest technology in knee replacement

In the past 20 years, knee replacement techniques have witnessed significant advancements in terms of patient outcomes as well as cost-effectiveness. Techniques like Total Knee Replacement surgery have made many advancements, but technological advances are going forward.

In this article, we’ll look at the new knee replacement technology in 2020, along with other developments. In addition, the article will discuss the latest advancements in total knee replacement surgery and the latest robotic total knee replacement procedures.

New Knee Replacement Technology in 2020


  • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

It also includes one of the most advanced advancements regarding knee surgery. Experts agree that MIS is a significant advancement in care for patients in the hospital. MIS has transformed orthopaedic surgery, and the patient benefits are indisputable.

Many general surgeons are hesitant about the method of minimal surgical intervention. It involves using micro-incisions as well as the use of small tools that make it much easier to perform the process of joint resurfacing.

In addition, surgeons who use techniques may be accountable for less blood loss. As a result, there is no need for drains or sponges, and a shorter hospital stay with less pain, a faster recovery, less scarring, lower risk of infection, a faster return to work, lower rates of readmission, a better quality of life, and a better appearance.


  • Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)

It is a highly effective treatment for severe osteoarthritis. The most recent advancements in TKA can result in successful outcomes in return to daily activities, high survival rates and complete functional improvement. In addition, the most recent developments focus on improving patient satisfaction following TKA and Total Knee Arthroscopy.

The latest technologies are being integrated into instruments specific to patients, such as advanced surgical tools, computer-assisted surgeries and navigation. To personalise the surgery and increase the precision of the process. New knee replacement technology in 2020 involves surgical plan-of-action in 3D and enhances alignment stability. 

  • New Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

The new robotic replacement uses the same procedure as the total knee replacement procedure we have all learned. The difference is that it’s performed using a modern robot arm which performs the total knee replacement procedure with great precision. As a result, the latest robot type of knee replacement offers superior results, greater accuracy and faster time for recovery.

This surgery creates excellent stability within the soft tissues around the knee joint and improves joint alignment.

Different type of knee replacement robotic surgery


  • Mako Robotic Assisted Knee Surgery

It could help surgeons see their pins when the pins are placed. A fluoro intra-operative system is included in the procedure. It permits the direct placement of staples in a virtual 3D-CT model. It makes Mako robotic surgery possible. The device has 6 joints, 2 pulleys and four motors powered by electricity. In contrast, the average Mako arm has only 5 degrees of flexibility.

A prototype kinematics system designed to work with the conventional Mako arm. It comprises two driven pulleys with servo motors and two active belts. Lead screw with position sensors permits the precise location of pins by measuring their position about kinematic reference points on the Mako’s arms. Pins can be precise without depending on precise information about the original surgical cut or template.

  • Navio Cori Surgical Systems

Navio Cori can be described as a computer-controlled robot explicitly designed to perform orthopaedic surgery. It’s built using open-source software and hardware components that provide benefits for surgery. For example, the human body concentrates on particular soft tissue anatomy, such as the Medial Femoral Condyle. This robotic system allows precision robotic drills for bony preparation to millimetre precision. As a result, it ensures more effective treatments and improved clinical outcomes. These benefits weren’t available with any medical equipment. This type of knee replacement is recommended for patients with the following:

  1. Complex degeneration
  2. Femur deformities after injury
  3. The hardware from the previous surgery

Patients who opt for total knee replacement surgery that is traditional could also choose the robotic replacement of knees. This type of surgery is perfect for patients with complex joint problems.

New knee replacement technology in 2020 is undergoing rapid advances in the coming years. All surgical procedures will be performed using robotic technology that can provide superior outcomes. And shorter recovery times. 

18 Dec 2022
6 Natural Home Remedies for Knee Pain

6 Natural Home Remedies for Knee Pain

You can manage knee pain treatment at home if you suffer from minor to moderate knee discomfort. It could be due to a strain or arthritis issue; there are various ways to deal with it.

Inflammation or arthritis, or even a minor injury, can usually heal without medical intervention. However, the knee pain home remedies you can use can boost your quality of life and assist in managing the symptoms. Here are six solutions for knee pain treatment at home.

  • Use RICE to help with strains and sprains.

If you’ve bent your leg, suffered a fall or otherwise strained or injured your knee, it’s helpful to keep in mind “RICE”, which is one of the effective home remedies for knee pain:

  • Rest
  • Ice
  • Compression
  • Elevation

Take your feet off and apply an icy compress or bag of ice on your knee. Frozen vegetables, like peas, can also be used even if there is no ice in your fridge.

Apply an elastic bandage to reduce inflammation; however, not to that it blocks circulation. When you’re sitting down, keep your feet in a position that is elevated.

  • Tai Chi

Tai chi is a traditional Chinese exercise for the mind and body that helps improve balance and flexibility.

In a study from 2009, the researchers discovered that Tai Chi is particularly beneficial for those suffering from osteoarthritis (OA). Tai Chi can alleviate pain and improve the range of motion. It also requires deep breathing and relaxation. These practices can help to reduce stress and assist you in managing knee pain treatment at home.

  • Exercise

Regular exercise is a great way to strengthen your muscles and keep them mobile. In addition, it’s an essential tool in managing OA and other reasons for knee pain.

The rest of your leg or restricting movement can help prevent discomfort, but it may cause stiffness in the joint and make it harder to recover. In addition, insufficient exercise could increase the likelihood of joint damage if you suffer from OA.

Low-impact activities are a great choice for knee pain treatment at home, including:

  • cycling
  • walking
  • exercising in the water or swimming
  • Tai Chi or yoga

But you might need to take a break from exercising if you suffer from the following:

  • A sprain, for example, an injury such as a sprain or strain
  • extreme knee pain
  • an increase in symptoms

If you can resume your activity after an injury, pick the more gentle approach you usually employ. Consult your physician or physical therapist to assist you in creating a plan that is suitable for joint knee pain remedies. You can then modify it as your conditions alter.

  • Weight Management

Obesity and weight gain can cause extra pressure on your knee joints. As per the Arthritis Foundation, an additional 10 pounds of excess weight can create between 15 to 50 pounds of pressure on the joint.

If you have a chronic health issue that causes knee pain, weight management is one of the best home remedies for knee pain.

If you are suffering from knee pain and have an elevated BMI, your physician can assist you in setting a weight goal and creating a strategy to help you achieve your target. It could include diet adjustments and physical exercise.

  • Heat & Cold Therapy

Heating pads can ease discomfort while you rest your knee. In addition, cold treatment can help reduce inflammation and is good joint knee pain remedies. Alternate between warmth and cold. You can apply heat for between 20 and 30 minutes in a stretch. Avoid using the therapy of heat if your joint is hot in the course of a flare. Ointments containing capsaicin and paraffin are two other methods of cold and heat.

  • Herbal Ointment

In a research study, scientists looked into the effects of pain relief the salve composed of:

  • cinnamon
  • ginger
  • Mastic
  • Sesame oil

The study found that salve is exactly as effective as prescription creams for arthritis that contain salicylate. An application for pain relief.

A few people believe these types of knee pain home remedies are effective, but there’s no evidence to establish that any herb-based therapy can significantly affect knee pain.

It is recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist before making any other alternative knee pain home remedies.


11 Dec 2022
How to sleep with herinated disc and sciatica

How to sleep with herniated disc and sciatica

Sciatica is caused due to impingement on your sciatica nerve. It’s typically due to an injured disc in the lower back of your body. The most common sign of sciatica is intense pain in the nerve. The pain usually ranges from moderate to severe and usually is felt on one side.

Best sleeping position for sciatica

  • Keep your eyes on yourself.

Sleeping on your back can ease discomfort by relieving pressure off your nerves that are irritated.

How to set up:

  1. Lay on your bed on your side with the injured part placed on the top for the sleeping position for sciatica.
  2. If there’s a gap between the waist and the mattress, place it on a pillow to help reduce the side bend.
  • Put a pillow between your knees.

A pillow between your knees can help keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral posture. It also stops your legs of yours from pivoting throughout the night. Hence it is an accurate sleeping position for sciatica

How to set up a sleeping position for sciatica:

  1. Begin by placing your shoulder on the mattress, then place your entire body on your mattress.
  2. Relax your knees and place them on a thin pillow between them.
  3. You could also place a small pillow under your waist if there’s space.
  • Fetal position

The fetal position can open up the space between your vertebrae. It can help relieve back pain that is caused by herniated discs. But, some experience pain that is worsened by it.

If you feel uncomfortable in the fetal posture, consider one of the alternatives on this list.

How to set up sleep for herniated disc:

  1. Relax on your side and raise your knees towards your chest until your body forms a “C.”
  2. You could also put pillows between your knees or beneath your waist.
  • You can lie on your back by having a pillow between your knees

Laying back on your back can help to distribute your weight evenly over your back and hence is a good position to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. In addition, placing a pillow of a suitable thickness between your knees can assist in maintaining the curvature of your spine by stretching your hips.

How to set it up:

  1. Relax on your back with an extra pillow on your head for assistance.
  2. Place one or two pillows beneath your knees. Then, place your legs comfortably against your mattress.
  • You can sleep on the floor.

How to set up a sleeping position for a slipped disc:

  1. Set up a thin mat, like a yoga mat or a camping mat, on the ground where you plan to lay.
  2. Lay down in any of the above positions or wherever you feel comfortable.

The softness of the surface could cause the spine to move out of alignment. However, sleeping on the floor can help you maintain your spine in a straight line

How to sit and sleep with a herniated disc

A herniated disc may occur at any point along the spine from the neck down to the lower back. It is typically the result of age or something as easy as a strong sneeze, lifting heavy objects, or sleeping in a slouchy place.

Better options are sleeping on your back or side to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. Side sleepers can put a cushion between the knees to relieve any strain on the hips or lift their legs with a pillow. You could also put an unrolled towel between the waist of your body and the mattress while lying on your back. Always lie on your side so that it doesn’t cause any discomfort.

The ideal sleep with a herniated disc would be lying on your back. The position of lying on your back will keep the spine and vertebrae in an even posture and reduce the risk of squeezing the nerve. To increase comfort, place the pillow or towel between your knees and lower back to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. A wedge-shaped pillow that elevates your ankles and legs can reduce the burden on your herniated disc and is an ideal position to sleep with a herniated disc.

06 Dec 2022
What helps with hip replacement recovery

What Helps with Hip Replacement Recovery?

One of the most commonly performed elective surgeries is total joint replacement, including hip replacement. 

Total hip replacement surgery or arthroplasty is the surgical procedure in which the damaged ball-and-socket hip joint is replaced by an artificial joint made of metal or synthetic material. 

The surgery is performed to provide relief from arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and from various other hip-related issues. It helps to restore the range of motion in the joint. The surgery is only performed after conservative measures have failed to treat the underlying pain or mobility. Some of the conservative hip treatments are: 

  • Pain medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise 
  • Stretching
  • Weight Management

Total Hip replacement surgery recovery time varies from one person to another. However, knowing what to expect from the recovery will help you plan effective outcomes. 

How to prepare for recovery?

During hip replacement surgery recovery time, one needs to be patient. There are various instructions that one needs to follow after the surgery. However, preparing before the surgery will help you to make the hip replacement surgery recovery time smooth. 

Before the Surgery

Steps to take before the surgery that helps to make total hip replacement surgery recovery time easier are: 

  • Undergo a physical therapy program to strengthen the muscles around the hip. 
  • Arrange a help who can assist you after the surgery. 
  • Make changes in your home arrangements to make sure that you carry on with your daily activities after the surgery safely and efficiently. Start with putting a seat in the shower or bathtub. Install a hand-held shower. Apart from that, remove things that you can trip on and fall. 
  • Consult your surgeon about what to expect and what issues to look for after the surgery. 
  • If you are overweight or obese, then lose weight before undergoing surgery. 

After Surgery 

Following your healthcare provider’s instructions after the surgery is one of the most vital things. The more you follow their instructions, the easier the recovery will be. 

  • Wound Care
    Always keep the wound area dry and clean for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. After that, you can either change the dressing or ask your caregiver.
  • Exercises
    Physical therapy starts right after the surgery. Being consistent with the exercises after hip replacement is key to leading a safe, effective, and quick recovery phase. Your physical therapist will put together the most effective exercise routine for you. You will need to perform the exercises after hip replacement 3 to 4 times a day for various months.  

The simple exercises you do can be particularly beneficial following surgery to prevent blood clots and improve your recovery.

Ankle pumps: When sitting on the back, slowly move your foot upwards and downwards repeatedly. Repeat this exercise for one foot, and repeat it with the second. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible every 5-10 minutes.

Ankle rotations: When lying back on your back, rotate the ankle towards your body and then back towards your other foot. Perform this exercise on one foot and, afterwards, the other. Repeat five times, three or 4 times per day.

Knees bend: When lying back, bend your knee while keeping your heel on the mattress. Move your foot towards your buttocks while keeping your knee straight. Keep your knee bent for 5-10 seconds before resetting it. Repeat this exercise for one knee, and then repeat it for the other. Do this 10 times. Repeat 3-4 times a day for both legs.

Make sure you work closely with your physical trainer to keep up with the number of exercises after hip replacement you’re performing.

Take a walk frequently

One of the most effective methods to increase your fitness is to walk. In the beginning, you’ll use the walker and, later, aid for stability. As per the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it is possible to begin walking for 5-10 minutes at a stretch three or four times per day. When your strength grows, you can increase the duration from 20-30 minutes per session to 2-3 times per day.


After recovering from your injury, you can begin a routine maintenance regimen that will require walking for 20-30 minutes at a time, three or four times per week.

Visit Germanten Hospital to know more.