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Month: December 2021

19 Dec 2021
How long Does Covid 19 last?

How long Does Covid 19 last?


Although relatively new, covid-19 has proven to be one of the most dangerous medical conditions in the world. If you have been diagnosed with this viral infection and are experiencing sneezing and coughing, you will be quite contagious and a possible threat to the people around you. Of course, now you may not exhibit any symptoms because you are either asymptomatic positive or are currently in the incubation period after receiving treatment. But even, you may spread it to other people around you if they are in close contact. 

The virus covid-19 primarily spreads through the respiratory droplets. These droplets are produced and travel quite far when you sneeze or cough. But you may also spread these drops simply by talking and breathing in close proximities. That’s why the health and safety authorities have for long been emphasising the importance of hand sanitisers, regular hand washes, wearing a face mask in public, and social distancing in the public spaces. These measures are for your safety and well-being. That’s why you should follow them properly. 

Around ten days after being diagnosed with this infection, most patients stop being contagious. But that is after their symptoms have alleviated. Are you one of those who tested positive for covid-19 but aren’t exhibiting any symptoms even after ten days? Then, you are not likely to be contagious. But it would be best if you still refrained from coming in contact with anyone, as there are some exceptions. So it is vital that you strictly follow the rules.

How Long Does Covid-19 Last In Mild Cases?

The severity of covid-19 symptoms depends on several factors, including age, the condition of your immune system, any chronic medical condition you may be suffering from etc. Although much research has already been done on this infectious disease, it is still new. So it will take more research and analysis to understand the symptoms of the coronavirus to the full extent. 

Covid 19 how long does it last depends on the severity of the symptoms. A few of the common symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing, runny nose and congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Fever and chills
  • Breathlessness
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Muscle aches
  • Diarrhoea

If your symptoms are mild, you will likely recover in just around 10 to 14 days. But it can be even longer for some people. A few surveys have shown that roughly a third of the people with mild symptoms have not been able to return to their normal health even after three weeks to a month after being tested positive. But these patients still won’t require hospitalisation. 

How Long Does Covid 19 Last In Severe Cases?

According to the experts, one in every five adults has experienced more severe symptoms (which may worsen within days), worsening their condition. These symptoms may include breathlessness and severe cough and cold with a high fever of over 100.4℉. In addition, the doctors have found this virus affecting the patients’ lungs and destroying the cells within. 

Your body will start defending itself against the virus, potentially causing pneumonia. Around 14% of the people affected with the virus required oxygen support and ventilators. Unfortunately, about 6% of these patients may also have comprehensive organ failure, resulting in death. 

So with life support, the doctors keep the severe patients in isolation for more than 20 days until their condition is more stable and safe to be discharged.

Recent studies have shown that the Covid-19 virus can survive in the air for more than 3 hours in an aerosol form, a fine mist in the air. But the humidity in the air and temperature play an essential role. Another study suggested that some viruses tend to survive longer in a colder climate. So SARS-CoV-2 can be seasonal in some parts of the world. 

Other than that, SARS-CoV-2 can be spread through respiratory droplets when you sneeze, cough or talk in close proximity to someone. These droplets can be airborne for around 8 to 14 minutes and can affect anyone during that time. 

If you have any other queries regarding covid 19 and how long it lasts, you may get in touch with the experts at Germanten Hospitals.

For appointments call : 9000909073

13 Dec 2021
sleep wth frozen shoulder

How Should I Sleep With Frozen Shoulder Pain?

How To Sleep Better With A Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a widespread orthopaedic affliction, which causes shoulder pain. Sleeping with this shoulder pain can be very difficult and uncomfortable. In addition, it actively prevents you from falling asleep after you wake up. So we will tell you what a frozen shoulder is and how to sleep with it. 

Frozen Shoulder

An orthopaedic condition due to which your shoulder capsules gradually become stiff and painful is called frozen shoulder. The pain due to this issue can become quite sharp and persistent and interfere with your sleep. It will also render you unable to perform your daily activities, which may require you to use your hands. So your functional ability takes a massive hit due to this condition. 

During frozen shoulder, several patients have reported that the pain is okay during the day because you are busy with your work or performing necessary routine chores, so you forget about them. But it may make sleeping, especially on your shoulder, quite difficult and uncomfortable. Moreover, the pain becomes worse at night. Fortunately, there are several ways to sleep comfortably at night, even with frozen shoulders.

Why Does The Pain Due To Frozen Shoulder Become Sharper At Night?

Not just frozen shoulders, but almost every inflammatory orthopaedic condition becomes more painful at night. The reason behind that is your blood flow, which slows down at night. Due to that, the water in your body can not be filtered by the kidney as quickly as it should be. It leads to water retention in your whole body, which increases the internal pressure on the nerves and organs, and your body swells up by the slightest, quite quickly. 

A person suffers from frozen shoulders due to inflammation in their adhesive capsulitis. But the high pressure in their body increases the inflammation in their shoulder, significantly sharpening the pain at night. Due to this reason, the pain increases at night in the case of almost all inflammatory orthopaedic conditions. If you are wondering how to sleep with frozen shoulder pain, here are some tips.

Tips For A Good Sleep During Frozen Shoulder

Here are a few resulting tips that will help you be comfortable and fall asleep during frozen shoulder:

  • Take prescribed or OTC medications that can help you alleviate inflammation and pain (anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications). But do remember to take them an hour or so before you go to sleep to give it some time to start the action. 
  • Stretching exercises can help. Your muscles become tight from working all day. So performing light stretching will help you relieve those tight muscles and reduce that stiffness to some extent. It will, in turn, alleviate the pain and inflammation to provide you with some level of comfort at night. Although stretching exercising may not be a permanent solution to stiff adhesive capsulitis, it will surely help you fall asleep comfortably.
  • Rest your shoulders during the day to ensure there is as little pain as possible at night. Refrain from performing activities that require even mild or moderate levels of shoulder strength. It will help you curb the inflammation and pain to reduce the effects of the frozen shoulder at night.

Other than these tips, you may want to consult with your orthopedist as soon as possible for a treatment for this affliction. 

Sleeping Positions For Frozen Shoulder

Although it may seem like there are no direct effects from this condition, your ability to perform some of the simplest tasks would be limited, such as sleeping. So here are a few positions you can try to keep the pain at its lowest:

  • If you prefer sleeping on your back, you may put a pillow under you to prevent rolling on your affected shoulder. 
  • You may also try sleeping on your unaffected shoulder with a pillow hugging you. It will again ensure that you don’t roll onto your injured side.

If you wish to have more info about how you can sleep comfortably with a frozen shoulder, or undergo a treatment, you may consider consulting the experts at Germanten Hospital. We are also considered among the best hospitals for frozen shoulder treatment. So book your consultation today!


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 


We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


05 Dec 2021
What Causes Knee Pain After Running?

What Causes Knee Pain After Running?

Is knee pain because of running a common problem? You have no reason to worry if you suffer from knee pain after running. It is commonly dismissed as a ‘runner’s knee’, but it is vital to understand and treat the cause to avoid long-term injury. Now depending on how severe the pain is, you might need a doctor. With the following information, you can determine the cause of pain and get back on track.

IT Band Syndrome (Side Knee Pain)

Iliotibial band syndrome can lead to sharp and stabbing pain outside your knee. It is a common injury amongst runners and leads to knee pain after running. The iliotibial band tissue stabilises  knee and hip when you run. 

  • Causes
    The tightening of the tensor fascia shortens it and puts pressure on the IT band. The outside of the knee can become inflamed, or the band might get irritated, leading to pain. Running on a banked surface, insufficient warm-up or cool-down, and physical abnormalities can cause ITBS.

Runner’s Knee (Kneecap Pain)

Runner’s knee refers to the pain in front of the knee or behind the kneecap. It is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome or anterior knee syndrome. The condition can worsen due to running downhill, squatting, climbing stairs or sitting for an extended period. 

  • Causes
    The structural problems with the knee joint can be one of them. Other reasons include weak muscles, tight hamstrings, tight Achilles tendon or IT band, overtraining, poor foot support and misaligned gait patterns. The quadriceps are responsible for holding the knee in place to allow smooth up and down motion. The weakness in quads or thigh muscles, the knee can slightly move left and right.

Jumper’s Knee (Kneecap to Shinbone Pain)

Patellar tendinitis is an injury that causes pain from the top of the kneecap to the shinbone. People with a jumper’s knee can have pain, tenderness and swelling near the area where the shinbone meets the kneecap. In the early stages, you might feel it only while running. However, as it gets worse, you can feel the pain even when you are not exercising. 

  • Causes
    The tendon connects the kneecap to the shinbone and helps the extension of lower leg. Initially, it causes weakness in the tendon. However, if left untreated, it can cause tiny tears.

Meniscus Tear (All-over the knee pain)

Two wedge-shaped pieces of cartilage that absorb shocks between the femur and tibia are the meniscus. It can cause knee pain after jogging or running. Changing the direction suddenly while running or a sudden twist in the knee can cause a meniscus tear. Older runners have higher chance of experiencing knee joint pain after running due to the condition.  

  • Causes
    The older runners often injure the inside of the knee rather than outside of the knee. General knee pain, swollen knee, popping feeling during the injury, stiffness, feeling as if the knee is locked in a place, and challenges while bending or straightening the leg are commonly seen symptoms.

Bursitis (Inner side knee pain)

Knee bursitis causes pain over the top of your kneecaps or on the inner side of the knee. It is an inflammation of the bursa, which is near the knee joint. 

  • Causes
    A bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that reduces friction and cushions the points between the bones, joints, tendons and muscles. Unfortunately, runner’s can overuse the pes anserine bursa that leads to pain and inflammation.

Swollen bursa usually causes the affected region to feel warm, tender or swollen when pressure is applied. Moving or resting can as well be painful. Climbing the stairs might be challenging. 

Baker’s Cyst (Back of the knee)

It is also known as a popliteal synovial cyst, and it is the swelling at the back of the knee. Again, the pain might be there, but more prominently, you feel tightness or stiffness in the area with a sensation of fullness. 

  • Causes
    Meniscus tears or osteoarthritis can be the cause of these cysts. Baker’s cysts are not usually related to running. However, the condition results from an underlying issue, so runner’s might develop a cyst.

Therefore, if you are a victim of knee pain while jogging or running, get a doctor’s advice today!


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Jawad  was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients.