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What is the latest technology in knee replacement

what is the latest knee replacement surgery

What is the latest technology in knee replacement

In the past 20 years, knee replacement techniques have witnessed significant advancements in terms of patient outcomes as well as cost-effectiveness. Techniques like Total Knee Replacement surgery have made many advancements, but technological advances are going forward.

In this article, we’ll look at the new knee replacement technology in 2020, along with other developments. In addition, the article will discuss the latest advancements in total knee replacement surgery and the latest robotic total knee replacement procedures.

New Knee Replacement Technology in 2020


  • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

It also includes one of the most advanced advancements regarding knee surgery. Experts agree that MIS is a significant advancement in care for patients in the hospital. MIS has transformed orthopaedic surgery, and the patient benefits are indisputable.

Many general surgeons are hesitant about the method of minimal surgical intervention. It involves using micro-incisions as well as the use of small tools that make it much easier to perform the process of joint resurfacing.

In addition, surgeons who use techniques may be accountable for less blood loss. As a result, there is no need for drains or sponges, and a shorter hospital stay with less pain, a faster recovery, less scarring, lower risk of infection, a faster return to work, lower rates of readmission, a better quality of life, and a better appearance.


  • Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)

It is a highly effective treatment for severe osteoarthritis. The most recent advancements in TKA can result in successful outcomes in return to daily activities, high survival rates and complete functional improvement. In addition, the most recent developments focus on improving patient satisfaction following TKA and Total Knee Arthroscopy.

The latest technologies are being integrated into instruments specific to patients, such as advanced surgical tools, computer-assisted surgeries and navigation. To personalise the surgery and increase the precision of the process. New knee replacement technology in 2020 involves surgical plan-of-action in 3D and enhances alignment stability. 

  • New Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

The new robotic replacement uses the same procedure as the total knee replacement procedure we have all learned. The difference is that it’s performed using a modern robot arm which performs the total knee replacement procedure with great precision. As a result, the latest robot type of knee replacement offers superior results, greater accuracy and faster time for recovery.

This surgery creates excellent stability within the soft tissues around the knee joint and improves joint alignment.

Different type of knee replacement robotic surgery


  • Mako Robotic Assisted Knee Surgery

It could help surgeons see their pins when the pins are placed. A fluoro intra-operative system is included in the procedure. It permits the direct placement of staples in a virtual 3D-CT model. It makes Mako robotic surgery possible. The device has 6 joints, 2 pulleys and four motors powered by electricity. In contrast, the average Mako arm has only 5 degrees of flexibility.

A prototype kinematics system designed to work with the conventional Mako arm. It comprises two driven pulleys with servo motors and two active belts. Lead screw with position sensors permits the precise location of pins by measuring their position about kinematic reference points on the Mako’s arms. Pins can be precise without depending on precise information about the original surgical cut or template.

  • Navio Cori Surgical Systems

Navio Cori can be described as a computer-controlled robot explicitly designed to perform orthopaedic surgery. It’s built using open-source software and hardware components that provide benefits for surgery. For example, the human body concentrates on particular soft tissue anatomy, such as the Medial Femoral Condyle. This robotic system allows precision robotic drills for bony preparation to millimetre precision. As a result, it ensures more effective treatments and improved clinical outcomes. These benefits weren’t available with any medical equipment. This type of knee replacement is recommended for patients with the following:

  1. Complex degeneration
  2. Femur deformities after injury
  3. The hardware from the previous surgery

Patients who opt for total knee replacement surgery that is traditional could also choose the robotic replacement of knees. This type of surgery is perfect for patients with complex joint problems.

New knee replacement technology in 2020 is undergoing rapid advances in the coming years. All surgical procedures will be performed using robotic technology that can provide superior outcomes. And shorter recovery times.