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Month: February 2022

27 Feb 2022
How to prevent rotator cuff injury

How to prevent rotator cuff injury?

Torn rotator cuff injury is one of the most common injuries people visit an orthopaedic doctor. Patients of this injury are usually either 60 or are athletes (as they are more vulnerable to injuries and incidents). In rotator cuff injury, the mass of tendons and muscles firmly (holding the upper arm ball in the shoulder socket) is torn. These muscles and tendons provide flexibility to the arm in the shoulder joint. But you need to be careful, as injury may eventually result in degeneration of the shoulder joint.

Rotator Cuff Injury Causes

It is said that “Prevention is better than cure.”. So you may want to understand common causes of rotator cuff injuries, like your profession or recreational activities. That way, you may be able to prevent them.

  • Overhead activities:  Doing some simple tasks like raising your hand to change the lightbulb may put a strain on your shoulder joint. You don’t have to be a Yankees’ pitcher to experience rotator cuff injuries due to throwing a ball. A rotator cuff is a bunch of tendons and muscles that attach to the bones of your shoulder joint, which may get strained by these activities. 

A few of the common overhead activities that may lead to shoulder pain and injury are as follows:

  • Hammering a nail into the wall
  • Serving a tennis ball
  • Playing games like volleyball or basketball
  • Lifting or placing an object on a high shelf
  • Doing construction work
  • Painting a wall or ceiling
  • Repetitive overhead arm motions

The overuse of your rotator cuff muscles can lead to tears and strains. In addition, it may cause dull aches or even result in intense shoulder pain over time.

  • Age and degeneration: Several rotator cuff injuries are caused due to ageing. Hence, it is said that age plays a major risk factor. You are 5 times more susceptible to injury if you are over 60 years old than in your younger years.

Other factors that may cause you to suffer from a rotator cuff tear are smoking, having high cholesterol, arthritis, or diabetes. If you have persistent pain in your shoulder, you may be inflicted with a rotator cuff injury due to the cause mentioned above.

How to prevent rotator cuff injury?

You may have heard a saying: Prevention is always better than cure. 

So here are a few ways you can prevent getting a rotator cuff tear:

  • Exercise the Shoulders Regularly: Regular and gentle arm exercises help prevent a rotator cuff tear. Exercises can help strengthen the muscles and tissues that make up rotator cuff. Light exercise that hardly takes a few minutes can be done throughout the day. Raise your arms above your head and cup your hands together. Then, keep your hands high and rotate your hands and wrists loosely to help boost the circulation. Also, you can reach your arm over your head to the other side and hold for a few seconds.

The advantages of these exercises are that they can be done anywhere, even while sitting at your desk. In addition, these exercises can help you stretch and strengthen your shoulder muscles and prevent other arm-related issues, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Warm-Up Before Exercise:
    Another step that helps is to warm up before exercising. If you are an athlete or play tennis, golf, or another sport that can strain your shoulders, you must always warm-up before you play. Warm-ups like stretching out the shoulder muscles should be done before starting any exercise, sports or physical activities. It will help you to prevent a rotator cuff injury.
  • Mind Your Posture:
    You should be aware of your body posture. Sitting erect and standing erect is important to keep the shoulder blades straight. If you tend to lean forward or push your head forward, then hunch forward to change the position of your shoulder blades. Bad body posture can make you more prone to rotator cuff tears and lead to shoulder injuries. 

Do you want to steer clear of the rotator cuff injuries? Then you may follow the approaches mentioned above. If you want more information on how you can avoid rotator cuff injury, get in touch with the experts at Germanten Hospital via


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


20 Feb 2022
Do fractured bones heal on their own?

Do fractured bones heal on their own?

We often think that our bones are robust, rigid, and structural. But it is also valid that it is a highly active and dynamic organ. Moreover, they continually renew and repair themselves. The new bones replace the old bones, and this self-healing ability comes in handy when your bones get fractured. The broken bones produce cartilage and then create a new bone to fill up the breakage. However, the new bone growth follows a series of events. 

Do fractured bones heal on their own?

 It would come as a surprise to know that it is highly possible. Broken bones may get healed by following a sequence of events. These events may look like the following. 

  • Blood comes first
    If you develop a bone fracture, your body reacts by bleeding. The blood vessels at the injured site will bleed profusely. As the blood clots, it gets collected around the bone fracture. The process is called hematoma, and it acts as a temporary plug to fill the gap between the broken bones. Then, the immune system sends signals to the brain for recovery. As a result, you develop inflammation at the injured site. When your brain receives the signals, it sends stem cells to heal the injury. To answer ‘Can broken bones heal on their own?’; Broken bones may heal after taking help from the stem cells. These cells help in bone and cartilage formation after bone damage.
  • Cartilage and bones
    New bone forms at the edge of the fracture, and the bone formation resembles the everyday maintenance process. Your cells produce soft cartilage to fill the space between broken bones. In adults, the bone formation process is similar to bone formation in a foetus. After eight days of the injury, the cartilage formation gains momentum. However, filling the void with cartilage is not a permanent solution to heal fractured bones because the new cartilage is not strong enough to withstand the pressures.

After 3-4 weeks of the injury, the new bone grows. However, the process may take longer and depends on the size and type of fracture. In some cases, the bone healing process may not prove successful, and it may negatively impact your health. So, do broken bones heal on their own? Broken bones heal independently, but it also requires help from other organs. 


In few cases, fractures may take longer than usual to heal. Moreover, the bones may not join properly. However, these cases are around 10% of the total fracture cases. It must be noted that such complications are evident in people who smoke or used to smoke earlier. It is because the blood vessel growth is slow in smokers. Non-healing fractures mainly occur in areas that carry lots of loads. In such cases, a bone specialist may use a bone from another body part or use a donor bone to fill the gap. 

Do fractures heal on their own?
Get answers to this question by contacting  Germanten Hospitals. 

Treatments for a bone fracture

The treatment options depend on the type of breakage and its symptoms. However, the standard options include:

  • Medications
    The medications depend on the type of treatment you receive from a bone specialist. The medicines reduce the risk of infections and inflammation. The common medications that control such complications include ibuprofen, antibiotics, corticosteroids, and oxycodone.
  • Surgeries and procedures
    Various options are beneficial in treating bone fractures. However, the treatment depends on how you developed a bone fracture and the extent of the fracture. Moreover, the treatment must focus on soft tissue conditions after a bone fracture.

If a fracture is stable and set, the fractured bone is put in a cast. It reduces mobility and helps the bones to heal correctly. Sometimes, the doctors may put the broken bones in a cast while allowing the surrounding joints to move appropriately. In a few cases, they may have to use screws and plates to stabilise the bones during their healing. To treat soft tissue injuries, doctors may use external fixation. 

You may meet one of the best bone doctors at the Germanten Hospitals. Moreover, you may contact us to understand the bone healing process and get the answer of “Do bones heal on their own?”


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 


We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


13 Feb 2022
what causes of muscle cramps

What causes muscle cramps?

If you want to know the reasons, you must understand that muscle cramps cause throbbing pain in the legs, feet, and stomach. These cramps may occur anywhere on your body but are primarily observed during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, they also occur due to digestive disorders. The pain is temporary and usually goes on its own. However, if the pain persists, you may try home remedies to ease the symptoms.

But why do you witness muscle cramps? What is the reason for muscle cramps and throbbing pain in your body?

Muscle cramps occur due to sudden contraction in the body parts. As your body cannot control this contraction, you experience sudden pain. However, this pain is temporary and may range between a few seconds to a few minutes. You may feel that your muscles have become tight, and the over contraction in the muscle groups may cause pain. Moreover, you may observe a hard knot on the tissue. 

What is the main cause of muscle cramps?

It is challenging to understand the exact cause of a muscle cramp. Sometimes, a cramp may appear normal, but it can affect your emotional and physical state. For example, women usually develop period cramps because the uterus muscles contract during the menstrual cycle. It causes excruciating pain in the abdomen, thighs, back, and legs. Moreover, your calves also develop throbbing pain. As you use your calves throughout the day, you may experience cramping. 

What is the exact cause of muscle cramps?

The exact causes of muscle cramps are still unknown. Many times a muscle or group of muscles start cramping. However, they return to their normal position after some time. If you experience muscle pain for long hours, you may consult a doctor at Germanten Hospitals. 

Potential causes of temporary cramping 

Temporary cramping may result from:

  • Overusing a muscle
  • Minor dehydration
  • Staying in a particular position for extended periods
  • Using muscle or muscle groups without proper stretching

These reasons may lead to muscle cramps. However, you can relax your muscles by doing light stretches and keeping yourself hydrated. 

Other reasons for muscle cramps include:

  • Muscle loss from ageing
    If you have crossed your mid-age, your body may change its functioning. Moreover, the muscle groups may not work efficiently. So you may develop frequent crampings at old age. The general muscle loss due to ageing is also known as sarcopenia.
  • Other underlying issues
    Muscle cramps may result from underlying conditions, including:
  • Lack of electrolytes or minerals in the body
  • Compressed nerves
  • Low blood supply
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Cirrhosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Kidney failure
  • Pregnancy issues
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

These conditions may cause cramps in different muscle groups. 

  • Night cramps
    You may develop cramps while sleeping. It may occur because of keeping your legs in a similar position for an extended period. Moreover, awkwardly folding your legs can also cause cramps during the night.
  • Period cramps
    People who menstruate may develop period cramps during their periods. Some people may develop cramps before the onset of the monthly cycle. However, the intensity of cramps may vary. For example, some menstruators experience heaviness in the abdomen, while others may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. Moreover, period pain may also result from contraction in the uterus. The uterus contracts to shed its lining, which is then flushed out of the body through the vagina.


As cramps are majorly temporary, you do not require specific treatments. However, in severe cases, you may get relief from pain medications. Moreover, home remedies can also ease cramps and their symptoms. 

Gentle stretches can also relieve pain and suffering. You may also get relief by applying pressure on the pain points. Moreover, deep tissue massage on the affected area can also reduce the symptoms. In addition, you may try a warm compress to relax the strained or overused muscles. You may also step into a warm shower to loosen the tensed muscles. Some people get comfort by altering between warm and cold compress. 

These tips may control excessive pain during cramping. However, if you want to diagnose your condition, you may contact Germanten Hospitals. Our experts will help you understand the causes of frequent muscle cramps.

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06 Feb 2022
how to prevent ACL injury?

How to prevent Acl injury ?

On average, ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) injury affects 1,50,000 people every year. Unfortunately, most of these people are athletes. However, you can effectively manage this injury by following the ACL prevention tips. 

How to prevent ACL injury?

An ACL injury is a common sports injury faced by numerous athletes. Unfortunately, it is nearly inevitable, but you can manage its effects by following the prevention methods. 

Here are a few tips to prevent ACL tears.

  • Implement targeted strength training
    The knee joint comprises three bones, namely the femur, tibia, and patella. These bones are connected by four ligaments, one of which is the ACL. It provides rotational stability to the joints. If your knee ligaments or bones are weak, you may sustain an ACL tear. Therefore, focus on enhancing the strength of your knee joints. Try different exercises and stretches that improve the strength of your knee bones and ligaments. In addition, these exercises improve the mobility and power of the hamstring and quadriceps of the thigh.
  • Focus on balance
    An ACL injury usually happens during sports activity. For example, it may occur due to improper landing, sudden stops, collision, and a sudden change of direction. However, you can prevent such injuries by improving strength in the small muscle groups of the feet, ankles, legs, and knees. Moreover, you must focus on improving the balance in these muscle groups.
  • Warm-up and stretch
    You leave the muscles cold and stiff if you do not warm up or stretch after waking up. The stiffness may result in orthopaedic injuries. You can extend the leg muscles, especially those present at the front and back of the thighs. Moreover, you must focus on stretching the rotational muscles of the ankle.
  • Use proper footwear and proper training techniques
    If you are a runner, it is vital to wear proper-fitting shoes to prevent sports injuries. If you wear ill-fitted shoes, you may trip and fall. The sudden fall or twists to the legs can damage the ACL. Moreover, practice proper techniques while playing on the fields. An awkward pose can also damage the knees.
  • Meet a sports medicine specialist
    You may meet a sports medicine specialist to undergo a physical examination of the musculoskeletal system. A specialist can identify weak muscles and suggest ways to improve their strength. Moreover, they also diagnose your joints and other bones. If you can flex or move your muscles and joints in every possible direction, you can reduce the risk of injuries.

Follow the tips mentioned above to provide strength and mobility to your joints and muscles. Moreover, contact an orthopaedic doctor for monthly appointments. It is crucial to diagnose your muscular conditions at frequent intervals. 


How to avoid ACL injury?

You can easily prevent ACL damage by strengthening muscles around the knees. The strength and elasticity of the surrounding muscles can reduce the risk of damages and injuries. 

Prevention focuses on nerve and muscle control in the surrounding ligaments and tendons. Moreover, strengthening exercises improve muscle power, balance, core strength, and stability. In addition, you may follow these tips to improve your muscle strength and reduce ACL injury.

  • Train your muscles throughout the year. Indulge in exercises and stretches before the start of your daily routine. Not providing adequate attention to the muscle groups may make them vulnerable and prone to damages. 
  • If sport requires jumping and squatting, learn proper landing techniques after a jump. Bending or flexing your knees at an inaccurate angle can cause injury to the ACL and other ligaments. 
  • Try to reduce the stress on the ACL. For example, when you pivot, crouch and bend at the knees and hips to prevent damage. 
  • Focus on your hamstring and quadriceps muscles as they can prevent ACL injuries. These muscles are present at the back and front of your thighs and work in tandem while bending or straightening your legs. If these muscles are strong, you can prevent ACL injuries. 

These steps can prevent ACL damages. However, if you want an expert’s opinion on how to prevent ACL from damages and sports injuries, you may contact Germanten Hospitals. We diagnose your musculoskeletal system and suggest the best tips to avoid sports and other muscle injuries. 


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 

We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients.