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13 Jul 2024
Quick Tips for Handling Emergencies- First Aid Essentials

Quick Tips for Handling Emergencies: First Aid Essentials


A medical emergency can catch you off-guard and knowing the right first aid techniques at that critical time can help in making a huge difference. Keeping at least one well-stocked first-aid kit at your home and in your care can help you deal with all types of common injuries and emergencies.

In this article, we will be discussing the various first aid essentials you should have and discuss some quick tips to help you handle emergencies.

What Should I Have in My First Aid Kit?

A well-stocked first aid kit should have all the essential things to treat minor injuries at home or on the go. You can either buy a first aid kit from the chemist’s shop or put it together on your own. The first aid supplies should be kept in a sturdy, clear plastic box that helps you see what is inside and is easily accessible during any injury or emergency.

Your first aid kit should have the following basic supplies:

  • Adhesive tape
  • Elastic wrap bandages
  • Bandages
  • Gauze rolls and pads
  • Eye shield 
  • Non-latex gloves
  • Duct tape
  • Petroleum jelly 
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Antiseptic solution
  • Thermometer
  • Sterile saline 
  • Cold packs
  • Surgical mask

The following medications should be present in your basic first aid kit:

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Calamine lotion
  • Antacids
  • Laxative
  • Cough and cold medicines
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Antihistamine
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Personal medicines that do not need refrigeration
  • Pain relievers
  • Aspirin

Additionally, you can also keep emergency contact numbers and medical history forms of all the family members in the first aid kit that may be needed in case of an emergency.

Storage Of the First Aid Kit

Your first aid kit should be easy to find as you do not want to waste time searching for supplies in case of an emergency. The first aid kit should be placed in a high, childproof cabinet that cannot be accessed by kids.

A full-sized first aid kit should be kept at a central spot in the house, such as the kitchen, living area, or washroom. You can put a smaller first aid kit in your purse or car for when you step out of the house.

Checking the First Aid Kit

The items in your first aid kit can run out if you use them often, and the medications can expire if you rarely use them. It is, therefore, important to go through all the supplies in your kit and replace any out-of-date, expired, or used items at least once a year.

Handling Emergencies Using First Aid Tips

If you or your loved one were to face any type of medical emergency, the following first aid tips can help you handle the situation better:

Keep Calm and Ensure Safety

You need to stay calm in case of any accident or emergency. Check for any potential dangers and ensure patient safety. 

If a person suddenly feels unwell, make him or her stop any activity he or she may be doing and check for the person’s responsiveness. If the patient is unconscious, proceed to the ABCs of first aid (explained below). Make an immediate call to the doctor or the hospital’s emergency department.

ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation for Unconsciousness

An unconscious person needs immediate action. Check the airway of the person and look for obstructions, tilt the head of the unconscious person backward, and listen for breathing.

If breathing is absent, start CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) using chest compressions and providing rescue breaths (mouth-to-mouth breathing). Continue doing this professional help arrives.

Clean and Cover Scrapes and Cuts

If you or someone with you gets a cut, the wound should first be cleaned using mild soap and water. Gently pat the wound dry and then apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent any infection. The wound should then be covered using a sterile bandage and the bandage should be changed regularly for proper healing. 

In case of deep cuts, wounds having embedded objects, or wounds caused due to rusty objects need to be checked by the doctor to prevent any complications.

Cool and Cover the Burns

An accidental burn caused by touching a hot surface needs to be cooled by placing the affected body area immediately under running cold water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Ice application should be avoided, as it could exacerbate the injury. After cooling the burnt area, it is covered using a non-stick bandage.

A doctor needs to be consulted for severe burns, chemical or electrical burns, or burns on the face, genitals, hands, feet, or major joint areas.

R.I.C.E. Method for Sprains and Strains

If the ankle gets twisted during any physical activity, the injured area should be rested, ice needs to be applied for the first forty-eight hours after the injury to reduce swelling, a compression bandage is used to provide support, and the affected limb needs to be elevated to reduce the pain and swelling.

The above method known as the R.I.C.E. method, helps in a rapid recovery.

Heimlich Maneuver for choking

If someone is choking on food, you need to stand behind the person who is choking, then wrap your hands around the person’s waist, create a fist around the navel, and do quick, upward thrusts until the stuck object is expelled out of the mouth. This is known as the Heimlich Maneuver.

If the person loses consciousness, you need to start CPR immediately till help arrives.

Prevent Injury During Seizures

In case of a person having a seizure in front of you, you need to stay calm. Clear the surrounding area to prevent any injury, gently put the affected person sideways to help with breathing, and cushion the person’s head. 

Do not try to restrain their movements and call for medical help if the seizure persists.

Seek Emergency Care for Heart Attack Symptoms

If someone suddenly experiences symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, profuse sweating, or pain that radiates to the arms, shoulder, or back, you should immediately call the nearest hospital as it could indicate a heart attack.

You can help the person by sitting down and reassuring the person. If prescribed by the doctor, you can assist the person in taking the recommended medication while waiting for professional help.

Cool Down for Heat Stroke

If someone shows symptoms of heatstroke, move the person to a cooler environment, loosen the person’s clothing, and cool the person down gradually using a damp cloth. Help the person stay hydrated by providing small sips of cool water.

Immediate Help for Poisoning

For an accidental or intentional case of poisoning, you should immediately contact a qualified doctor and provide detailed information about the ingested substance and the patient’s symptoms. You should follow the doctor’s guidance till professional help arrives.


Having a first aid kit handy and knowing what to do in emergencies can be life-saving. Staying updated about basic medical emergency cases and staying calm during such situations is the key to staying safe. 

Always seek the help of a qualified doctor after any kind of injury or medical emergency even if you have provided first aid to bring the situation under control.

03 Jul 2024
Arthroscopic Surgery 5 Things to Know About This Treatment for Joint Injuries

Arthroscopic Surgery: 5 Things to Know About This Treatment for Joint Injuries


Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive orthopedic surgery performed to detect and treat abnormalities in the joints. 

The orthopedic surgeon makes small keyhole incisions in this procedure to get access to the joint using a thin, long tube known as an arthroscope and also inserts other specialized, small surgical instruments known as arthrodesis. 

The time taken to recover following an arthroscopic surgery is much less than that of an open surgery due to the smaller incisions made in the procedure.

Arthroscopic surgery is slowly gaining popularity as an alternative to the more traditional treatment approaches like open surgery, although it is not always considered the best treatment option.

If your doctor has recommended an arthroscopic surgery for you, you need to know five important things before undergoing the procedure.

Five Things to Know About Arthroscopic Surgery

There are a few things that you need to know to make you comfortable mentally and physically before you undergo arthroscopic surgery. Here are the five things you should know about arthroscopic surgery:

  • Arthroscopy For Diagnosis and Treatment of Joint Problems 

    An arthroscopic surgery can be used for both diagnosis and treatment of various joint problems. The arthroscope consists of a small camera on one end, which helps the doctors view the joint and detect any abnormalities. 

    Bone fragments or floating cartilage, damaged cartilage, and joint pain and stiffness can all be detected with the help of an arthroscope. Some conditions like joint inflammation and loose bone fragments can also be treated with the help of an arthroscopic surgery. 

  • Good Candidates for Arthroscopic Surgery 

    If you have tried conservative, non-surgical treatment methods like medicines, injections, and physical therapy to treat your joint problems, but have not got any relief from your symptoms, you could be a good candidate for arthroscopic surgery.

    Generally speaking, you could be a potential candidate for arthroscopic surgery if you suffer from the following different types of joint problems:

  • Ligament tear
  • Loose cartilage or bone in a joint
  • Inflammation of a joint
  • Joint injury
  • Scarring present in a joint region 

    Although arthroscopy can usually be performed in almost any type of joint, it is most commonly used to diagnose and treat conditions in the knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, elbow, and wrist joints. 

    You also need to have good general health to undergo an arthroscopic surgery. It is advisable to consult an experienced orthopedic surgeon to know if arthroscopic surgery is the right treatment option for you. 

  • Preparation for Arthroscopic Surgery 

    You need to follow all the instructions provided by your orthopedic surgeon to prepare for your arthroscopic surgery.You will first be physically examined by the doctor. You will also be told to undergo a few diagnostic tests to determine your eligibility for the surgery.

The following preparatory steps are needed before undergoing an arthroscopic surgery:

  • You will need to inform your doctor about any medications or supplements that you may be currently taking.
  • Your doctor will ask you to stop consuming a few medications like NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and blood thinners, a few days before the procedure to reduce your risk of bleeding.
  • Let your doctor know about any allergies that you may be having.
  • You will be asked to not eat or drink anything eight to twelve hours before the procedure.
  • Keep the surgical area clean and protect it from any infection, injury, or sunburn.
  • Wear comfortable, loose clothes on the operation site on the day of the surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to take you home after the surgery. 

  • Benefits and Risks of Arthroscopic Surgery 

    Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgery performed by making small incisions. It has several benefits compared to open surgery, which includes the following:

  • Quicker recovery time
  • Minimal loss of blood
  • Minimal scarring
  • Less pain

Although arthroscopic surgery is a relatively safe procedure, it may be associated with a few risks or complications. The risks associated with arthroscopic surgery include the following:

  • Blood clot formation
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to the anesthetic used
  • Swelling
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Damage to the surrounding nerves or tissues
  • Aftercare Following Arthroscopic Surgery 

    An arthroscopic surgery usually takes about one hour to complete and most patients can go home a few hours after the surgery. 

    Although the procedure is a minimally invasive one, it does require a few aftercare steps to ensure a smooth and quick recovery. The aftercare instructions to be followed are:

  • Prescribed pain-relieving medications need to be taken to get relief from inflammation and pain after surgery.
  • Keep the surgical site clean and dry for 24 hours after the surgery.
  • Take adequate rest after the surgery.
  • Ice pack application and elevation of the surgical body part are recommended for a few days after surgery to decrease pain and swelling after the surgery.
  • Avoid putting any pressure on the surgical site during the healing period.
  • Temporary splints, like crutches or slings, may need to be used for protection and comfort during the healing period.
  • You will be guided on how to do certain physical therapy exercises at home to improve your joint function and strengthen your muscles.


Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that has gained immense popularity in recent times. This type of surgery is used to diagnose and treat various joint injuries and problems. You need to consult a good orthopedic surgeon to check if arthroscopic surgery is the right treatment option for you or not. 

It is also vital to ask your surgeon about any queries that you may have regarding the procedure, like the preparation, aftercare, approximate cost, your eligibility for the procedure, and the potential risks, and benefits of the surgery before you decide to go ahead with the surgery.


22 Jun 2024
Nutrition for Strong Bones- Essential Foods for Optimal Bone Health-

Nutrition for Strong Bones: Essential Foods for Optimal Bone Health


The maintenance of strong and healthy bones is important for the overall general health and well-being of a person. A healthy and well-balanced diet helps in building healthy bones from an early age and maintaining them lifelong.

Your diet should be rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, protein, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. If you eat a healthy diet that includes lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and lean proteins, you will receive most nutrients needed to maintain good bone health and function. 

In this article, we will be discussing the essential foods and nutrients needed for optimal bone health.

Why is it Important to Maintain Good Bone Health?

The bones in the body have the property of changing continuously, which means that while new bone is being made, the old bone tends to be broken down by the body. This process is known as bone remodeling.

During childhood, the new bones are made at a faster rate by the body and the process of bone destruction is slow. This increases bone mass. However, this process will slow down as a person’s age increases. Most people reach their peak bone mass by 30 years of age.

If you have a high reserve of bone mass, you will have a lesser chance of developing bone-related disorders like osteoporosis (a condition that causes the bones to become weak and brittle), bone fractures, or conditions leading to limited mobility later in life. It is, therefore, important to maintain good bone health, especially during young age.

Which Are the Different Types of Foods for Good Bone Health?

Healthy bones help in storing nutrients like minerals and protecting our vital body organs. 

Good nutrition is important for bone health. The different types of foods that could help in improving bone health are:

Foods Rich in Calcium

Calcium is an important mineral needed to maintain strong bones and teeth. It also plays a significant role in maintaining good muscle function, clotting of blood, and maintaining good heart health. 

Some calcium-rich foods include dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. Calcium is also found in beans (legumes) and leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Calcium-fortified orange juice or calcium-fortified cereal can also help in providing calcium to the body.

An adult requires about 1000 mg of calcium in a day. 

Foods Rich in Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Together with calcium, it helps in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps in regulating the immune system of the body. 

Vitamin D can be obtained by exposure to direct sunlight, or from foods like eggs and fish oil. If a person does not have optimum vitamin D levels, the doctor may even suggest taking certain vitamin D supplements.

About 15 to 20 micrograms of vitamin D per day is recommended for adults.

Foods Rich in Vitamin B

The B vitamins are important for many body functions like rebuilding and maintaining healthy bone tissue. 

Vitamin B12 is a type of vitamin B that helps in improving mineral bone density. The lack of vitamin B12 levels can make the bones brittle and more prone to fracture. It is recommended to consume about 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day.

Meat and fish are the most common sources of vitamin B. Plant foods such as mushrooms and certain fortified food items are also good sources of vitamin B.

Foods Rich in Vitamin K

Vitamin K is known to have antioxidant properties, which help in protecting the body cells from getting damaged. A lack of vitamin K could lead to low bone mass, osteoporosis, and an increased risk of fracture. 

Some food items that are rich in vitamin K are spinach, kale, grapes, blueberries, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.

An adult’s daily requirement of vitamin K is equivalent to their weight in kilograms. For example, an adult weighing 75 kilograms will need about 75 micrograms of vitamin K daily.

Protein-Rich Food

Proteins are a source of essential amino acids to help support bone building. An inadequate protein intake can negatively impact the skeletal growth in children and adolescents leading to loss of bone mineral density in adulthood.

Some good sources of protein are animal-based foods like fish, eggs, and meat. Dairy products, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans, sprouts, and legumes are other good sources of protein.

Foods With High Magnesium Content

Magnesium improves the absorption of calcium in the body, thus maintaining bone health. It also helps keep the blood sugar levels in check.

Some food items that are high in magnesium are chia seeds, spinach, soy milk, peanuts, and almonds.

It is recommended to take about 300 to 400 mg of magnesium every day.

Foods With High Zinc Content

Zinc is an important mineral for skeletal growth and promotes bone regeneration.

Beans, red meat, lobster, nuts, breakfast cereals, whole grains, and dairy products are some good sources of zinc.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids prevent bone decay and help in bone mineralization. They also help in relieving joint pain due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are seafood and fish such as sardines, salmon, mackerel, and tuna. Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are nuts and seeds such as flaxseeds, walnuts, and chia seeds.

What Foods Should be Avoided to Maintain Good Bone Health?

You should avoid the consumption of certain food items to maintain optimal bone health and prevent bone damage. The food items that should be avoided include the following:

  • Salty and processed foods
  • Excessive caffeine consumption in the form of tea, coffee, or soda
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Sugary drinks and sports drinks

Other Tips for Optimal Bone Health

Besides following a healthy diet, the following tips can help you achieve optimal bone health:

  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol 
  • Engage in some form of regular physical activity
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Visit your doctor for regular bone health screenings and evaluation


You need to take care of your diet if you want to have strong and healthy bones. It is recommended to consume a well-balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B, protein, magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid fast and processed foods and excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption.

Maintaining your bone health at an early age can help prevent problems like osteoporosis in adult life.


10 Jun 2024
Why You Should Consider PRP Therapy to Treat Your Arthritis

Why You Should Consider PRP Therapy to Treat Your Arthritis


For an individual having arthritis, even simple daily tasks can be difficult to perform. This happens because the inflammatory joint disease leads to joint pain, stiffness, and a decrease in mobility, and the condition can worsen with time.

Traditionally, there are a few treatment options that can help in relieving the arthritis symptoms. But with an advance in medicine, a regenerative form of medicine, known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy has emerged as a popular treatment option for arthritis.

Unlike the use of medicines that can only help in masking the pain or reducing inflammation in arthritis cases, regenerative treatment methods like PRP help in activating the healing process in the body. PRP therapy helps in relieving the symptoms associated with arthritis by restoring the healthy cells and tissue at the site of treatment.

In this article, we will be discussing why you should consider PRP therapy to treat your arthritis.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is produced from an individual’s own blood. It consists of a concentration rich in platelets and growth factors.

Platelets are a type of blood cells that play an important role in the healing and regeneration of tissues. The platelets release certain growth factors that send some signals to the cells, triggering the process of healing.

Platelets and growth factors help in relieving pain, and inflammation, and also slow down the progress of arthritis.

How Does PRP Therapy Help Arthritis Patients?

PRP therapy is a promising form of treatment that helps in treating arthritis patients in several ways. PRP can help arthritis patients in the following ways:

  • Reduces joint inflammation
  • Reduces joint pain
  • Helps in cartilage regeneration
  • Improves the function and movement of joints
  • Delays or prevents the risk of developing arthritis

Preparation for PRP Therapy

Your doctor will guide you on the necessary steps you need to take before undergoing PRP therapy for improved treatment experience and results. The general guidelines before undergoing PRP therapy are as follows:

  • Avoid taking blood thinners like aspirin and ibuprofen for a few days before the procedure.
  • Inform the doctor if you have any medical conditions that may affect your blood condition, like anemia, cancer, or abnormal platelet count.
  • Have a proper meal before the procedure to avoid lightheadedness when blood is drawn from your body for the procedure.

How is PRP Therapy Performed for Arthritis Patients?

PRP therapy is commonly used for treating arthritis of the knee, shoulder, elbow, and hip joints, but it can also be used to treat other types of joints including the joints in the spine region.

PRP therapy is provided to arthritis patients in the following way:

  • A small amount of the patient’s blood is first drawn by a medical professional.
  • The blood sample will then be placed into a machine known as a centrifuge. The machine will then be spun around at a high speed to allow the separation of blood into different components, including the platelet-rich plasma or PRP component.
  • The PRP is then prepared for injection.
  • The doctor will then use imaging guidance, such as an ultrasound or fluoroscopy, to precisely guide the PRP injection to the desired body area.

The whole PRP injection process takes approximately one hour to complete. Most people can resume their daily activities following PRP therapy. It may take many weeks before noticing a difference in the treatment area.

Recovery After PRP Therapy

After receiving a PRP injection for arthritis treatment, the doctor may recommend the following to ensure a quick and smooth recovery:

  • Apply an ice pack for twenty minutes every two to three hours on the site of the PRP injection for the first two days following treatment. It is common to notice some swelling and redness on the injection site after the procedure.
  • Avoid strenuous activities that may cause stress in the treatment area.
  • Avoid taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) after the treatment as it could block the effect of PRP therapy.
  • Ask your doctor when you can resume vigorous forms of physical exercise like cycling or running.

Benefits of PRP Therapy

PRP therapy offers several advantages in arthritis cases. The various benefits of PRP therapy include the following:

  • Safe and effective procedure
  • Autologous and natural procedure, which means that the PRP is obtained from the patient’s own body
  • Stimulates the body’s own healing process
  • Restoration of hyaluronic acid in the arthritic joints, which is a substance that helps in lubricating and cushioning the joint and is usually reduced in arthritis cases

Risks of PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is generally considered to be a safe procedure and there is no risk of any immune reaction or allergy to PRP treatment as the plasma is obtained from the patient’s own blood. Some minor side effects that could occur as a result of PRP therapy include the following:

  • Pain at the site of injection
  • Infection (low risk)


PRP therapy is a type of regenerative medicinal technique that helps activate the natural healing process in the body. The therapy helps arthritis patients by reducing joint pain and inflammation, improving joint function and mobility, regeneration of the cartilage, and delaying the progress of arthritis.

PRP therapy is a safe and effective arthritis treatment method with minimal or no risk of side effects. However, not all arthritis patients are good candidates for undergoing PRP therapy. You need to talk to your orthopedic surgeon to know if PRP therapy can work in treating arthritis symptoms in your case.

31 May 2024
Recovering from Arthroscopy surgery

Recovering from Arthroscopy Surgery: What to Expect and How to Prepare


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive type of surgical procedure that is used by the doctor to view, diagnose, and treat joint problems. The procedure is generally recommended for people who may have an inflamed joint, injured joint, or suspected joint damage with aging.

Arthroscopy can be performed on any joint but is most commonly done on the knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, wrist, or hip joint. The procedure involves the insertion of a thin, long tube with a light and video camera on one end, known as an arthroscope, into the joint through several small incisions made by the doctor to check the condition of the joint and even repair some types of joint damage.

Arthroscopy surgery is considered to be a minor surgery that is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means that the patient can generally go home on the same day of the procedure.

In this article, we will be discussing the recovery of a patient following an arthroscopy surgery and how to prepare for the same.

Preparation for Arthroscopy Surgery

The general health of the patient will be assessed by the orthopedic surgeon before an arthroscopy surgery. This helps in ensuring that the patient does not have any underlying medical conditions that could interfere with the procedure.

The doctor will also suggest undergoing certain diagnostic tests before the procedure, such as blood tests and imaging tests to check the health of the patient and view the joint on which the surgery will be performed.

The exact preparation needed for an arthroscopy surgery will depend on which joint the surgery is being performed. The general instructions given to a patient to prepare for an arthroscopy surgery include the following:

  • The doctor may ask the patient to avoid taking certain medications, like blood thinners and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or supplements that could increase the risk of bleeding during or after the surgery.
  • The patient should let the surgeon know about any current medications or supplements that he or she may be taking.
  • If the patient has any known allergies, the same needs to be reported to the doctor before surgery.
  • Depending on the type of anesthesia that will be administered during the procedure, the doctor may recommend to avoid eating or drinking anything eight hours before the surgery.
  • The patient needs to ensure that the area that he or she will be operated on is kept clean and free from any injury, sunburn, or infection.
  • The patient needs to arrange for someone to drive him or her home after the surgery.
  • On the day of the surgery, the patient should wear loose and comfortable clothes on the area being operated upon.

Arthroscopy Surgery Procedure

The patient will first be administered with local anesthesia (which numbs the area of the procedure), regional anesthesia (which numbs the body from the waist downwards), or general anesthesia (which makes the patient unconscious). The type of anesthesia given will depend on the type of arthroscopy being performed and the health of the patient.

The surgeon will then make two or three small cuts or incisions in the area of treatment. The arthroscope and other tiny surgical instruments are then inserted through these incisions.

The images sent from the arthroscope are viewed on a monitor screen by the doctor to examine the joints, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage in that area. These images help the doctor to diagnose the problem or in some cases, treat the problem using the surgical instruments inserted inside.

The arthroscope and instruments are removed after the completion of the procedure and the incisions are closed using stitches and a bandage.

Most arthroscopy surgeries can be completed in an hour, although some complex arthroscopies may take a little longer to complete.

Recovery After Arthroscopy Surgery

After the completion of the arthroscopy surgery, the patient is moved into a recovery room to monitor the vital parameters of the patient. An ice pack application may be done on the surgical site to help reduce the swelling and pain after surgery. The medical staff present will also help the patient to keep the operated area in an elevated position.

Most patients can go home a couple of hours after the surgery. Once the patient goes home, the following instructions need to be followed for a quick and smooth recovery:

  • The surgical area needs to be kept clean and dry for the next twenty-four hours after the surgery.
  • A protective dressing should be placed on the surgical site while taking a shower.
  • Soaking the treatment area in water should be avoided.
  • The patient should avoid putting any pressure or weight on the surgical area.
  • If the surgery has been performed on the foot or knee area, the patient may need to use crutches or another type of assistive device for walking. If the surgery has been done in the shoulder or hand area, the patient may need to wear a sling or brace.
  • The doctor will prescribe certain medications to reduce pain and inflammation after surgery.
  • The patient is recommended to put on an ice pack and keep the surgical area in an elevated position to reduce swelling and pain.
  • The doctor will recommend undergoing certain physical therapy exercises that need to be done to improve the function of the operated joint and strengthen the muscles.

The incisions generally take several days to heal. Complete recovery or healing may take several weeks, depending on the health of the patient and the type of surgery the patient has undergone

The recovery following an arthroscopy is generally quicker compared to the recovery following an open surgery. Additionally, the procedure is less painful and causes minimal scarring and bleeding compared to an open surgery.


Arthroscopy is a safe, minimally invasive type of surgery performed to examine the joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. The surgery helps diagnose and treat many joint and ligament problems using small incisions for a quicker recovery with less scarring and pain compared to other surgeries.

Complete recovery following an arthroscopy surgery may take several weeks to months, depending on the type of surgery performed. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions carefully to help in a smooth and rapid recovery.


18 May 2024
Beat the Heat Summer Strategies for Maintaining Bone Health

Beat the Heat: Summer Strategies for Maintaining Bone Health


For many people, summer is known to be the best time to get more active. The longer days and warmer weather allow people to step outside and do their favorite activities. But what most people don’t know is that summer is also a good time to improve bone strength to prevent future bone fractures or disorders.

The bone mass of most people reaches its peak in their twenties. Once one reaches the peak level of bone mass, it is common for both men and women to start losing their bone mineral density with age. Fortunately, there are certain steps one can take to help in building stronger bones and prevent loss of bone. 

In this article, we will be discussing in detail the various strategies that can be used in the summer season to help maintain and improve bone health.

Different Ways to Maintain Bone Health During Summer

Orthopedic specialists suggest a few easy ways in which one can maintain bone health during the summer season. These methods include the following:

Step Out in the Sun

Summer is the perfect time to get some sunlight for your body. Natural sunlight helps the human body produce vitamin D, which helps in the optimal absorption of calcium and bone mineralization

Vitamin D helps in making the bones healthier and stronger. Spending just twenty minutes out in the sun every day can help one get their recommended daily dose of vitamin D. But, always remember to put on some sunscreen before stepping out in the sun to prevent any skin damage.

Be Physically Active

Any form of regular physical activity is a must to build and maintain strong bones. Weight-bearing activities like walking, dancing, jogging, and weightlifting help stimulate bone growth and prevent the loss of bone with aging.

Summers are a great time to add regular walking into one’s daily routine, be it taking brisk walks around your neighborhood, hikes in nature, or simply walking on a treadmill.

One should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking or 75 minutes of high-intensity workouts like running every week to maintain bone health.

Practice Yoga

Yoga is a very good form of exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors. Regular yoga exercises can help in building strong bones, especially in the hips, spine, and wrist region, and can also help target the major muscle groups that help support the bones.

It is advisable to target the major muscles around the spine and hip region at least for two days a week.

Eat Bone-Healthy Seasonal Foods

There are many delicious seasonal foods available in the summer season that are rich in potassium, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols that help support good bone health. Polyphenols are a group of plant-based chemicals that help in reducing the risk of bone fractures.

Some seasonal fruits and vegetables that you should include in your diet for maintaining bone health include apples, cherries, pineapple, blackberries, raspberries, leafy green vegetables, beets, and prunes.

Eat Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium is an important nutrient for bone health, so it’s important to include calcium-rich food items into your daily diet

Some of the most common calcium sources are milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fortified plant-based milk

Most adults require approximately 700 mg of calcium per day. If you do not get the daily recommended dose of calcium from your diet, you could consider taking a calcium supplement after a consultation with your doctor.

Get Adequate Rest

Take some time out for yourself to relax. Your mental health can negatively impact your physical well-being, including your bone health. 

If you do not take adequate rest, stress could build up in your body. Stress can produce a hormone known as cortisol. This hormone can act as a factor for bone loss. It is therefore important to prioritize your mental health just as much as your physical health this summer.

Avoid Sugary Drinks and Soda

Most people like to quench their thirst in the summer heat by drinking sodas or sugary drinks. However, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the consumption of soda or sugary drinks can lead to lower bone mineral density and should hence be avoided.

Water and milk are considered to be better options to stay hydrated and support your bone health during the summers. You could also add any fresh, seasonal fruit to water to enhance its taste and flavor.

Regular Testing for Bone Density

Bone density testing using tests like DXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan can help in checking bone health and diagnosing low bone density conditions like osteoporosis.

Depending on your age, medical history, and risk factors, your doctor will guide you regarding how frequently you need to undergo bone density testing. Early detection of low bone density can help in early intervention and treatment if required.


Summers are considered to be a good season to maintain and improve your bone health. Simple steps like stepping out in the sun for vitamin D, eating a calcium and vitamin-rich diet, exercising regularly, managing stress, avoiding sugary drinks, and regular testing for bone density can help in getting stronger and healthier bones.

09 May 2024
Exploring the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions

Exploring the Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Orthopedic Conditions


Platelet-rich plasma or PRP therapy is a new, advanced type of treatment that is changing the field of orthopedic medicine. PRP is a concentrated solution obtained from the patient’s own blood that contains a higher concentration of platelets compared to the concentration found in normal blood. Platelets play an important role in the natural healing process of the body by the release of growth factors that can help in stimulating tissue repair and regeneration.

PRP helps in orthopedics by promoting tissue healing, alleviating pain, and reducing inflammation. It helps in faster healing and has a much lower risk compared to other treatment methods.

In this article, we will be discussing in detail how PRP treatment can help people suffering from musculoskeletal or orthopedic problems.

How Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Work? 

The platelets present in blood consist of proteins and growth factors. These elements help in stimulating healing, supporting the growth of the cells, and the formation of new tissues. The first response of the body to any soft tissue injury is delivering several platelets to the injury site to start the process of repairing.

PRP therapy is a type of regenerative medicine that takes advantage of the natural healing process of the body. The procedure involves the extraction and isolation of platelets and plasma from a sample of the patient’s own blood, which is then concentrated by the doctor into a healing solution. This solution is then injected back into the body by the doctor near the pain or injury area.

The growth factors then interact with the local cells and trigger them to heal the injury. This helps in tissue formation and a reduction in inflammation. The PRP solution can also act as a lubricating factor.

Common Orthopedic Conditions Treated by PRP Therapy

PRP therapy is beneficial to many athletes and active individuals suffering from orthopedic problems to recover rapidly and even avoid surgery in some cases. Research shows that PRP therapy has been successful in treating many orthopedic cases when conventional treatment methods like anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections, physiotherapy, and even surgery have failed to work.

PRP therapy may be used to treat the following different types of orthopedic conditions:

  • Ligament injuries: Ligaments connect the bones to each other and are prone to tears and sprains. The regenerative properties of PRP therapy help contribute to improved healing and a decrease in recovery times.
  • Tendon injuries: The tendons connect the muscles to bones and are prone to injuries like tendon tears and tendinitis, especially in people engaged in repetitive activities and athletes. The growth factors released in PRP therapy by the platelets help in the regeneration of the damaged tendon tissue.
  • Muscle injuries: Muscle injuries like tears and strains can be treated using PRP therapy. Athletes are particularly benefited by the rapid healing provided by PRP injections so that they can resume their sporting activities sooner.
  • Healing of fractures: Although PRP therapy is mainly used for soft tissue injuries, it is also known to help in the healing of fractures. Since PRP therapy helps in promoting new blood vessel formation and transferring the essential cells to the fracture site, PRP therapy can help in bone healing.
  • Osteoarthritis: This is a degenerative joint disease that is characterized by cartilage breakdown. PRP injections given into the affected joint can help stimulate new cartilage production and reduce inflammation. Although osteoarthritis cannot be treated using PRP therapy, it offers relief from the symptoms associated with the condition and improves joint function.
  • Spine conditions: Although research is still ongoing, some early studies state that PRP injections have an important role in disc regeneration and decreasing the pain associated with spinal conditions like disc degeneration.

Benefits of PRP Therapy in Orthopedic Treatment

PRP therapy has several advantages in the treatment of orthopedic conditions. The key advantages of PRP therapy are as follows:

  • Rapid healing: PRP injections help in delivering concentrated growth factors to promote rapid healing and regeneration of tissue.
  • Decreased recovery time: Since PRP therapy can improve tissue repair, it helps in reducing recovery time compared to conventional orthopedic treatments.
  • Minimally-invasive procedure: Unlike surgical procedures, PRP therapy does not require any incisions or cuts and also decreases the risk of developing complications that are associated with invasive procedures.
  • Autologous approach: Since the blood used in PRP therapy is that of the patient himself or herself a natural healing process takes place without the introduction of foreign bodies into the body.
  • Reduced risk of allergy or infection: Since the PRP therapy is minimally invasive and makes use of the patient’s own blood, there is almost no risk of allergy or infection with it.
  • Less cost: The cost of PRP therapy is much less compared to the cost of surgical interventions.
  • Versatile: PRP therapy has shown to have promising results in various types of orthopedic conditions like muscle strains, ligament sprains, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis.
  • Useful when surgery is contraindicated: Patients having comorbidities of patients who do not want to undergo surgery can opt for PRP therapy to treat their orthopedic condition.


PRP therapy has slowly emerged as an advanced tool that is effective in treating various orthopedic conditions, like tendon and ligament injuries, muscle injuries, osteoarthritis, spinal problems, and rapid healing of fractures. PRP therapy is a minimally-invasive procedure that offers several benefits like rapid and accelerated healing, lesser cost compared to surgery, reduced risk of complications, natural or autologous approach, and is a good treatment option for patients who cannot undergo surgery.

If you suffer from musculoskeletal problems, you can contact a good orthopedic surgeon to discuss your various treatment options and inquire if PRP therapy can help treat your condition.

27 Apr 2024
The role of regenerative medicine

The Role of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics


Regenerative medicine, also called ortho biologics, is a relatively new type of technology that is actively being used in the field of orthopedics to treat several different types of musculoskeletal injuries. These treatments are usually recommended when an orthopedic injury has failed to respond to traditional non-surgical treatments and also as a means to avoid surgery.

In this article, we will be discussing in detail how regenerative medicine helps in treating orthopedic conditions.

Uses of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics

Orthobiologics are the therapies that are developed from natural or biological substances and can be used by orthopedic surgeons in the following cases:

  • To help relieve pain and some other symptoms associated with some orthopedic conditions like osteoarthritis (degenerative disease in which the tissues in the joint break down over time), thus delaying the need to undergo surgery.
  • Improves the ability of the body to heal from an injury due to repetitive movements, like a tendon or ligament strain, fracture (broken bone), or cartilage injury.
  • For treating tendinopathies, like a tennis elbow (a condition that develops due to the excessive use of tendons and muscles in the elbow).
  • Helps treat avascular necrosis (when the bone tissue dies due to the temporary or permanent cutting off of blood supply to the bone)
  • Helps in improving healing following an orthopedic surgery by repairing some tendons, which includes rotator cuff repair (surgery performed to repair a torn tendon in the shoulder region).

The use of orthobiologics in orthopedic conditions is known as orthopedic regenerative medicine.

Different Types of Regenerative Medicine Used in Orthopedics

Orthobiologics are obtained from different types of natural sources like humans, animals, or microorganisms. The orthobiologics can either be composed of proteins, sugars, nucleic acids, or a combination of these substances, or they could be made of living entities like cells and tissues.

Orthopedic surgeons can use regenerative medicine to help in the healing of bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and muscles.

Although there are different types of regenerative medicines available, the two major types that are currently being used for orthopedics are as follows:

Stem Cell Therapy

In this procedure, the doctor extracts the patient’s own living cells from their body. These cells will then be injected into the damaged part of the tissue. The body will then respond by sending signals to heal and repair the affected area, thus promoting natural healing.

Stem cells are known as origin cells, which means that they can differentiate into other types of cells, like bone, cartilage, and muscle. This means that the stem cells can convert themselves into cells that your body requires to promote healing. For example, if a patient has a damaged ligament present in the knee joint and the doctor extracts stem cells from his body and injects them into the injured area, the stem cells will then differentiate into new ligaments and cartilage, which helps in repairing the injury more quickly compared to other traditional treatments.

Stem cell therapy can be useful in treating the following orthopedic conditions:

  • Tendon injuries and tears
  • Degenerative joint diseases
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Damage to the cartilage
  • Ligament strains and sprains
  • Injuries to the spinal cord

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP Therapy

In this type of therapy, the patient’s blood will be drawn by the doctor and then spun in a centrifugation machine to separate the platelets. The platelets are cells that contain growth factors that help in promoting tissue healing. These platelets will then be injected directly into the body’s injured area. The direct injection of the platelets helps accelerate the natural healing process of the body.

PRP therapy can help in treating ligament and tendon injuries such as rotator cuff tears and joint pain due to osteoarthritis. The therapy can also help accelerate the healing process following an orthopedic surgery, like ACL reconstruction (a surgery performed to reconstruct a ligament in the center of the knee).

Additionally, PRP therapy also helps in muscle recovery and treatment of sports injuries. Chronic orthopedic conditions like plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the fibrous tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes) can also be treated using PRP therapy.

Benefits of Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics

Regenerative medicine offers several advantages over conventional orthopedic treatments. Some of the key benefits of regenerative medicine are as follows:

  • Reduces the need for surgery
  • Repair and regeneration of tissue
  • Stimulation of the body’s natural healing process
  • Speeds up the healing process
  • Restoration of mobility
  • Addresses the exact cause of pain and relieves pain
  • Minimal or no downtime

Risks of Using Regenerative Medicine in Orthopedics

Just like any other medical procedure, there are some possible risks associated with the use of regenerative medicine in orthopedics. The common side effects associated with the procedure include the following:

  • Swelling at the injection site
  • Redness at the site of injection
  • Pain and discomfort at the injection site
  • Infection
  • Allergic reaction to the injected materials

The side effects are usually mild and disappear on their own within a few days.


Regenerative medicine is a relatively new technique being used in the field of orthopedics but has proved to provide very good results in orthopedic conditions that have failed to respond to non-surgical conventional orthopedic treatments or in cases where surgery needs to be avoided. Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy are the most commonly used types of regenerative medicine in orthopedic conditions.

If you are suffering from any musculoskeletal problems, you should visit an orthopedic specialist immediately. The specialist will evaluate you thoroughly before preparing a proper treatment plan for you. You can ask your doctor about regenerative medicine options and whether they are likely to work in your case.


06 Apr 2024
Healty spine tips

Ergonomics for a Healthy Spine: Tips for Sitting, Sleeping, and Lifting to Prevent Back Pain

Do you spend most of the day sitting at the desk, whether in an office setting or working remotely from home? Doesn’t the discomfort worsen as the day progresses, making it increasingly challenging to focus on your tasks? When you leave the office, you’re left with a nagging ache that lingers well into the evening. If so, then this blog is for you! 

Prolonged sitting can damage our spine, but with the right ergonomics, this can be prevented. Imagine a day at work without constant back discomfort. Creating a spine-friendly environment prevents back pain and promotes overall well-being. Here are a few tips for healthy spine ergonomics that can bring you the relief you’ve longed for. 

The Right Sitting Posture

One key element of a spine-friendly workstation is an ergonomic chair with adequate lumbar support. This support helps maintain the lower back’s natural curve, reducing strain on the spine. But it’s not just about the chair; it’s about you.

The advantage of adjustable chairs is that they allow you to customize the height and tilt to achieve comfortable sitting, putting you in control of your health. Additionally, positioning the computer monitor at eye level helps prevent neck strain by promoting a neutral posture you can maintain.

Safe Lifting Techniques

Whether it’s moving furniture during a household renovation or lifting boxes at work, improper lifting techniques can lead to serious back injuries. Improper lifting techniques are a leading cause of back injuries, often resulting in severe pain and long-term consequences. 

Always bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting heavy things. This way, you use the strong muscles in your legs instead of straining your back. Avoid twisting your body while lifting by moving your feet instead of turning your torso. If something is too heavy or awkward to lift alone, ask for help or use tools like dollies or carts.

Right Sleeping Positions 

We nearly spend more than one-third of our lives in bed, which means that the quality of our mattresses and pillows directly impacts our spinal health. Many people overlook the importance of proper sleep posture and the impact it has on spinal health.

Invest in a mattress that gives good support and fits your body’s curves. A medium-firm mattress is usually best because it balances support and comfort. Also, pick a pillow that keeps your head and neck aligned with your spine. 

Whether you like a regular pillow or one made of memory foam, make sure it supports your spine well, even if it’s not super soft. Remember, a good night’s sleep is essential for good spinal health and overall well-being.

Simple Adjustments For Everyday Tasks 

Imagine this scenario: you are hunched over the kitchen counter, washing dishes after dinner. With each repetitive motion, a dull ache creeps into your lower back, increasing the strain and discomfort. In this case, investing in adjustable kitchen countertops and supportive mats helps reduce the strain on your back. 

Whether you’re vacuuming, gardening, doing laundry, or washing dishes and for any daily tasks, using ergonomic principles can stop back pain before it starts. When you’re vacuuming or mopping, use tools with long handles to avoid bending down too much. Bend your knees and keep your back straight to protect your spine. 

Use gardening tools with cushioned and long handles to make gardening easier on your back and joints. When doing laundry, use a washing machine with a door in the front so you don’t have to bend and twist too much when loading and unloading clothes.

These are just a few simple adjustments or things to keep in mind, among many others, for a healthy spine during your daily tasks. 

28 Mar 2024
Emerging Technologies in pain management

The Emerging Technologies in Pain Management


As technology advances, so does our capacity to alleviate and manage pain efficiently. New and improved methods not only make patients more comfortable but also boost the overall quality of medical care they get.

As technology gets better, we’re finding more ways to help people deal with pain. The minimally invasive procedures and customizing of treatment plans for managing pain are all examples of how we deal with pain in the modern era. 

Let’s discuss some of the cutting-edge technologies that are changing how we manage pain, giving new hope to individuals suffering from chronic or acute pain issues.

Wearable Devices and Biofeedback: 

One of the most promising developments in pain management is the integration of wearable devices and biofeedback mechanisms. Wearable technologies, such as smartwatches and biosensors, use biosensors and artificial intelligence to monitor various physiological parameters.   

These devices not only track our physical activity but also collect real-time information about vital signs, stress levels, and sleep patterns. With this info, biofeedback mechanisms teach us how our bodies react, helping us manage pain better. This approach enhances awareness and facilitates a personalized approach to pain management.

Virtual Reality (VR) Therapy: 

Virtual Reality therapy has emerged as a ground-breaking tool in pain management. It works by immersing you into computer-made worlds, diverting your attention from pain and providing a rich sensory experience. This diversion not only helps to make the pain feel less intense, but it also has positive effects on your mental well-being. 

VR therapy isn’t just about taking your mind off pain; it can be customized for certain health conditions like chronic pain, post-surgery recovery, or rehabilitation. This means it provides targeted assistance for different medical situations. And the best part? You don’t need any pills or invasive procedures – it’s all about using virtual reality to make the usual pain management methods even better.

Neuromodulation Techniques: 

Neuromodulation is a field that includes methods directly changing nerve activity, and it has made significant progress. Techniques like spinal cord stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and peripheral nerve stimulation hold promise for managing pain. These methods use electrical or magnetic impulses to adjust nerve activity, breaking up pain signals and bringing relief. 


As technology improves, these approaches become more precise and adaptable, creating new possibilities for treating different types of pain without relying heavily on medicines.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pain Prediction and Personalized Treatment:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing how we manage pain by predicting and personalizing treatment. Using smart algorithms, AI looks at big sets of data, finding patterns and foreseeing when pain might happen based on personal health records, lifestyle, and genetics. This foresight helps doctors take action early, lessening the impact of pain on people’s lives. 

Also, AI can customize treatment plans by considering how each person responds to different therapies, making pain management strategies work better. As AI keeps getting better, its role in predicting pain and planning personalized treatments is becoming really important.


In summary, the future of pain management is closely connected to the continuous progress of technology. Cool gadgets like wearable devices, virtual reality therapy, neuromodulation techniques, and artificial intelligence are changing the way we deal with pain. It’s like we’re discovering new and clever ways to make pain less of a hassle.

With these advancements, we’re getting closer to a more effective, personalized, and caring approach to managing pain. The combination of medical knowledge and technological innovation offers a future with less pain, bringing hope for relief and an improved quality of life for many people.