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Tag: Knee Replacement

10 Feb 2024
Innovations in Materials What's New in Joint Replacement Surgeries

Innovations in Materials: What’s New in Joint Replacement Surgeries


Joint replacement surgeries play a crucial role in modern medicine, providing a fresh start for those dealing with joint conditions. The procedure, particularly for hip and knee joints, reduces pain, restores mobility, and improves the quality of life for individuals affected by conditions like osteoarthritis.

This significant medical procedure has advanced over time, not only in surgical methods but also in the materials employed for joint replacements. These materials play an important role in the success of the surgery as they enhance the durability and overall performance of joint replacements.

Read on to learn more about the cutting-edge developments making joint surgeries more durable, safer, and, ultimately, more successful.

How Materials Make a Difference? 

The choice of materials plays a critical role in determining the success, durability, and overall effectiveness of joint replacement surgeries. Traditionally, joint replacements were commonly performed using materials such as metal and plastic. While these materials were effective, they had some drawbacks. These disadvantages led to the introduction of newer materials that enabled the replaced joint to last longer without causing any side effects.

The limitations of traditional materials became evident over time. Metal components, while durable, have issues of wear and tear, friction, and the potential for adverse reactions within the body. Plastic, on the other hand, has wear issues, raising concerns about the long-term viability of joint replacements.

Recognizing these challenges, researchers and medical professionals started to explore alternative materials capable of addressing these drawbacks.

Advanced Material Options for Improved Joint Replacement Surgeries: 

As discussed above, with time, the shortcomings of conventional materials, such as wear and tear, friction, and the life span of the surgery, led to the use of superior materials such as ceramics, specialized alloys, etc. Some of the commonly used material options in joint replacement surgeries these days are mentioned below: 

Advanced ceramics: 

A notable advancement is the use of advanced ceramics, such as alumina and zirconia, as alternatives to traditional materials. These ceramics have a smoother surface, cause less friction, and can withstand more wear and tear. This means the new joint can last longer and is less likely to cause issues.

The ceramic’s durability in joint replacements helps the implants last longer, lowering the chances of complications and the need for additional surgeries. With reduced wear rates and enhanced durability, joint replacements utilizing alumina and zirconia allow patients to do more physical activities without worrying about the implants wearing out prematurely.

Special Alloys: 

Progress in metallurgy has significantly influenced the development of materials for joint replacements. The use of new alloys, like cobalt-chromium and titanium, has become widespread in orthopedic implants. 

These alloys offer high strengths, corrosion resistance, and compatibility with the body, rendering them well-suited for joint replacement surgeries. This innovative material not only improves the overall performance of the joint but also reduces the risk of adverse reactions within the body. 

Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene:

Another innovative material to minimize the wear-related challenges of traditional materials is the use of highly cross-linked polyethylene. Wear is a natural occurrence in joint replacements due to the constant friction between implant components during everyday movements. 

Traditional polyethylene, over time, can undergo wear and tear, leading to complications such as implant degradation and the release of wear debris into the surrounding tissues. Highly cross-linked polyethylene, with its enhanced molecular structure, significantly reduces the wear rates, addressing these concerns and prolonging the life of the joint replacement. 


As technology progresses, there are exciting possibilities for making the materials used in joint replacement surgeries even better. Ongoing research and development are dedicated to making these materials more durable, minimizing complications, and improving how well patients do after the surgery.

From advanced ceramics to highly cross-linked polyethylene and innovative alloys, each material innovation represents a step forward in addressing challenges and improving patient outcomes. Joint replacement surgeries continue to transform lives, offering individuals a pathway to a more pain-free and active existence.

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21 Jan 2024
Robotic surgery vs traditional joint replacement

Exploring Surgical Choices: Robotic Surgery vs. Traditional Joint Replacement


These days, there are different types of surgeries to choose from. While it’s good to have options for your health, it can also be a bit confusing. If you need surgery, you might feel a bit overwhelmed with all the choices. Should you go with the usual traditional surgical approach? What about the less invasive option? Is robotic surgery the right one for you?

In the fast-paced world of medical progress, more and more people are discussing robotic-assisted surgeries as a different way to replace joints compared to traditional procedures. Each method has its own set of advantages, and understanding these differences is crucial for patients when deciding on their healthcare.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at robotic surgery and traditional joint replacement, highlighting the unique benefits each offers. Please be aware that the information provided is based on research, and we strongly emphasize the importance of consulting with your healthcare professionals

The Growth of Robotic Surgery:

Robotic surgery is becoming increasingly common as a modern technology that enhances precision and control during procedures. In the realm of joint replacement, surgeons are turning to robots to assist in performing intricate tasks with exceptional accuracy. One key advantage of robotic surgery lies in its ability to create a three-dimensional map of the patient’s anatomy, aiding in meticulous planning and execution of the surgery.

Advantages of Robotic Surgery:

  1. Precision and Accuracy: Robotic systems provide unmatched precision, allowing surgeons to make smaller incisions and navigate complex joint structures with accuracy. This precision can lead to better alignment and placement of implants, ultimately improving long-term outcomes for patients.
  2. Customized Planning: Robotic surgery allows for personalized preoperative planning based on the patient’s unique anatomy. The three-dimensional mapping assists surgeons in creating a tailored surgical plan, enhancing the overall success of the joint replacement procedure.
  3. Minimally Invasive Approach: Robotic-assisted surgeries often involve smaller incisions compared to traditional joint replacement procedures. This minimally invasive approach can result in reduced pain, quicker recovery times, and a decreased risk of complications for patients.
  4. Real-time Feedback: Robotic systems offer real-time feedback to surgeons, alerting them to potential deviations from the planned procedure. This feature allows for immediate adjustments, ensuring optimal outcomes and minimizing the likelihood of errors.

Traditional Joint Replacement:

While robotic surgery is on the rise, traditional joint replacement procedures have been the standard for decades, delivering reliable results. These procedures involve skilled surgeons using manual techniques to replace damaged joints with prosthetics, such as hip or knee implants.

Advantages of Traditional Joint Replacement:

  1. Proven Track Record: Traditional joint replacement procedures have a long and successful history. Surgeons are well-versed in these techniques, and extensive research supports the efficacy and durability of the implants used in conventional surgeries.
  2. Surgeon Experience: Skilled surgeons have extensive experience in performing traditional joint replacements. Their expertise, developed over years of practice, ensures a high level of proficiency in navigating various complexities encountered during surgery.
  3. Cost-Effective: Traditional joint replacement procedures are often more cost-effective than their robotic counterparts. This can be a crucial factor for patients considering the financial aspects of their healthcare.
  4. Accessible to More Patients: While robotic surgery is becoming more prevalent, it may not be universally available or accessible to all patients. Traditional joint replacement procedures remain a reliable option for a broader population.


Both traditional and robotic surgeries come with their own set of pros and cons. Robotic surgery offers precision and personalized planning, with potential benefits in terms of recovery and outcomes. Conversely, traditional joint replacement procedures have a proven track record, surgeon expertise, cost-effectiveness, and broader accessibility.

Ultimately, the choice between these two methods depends on various factors such as the patient’s health condition, the severity of the condition, personal preferences, and the surgical team’s expertise. Both approaches play crucial roles in modern healthcare. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult with the surgeon, consider personal preferences, and thoroughly understand the options before deciding on the surgical approach.

23 Nov 2023
Recovering from knee replacement surgery

What to Expect When Recovering from Knee Replacement Surgery


Total Knee Replacement is a common orthopedic surgery to replace a worn-out knee with an artificial joint (made of metal and plastic). This surgery, also known as total knee arthroplasty, is performed by orthopedic surgeons, and generally, the success rate is above 90 percent. 

The recovery and rehabilitation can help you return to an active lifestyle. The recovery timeline varies between individuals, and usually, the first 12 weeks are crucial in the faster healing process during the recovery period.

General Knee Replacement Surgical procedure

The Total Knee Replacement surgery is adopted only when other treatment methods, such as physiotherapy and painkiller medications, fail to manage the wear-and-tear pain of the knee. This invasive procedure takes 2 to 3 hours under general anesthesia. 

Below is a brief explanation of the steps involved in Total Knee Replacement Surgery. 

  • The surgeon will make an incision around 6 to 10 inches on your knee area.
  • The kneecap is carefully removed and kept aside. 
  • All the injured and damaged tissues are cut, and the unwanted parts are extracted.
  • The surgeon then attaches the artificial implants (made of metal and plastic). After the procedure, the incisions are stitched, and the patient will be taken to the recovery room.
  • The vitals will be closely monitored in the recovery room after surgery.
  • Once vitals are stable, you will begin preparing for discharge. Medications and physical therapy will be provided to enhance the recovery process.

Step-by-Step Recovery Timeline

The timeline for returning to your regular activities after knee replacement surgery varies from person to person. Here is a general idea of what to expect:

0-2 Weeks- Your hospital stay duration depends on your overall general health. In most cases, patients are discharged within a day or two. You may need a walker or crutches to help with walking. Rehabilitation with physical therapy begins immediately to help you regain mobility. 

This week mostly concentrates on managing the swelling and inflammation after the surgery. Pain and slight discomfort might be reduced by medications and applying an ice pack near the surgery site. You should be fully able to extend your knees from day 1 of surgery. 

2-6 Weeks: You might still depend largely on your walking aid, but there will be more mobility compared to the initial weeks. Continue doing physical therapy, including exercises that help strengthen your knee. 

Sitting for too long during this period can make the knees stiff, so alternate between sitting and walking throughout the day. Post-surgical pain is hardly felt after, and you may not require pain medications. 

2-3 Months: You should see significant improvement in mobility and pain relief. You can start to do light daily activities like driving and light household chores.

3-6 Months: Your knee should continue to get better. Most people can return to work at this point, and you can engage in more physical activities.

6 Months and Beyond: It can take up to a year to fully recover. You should be able to resume most, if not all, of your regular activities without pain.

Tips for speedy recovery after knee replacement surgery

There are plenty of things you can do to help yourself achieve a full recovery. Here are a few tips to help you get back on your feet.

Prioritise rehabilitation and recovery:

Strictly follow the guidance recommended by your physician and physical therapist. Regular gentle exercises and movements are crucial for improving mobility and reducing post-surgery stiffness and swelling. 

Make time for rest: 

Give your body sufficient time to rest and heal. Getting sufficient sleep is essential for both recovery and overall health. Use pillows to elevate your leg; it helps in reducing the swelling during sleep.

Managing Swelling and inflammation: 

Use ice packs to reduce swelling and continue with gentle movements to reduce stiff knees. Consult your physician if there is a persistent inflammation unresponsive to medications.  

Improve your overall health:

Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet contributes to improved healing outcomes. Proper nutrition supports tissue healing. Maintain a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

Take your prescribed medication: 

Take prescribed pain medications as directed to keep discomfort in check. If you experience any discomfort due to the side effects of the medications, discuss it with your doctor.  

Use walking aids or assistive devices: 

In the initial stages of recovery, walking aids such as crutches or walkers help provide stability and support. You can gradually reduce your dependence on these devices as you regain strength. 

Wear supportive shoes: 

Investing in supportive shoes aids in a quicker recovery after knee replacement surgery. The shoes are designed to provide support and stability as it reduces the risk of slip and falls. Choosing the right footwear minimizes the strain on your knee joint, facilitating a smoother recovery. 

Follow the advice of your medical professional: 

Your surgeon knows what is best for you, and your treatment plans are curated accordingly.  Adhere to their post-operative care guidelines, such as restrictions on weight gain and effective wound care practices to facilitate healing.

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14 Aug 2023
what can i expect with bilateral knee replacement

What Can I Expect With Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery?

Having a clear understanding of what to expect with bilateral knee replacement surgery can help you prepare for the procedure and make informed decisions. This article provides an overview of bilateral knee replacement surgery, giving you an insight into the process, recovery, and rehabilitation involved. 

Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery: Expectations and Recovery Overview

Bilateral knee replacement surgery involves replacing both knee joints simultaneously. Here’s an overview of what you can generally expect with bilateral knee replacement surgery:

1. Pre-Operative Preparations

Before the surgery, you will undergo a thorough evaluation, including medical assessments, imaging tests, and discussions about the procedure. 

Your surgeon will provide instructions on how to prepare, which may include: 

  • Adjusting medications
  • Stopping certain medications
  • And, fasting before the surgery

2. Anesthesia

Bilateral knee replacement surgery is typically performed under general anaesthesia, which means you will be unconscious and pain-free during the procedure. The anaesthesia team will monitor you closely throughout the surgery.

3. Surgical Procedure

The surgeon will make incisions in both knees to access the knee joints. The damaged portions of the knee joints will be carefully removed and replaced with artificial implants made of metal and plastic. 

The implants are designed to: 

  • Restore joint function
  • Reduce pain
  • Improve mobility

4. Hospital Stay

After surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area and then transferred to a hospital room. The length of your hospital stay will vary depending on your overall health and the specific protocols of the surgical facility. Typically, a hospital stay of a few days to a week may be expected.

5. Pain Management

You will receive pain medication to manage any discomfort or pain after the surgery. The healthcare team will closely monitor your pain levels and adjust the medication accordingly.

6. Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation

Physical therapy usually starts shortly after surgery, focusing on exercises to improve movement and promote healing. A physical therapist will guide you through exercises to regain strength, flexibility, and mobility in your knees. 

The rehabilitation period may last 6 to 12 weeks, and exercises will gradually increase mobility and help with everyday activities.

Initially, you may require assistance with walking and activities of daily living. Gradually, you will progress to more independent movement and exercises. Following instructions from the physical therapist and doctor is crucial for a complete recovery.

7. Recovery And Follow-Up

The recovery period after bilateral knee replacement surgery can take several weeks to months. It generally involves a few hours in the recovery room before being moved to a hospital room. 

Hospitalization typically lasts three to five days for staged double knee replacements and up to 10 days for simultaneous double knee replacements. Medications will be given to manage pain, and the doctor will monitor for any signs of infection, blood clots, or complications. 

Recovery time can vary based on age and overall health, with most people recovering within 12 months.

You will gradually regain strength and mobility in your knees, but it may take time to fully resume your normal activities. Follow-up appointments with your surgeon will be scheduled to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

It’s important to note that the specifics of your surgery and recovery may vary based on individual factors, such as overall health, age, and the surgeon’s approach. Your surgeon will provide you with detailed information and instructions tailored to your specific case to ensure a smooth recovery.

Risks and Challenges of Bilateral Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Infection: Risk of developing an infection at the surgical site.
  • Blood clots: Possibility of blood clot formation, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  • Bleeding: Potential for excessive bleeding during or after surgery.
  • Implant-related issues: Rare complications related to artificial knee implants, such as dislocation or loosening.
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage: Small risk of injury to nerves or blood vessels during surgery.
  • Pain and stiffness: Some patients may experience persistent pain or stiffness after surgery.
  • Anaesthetic risks: General anaesthesia carries its own set of low risks, such as adverse reactions or cardiovascular complications.

It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon and understand the steps taken to minimize them for a successful outcome.


Bilateral knee replacement surgery offers potential relief, but realistic expectations are important. Recovery requires a commitment to therapy and following instructions. Consulting with healthcare providers is essential for understanding the benefits, risks, and individual suitability.


Q1. How long does the pain last after a double knee replacement?

Ans. The duration of pain after a double knee replacement varies, but most patients experience significant pain relief within 3-6 months. Mild discomfort or occasional pain may persist for up to a year as the body continues to heal and adapt.

Q2. What can you not do after a double knee replacement?

Ans. After a double knee replacement, you must avoid high-impact activities like running or jumping, twisting or pivoting on the knees, excessive bending or flexing, heavy lifting, and sitting on low or unstable surfaces that require significant effort to rise from.

08 Apr 2023
Robotic Knee Replacement vs Traditional Knee Replacement

Robotic Knee Replacement vs Traditional Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement is a procedure for end-stage osteoarthritis patients or those with severe physical damage. It is done by placing implants in place of the original knees; the age category of the patients now includes younger patients looking for some of the best traditional knee replacements. The procedure is also known as total knee arthroplasty.

What is traditional total replacement surgery?

The old style of knee replacement is practised and still preferred by many surgeons in traditional knee replacement surgery. It depends highly on the surgeon’s expertise and keen vision to get an idea through x-rays. Traditional knee replacement surgery involves making an incision of 10 to 12 inches with surgical machines and tools.

Even though the procedure has been fruitful for many in the past years, it is an invasive procedure with a long recovery period. The traditional knee replacement dryer relies on the surgeons’ skills and their judgement ability through which they do bone section and soft tissue balancing. 

Disadvantages of traditional knee replacement surgery

  • The procedure is invasive and hence needs a longer healing period
  • A good amount of soft tissue and skin has to be stretched and involved during the surgery 
  • Higher chances of wear and tear of the knee components due to improper alignment
  • It depends mainly on the experience of the surgeon, who should be an expert in ensuring the success of the surgery

What is robotic knee replacement?

In robotic knee replacement surgery, the medical procedure prepares a virtual mode of the patient’s knee to prepare a plan before the surgery. With a computer, the doctor would guide the robotic arm, which is programmed and successfully replace the damaged knee tissue. 

There are many robotic knee versus traditional knee replacements where the former is the winner. The major difference between robotic vs traditional knee replacement is that only the damaged portion of the knee is removed, and the other healthy intricate parts and tissues are not affected by the surgery. An implant is placed inside, allowing free movement after the knee has healed. 

Benefits of robotic knee replacement surgery

Getting one of the best robotic knee replacements is a safe and informed decision. There are multiple advantages of robotic knee versus traditional knee replacement. Some of these are:

  • The robotic knee replacement involves using smaller incisions, hence quick recovery and gaining back mobility. 
  • A major robotic vs traditional knee replacement advantage is the higher probability of long-term success of the procedure.
  • It is better for those who want a safe and less invasive procedure. There is also laser damage done to the surrounding tissues. 
  • In traditional versus robotic knee replacement, the accuracy of the implant position does not completely rely on the surgeon. Robotic arms have better accuracy and hence give a more natural feeling post-surgery. 
  • Those who want a more customised and dedicated plan should go with robotic surgery. It is a major advantage of robotic knee versus traditional knee replacement.
  • The chances of complications are much less.
  • The robotic method employs the exact pattern of the patient’s joint movement and reduces the risks of damage to nearby cartilages and tendons. 
  • The procedure is mostly a success on the first attempt, and no cases of correction arise. 


Who is an ideal candidate to undergo robotic knee replacement surgery?

If you are suffering from knee pain, you should consider visiting an orthopedician to get a better idea of the cause and available treatment options. The decision of surgery whether you are suitable for the surgery or not depends on several factors such as lifestyle habits, age, diet, the extent of the damaged portion of the knee, etc. 

Those who are suffering from severe osteoarthritis are ideal candidates for the surgery. Those with severe pain and knee stiffness due to which daily activities have become a menace should consider understanding traditional versus robotic knee replacement and choosing the ideal option. It is suggested to the patient only when all forms of physical therapy and medication fail to deliver results. 

Visit Germanten Hospital if you are experiencing pain and stiffness in your knee. The experienced medical team, with the availability of advanced technology, can conduct effective and safe knee replacement surgery. So, book your appointment now!


20 Mar 2023
knee replacement surgeries drastically

Knee replacement surgeries have gone up drastically in India

Knee replacement surgery is a medical procedure to remove the original damaged knees and put them in artificial joints. The number of Knee replacement surgeries in India has arisen. It can be attributed to factors like the increased population in the ageing category, better healthcare facilities and higher amount of physical activity. Knee replacement surgery is also known as knee arthroplasty. 

The prime reason for the increase in demand for Knee replacement surgeries is the increase in the number of people in the ageing category. With age, the chances of knee damage due to osteoarthritis increase. It is a degenerative joint disease that causes stiffness and pain and interferes with daily activities. These have made the demand for the best knee replacement surgery in India grow more than ever. With more people in the elderly category, people are looking for the best knee replacement surgeon to regain their normal lifestyle. People are mostly in search of a hospital providing the best surgery with a high success rate and has some of the best doctors in their team. 

Another reason for the higher demand for knee replacement surgeries is the increase in the level of physical activity. Nowadays, people are more concerned about their health, so activities like exercising, cycling, running, and sports are a part of their routine. The continuous pressure on the knees has led to faster wear and tear and, thus, the need to get the best knee replacement surgery in India. It can also be seen in the younger patients who do not want to be restrained by knee damage in their upcoming years of life. Thus, the trend of being physically active and sports in India has opened an avenue for the growing demand for the best knee replacement surgeons.

The accessibility to better medical facilities is also a crucial reason for the increased demand for Knee replacement surgeries. Earlier, knee replacement surgery was a complex and costly procedure accessible to the higher society people only. With the growth of the medical tourism industry and the facilities being provided, people are more concerned about their health and eager to seek treatment to treat their ailments. The increase in the number of some of the best knee replacement surgeons and specialty hospitals has led to higher awareness among the people about their condition and how to treat it without thinking of the financial aspect.

Yet the higher rates of knee replacement surgery are the prime hindrance for many Indians. Many Indians do not have medical insurance or reside in rural areas. Hence, the procedure still needs to be made available to many of India. The government of India is working on the healthcare facilities and accessibility of the patients to ensure the needy get the required treatment. It is through financial assistance and the setting up hospitals for the rural population. Those who need the treatment are getting assisted through government initiatives. These government schemes and associates have helped many patients and eased their financial burden. 

Thus, we can say that despite the constraints, the demand for knee replacement surgeries in India has increased exponentially due to a combination of a variety of reasons, such as a higher number of people in the senior age category, higher levels of sports and physical activities and better services and medical accessibility. Even though the cost of the knee replacement surgery is a reason behind it not being chosen by many, there are several ways by which you can go forward with the surgery and free your life from the pain.

In case you are experiencing knee pain, consult a doctor and discuss the cause of the pain and the procedure for treatment. With the increasing need for knee replacement surgery in the country, doctors and the government are taking initiatives to make it easier for people to get the procedure for those in need. Thus, no need to surf and live a life of pain and suffering; consult your doctor and go forward with one of the best knee replacement surgery to live life on your terms. 

If you are looking for a hospital for knee replacement surgery, then you should visit Germanten Hospital. It has all the availability for conducting safe and effective surgery. So, book your appointment now!


22 Feb 2023
knee replacement revision surgery

What Is Knee Replacement Revision Surgery?

What is knee revision surgery?


When the knee replacement surgery stops functioning correctly, a revision knee replacement surgery is performed. This surgical procedure involves the replacement of the old device with a new one.

One should take revision surgery seriously. It is supposed to be more complicated than a primary total knee replacement. Moreover, it involves almost the same risks. It is estimated that many total knee revision surgeries occur within two years of the initial knee replacement. 

What makes revision knee replacement more complicated than initial surgery? 

The initial knee replacement provides a lifespan of around 20 years, but the same is not true for revision knee replacement surgery. The performance gets reduced by accumulated trauma, scar tissue, and mechanical breakdown of components. Moreover, the chances of complications are also high. 

The complications arise as the best knee revision surgeons have to remove the original implant, which grows into the existing bone at a given time. Also, with the removal of the prosthesis, only a little bone remains. 

In some instances, a bone graft is required for a new prosthesis. It involves transplanting a piece of bone from another part of the body or a donor.

Bone graft provides support and leads to new bone growth. The procedure requires additional preoperative planning, specialised tools, and exceptional surgical skill. It takes much more time to perform knee replacement revision surgery than a primary initial knee replacement.

You will find some specific symptoms that indicate the need for knee replacement revision surgery. These include:

  • Reduced stability or function in the knee
  • increased pain or an infection 
  • a bone fracture or implant device failure
  • Pieces of the prosthetic device can break off, and the particles can accumulate around the joint.


Reasons for a Revision Knee Replacement 

Short-term revisions: Infection, failed procedure that leads to implant loosening, or a mechanical failure

Infection can start showing itself within days or weeks of surgery. It can also occur many years after surgery. 

Infection after the knee replacement generates severe complications. The bacteria that accumulates around the wound or inside the device is the reason for this Infection. It can also be caused by contaminated instruments or by items in the operating room. However, Infection is rarely caused in the operating room as extreme precautions are taken. Infection buildup fluids, and hence a total or partial knee revision surgery is required.

Unusual swelling, tenderness, or fluid leakage are the signs of Infection, and one should immediately contact the best knee revision surgeons. Your surgeon will examine your knee, which includes X-rays and other imaging tests such as CT or MRI scans. It provides information about bone loss and determines if you are suitable for a knee replacement revision surgery.

An aspiration procedure is performed if fluid buildup around the artificial knee. The fluid is examined in the lab to understand the type of Infection and if other treatment steps are in order.

Long-term revisions: pain, loosening due to wear of mechanical components, stiffness, dislocation

Long-term wear and tear of the implant occur over the years. A well-researched statistics on the long-term knee revision surgery rates for knee replacement showed results of 2 per cent for five or more years in 2004. As of 2011, the revision rate is 6 per cent after five years and 12 per cent after ten years. It has also been found that the rate of total and partial knee revision surgery for all age groups within five years of surgery is about 77 per cent. This rate increases to 10 per cent for patients 65 and older.

The long-term total knee revision rates data varies due to several factors, such as age. The chances for revision are lower for younger people. To reduce future problems, try to maintain weight and not indulge in activities such as running, jumping, and high-impact aerobics that cause stress on the joint. 

The aseptic loosening procedure breaks the bond between the bone and the implant as the body attempts to digest the particles. At this time, the body begins to digest bone, known as osteolysis. This causes weakened bone, fracture, or problems with the original implant.


Visit Germanten Hospital now if you are looking for the best knee revision surgeons.  


24 Dec 2022
what is the latest knee replacement surgery

What is the latest technology in knee replacement

In the past 20 years, knee replacement techniques have witnessed significant advancements in terms of patient outcomes as well as cost-effectiveness. Techniques like Total Knee Replacement surgery have made many advancements, but technological advances are going forward.

In this article, we’ll look at the new knee replacement technology in 2020, along with other developments. In addition, the article will discuss the latest advancements in total knee replacement surgery and the latest robotic total knee replacement procedures.

New Knee Replacement Technology in 2020


  • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)

It also includes one of the most advanced advancements regarding knee surgery. Experts agree that MIS is a significant advancement in care for patients in the hospital. MIS has transformed orthopaedic surgery, and the patient benefits are indisputable.

Many general surgeons are hesitant about the method of minimal surgical intervention. It involves using micro-incisions as well as the use of small tools that make it much easier to perform the process of joint resurfacing.

In addition, surgeons who use techniques may be accountable for less blood loss. As a result, there is no need for drains or sponges, and a shorter hospital stay with less pain, a faster recovery, less scarring, lower risk of infection, a faster return to work, lower rates of readmission, a better quality of life, and a better appearance.


  • Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)

It is a highly effective treatment for severe osteoarthritis. The most recent advancements in TKA can result in successful outcomes in return to daily activities, high survival rates and complete functional improvement. In addition, the most recent developments focus on improving patient satisfaction following TKA and Total Knee Arthroscopy.

The latest technologies are being integrated into instruments specific to patients, such as advanced surgical tools, computer-assisted surgeries and navigation. To personalise the surgery and increase the precision of the process. New knee replacement technology in 2020 involves surgical plan-of-action in 3D and enhances alignment stability. 

  • New Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery

The new robotic replacement uses the same procedure as the total knee replacement procedure we have all learned. The difference is that it’s performed using a modern robot arm which performs the total knee replacement procedure with great precision. As a result, the latest robot type of knee replacement offers superior results, greater accuracy and faster time for recovery.

This surgery creates excellent stability within the soft tissues around the knee joint and improves joint alignment.

Different type of knee replacement robotic surgery


  • Mako Robotic Assisted Knee Surgery

It could help surgeons see their pins when the pins are placed. A fluoro intra-operative system is included in the procedure. It permits the direct placement of staples in a virtual 3D-CT model. It makes Mako robotic surgery possible. The device has 6 joints, 2 pulleys and four motors powered by electricity. In contrast, the average Mako arm has only 5 degrees of flexibility.

A prototype kinematics system designed to work with the conventional Mako arm. It comprises two driven pulleys with servo motors and two active belts. Lead screw with position sensors permits the precise location of pins by measuring their position about kinematic reference points on the Mako’s arms. Pins can be precise without depending on precise information about the original surgical cut or template.

  • Navio Cori Surgical Systems

Navio Cori can be described as a computer-controlled robot explicitly designed to perform orthopaedic surgery. It’s built using open-source software and hardware components that provide benefits for surgery. For example, the human body concentrates on particular soft tissue anatomy, such as the Medial Femoral Condyle. This robotic system allows precision robotic drills for bony preparation to millimetre precision. As a result, it ensures more effective treatments and improved clinical outcomes. These benefits weren’t available with any medical equipment. This type of knee replacement is recommended for patients with the following:

  1. Complex degeneration
  2. Femur deformities after injury
  3. The hardware from the previous surgery

Patients who opt for total knee replacement surgery that is traditional could also choose the robotic replacement of knees. This type of surgery is perfect for patients with complex joint problems.

New knee replacement technology in 2020 is undergoing rapid advances in the coming years. All surgical procedures will be performed using robotic technology that can provide superior outcomes. And shorter recovery times. 

13 Nov 2022
Diet plan after knee replacement

Diet plan after knee replacement Surgery

Now that we are getting into things needed after knee surgery, Also known as arthroplasty, knee replacement is a surgical procedure meant to replace a knee joint’s weight-bearing surface. All of it happens to relieve disability and pain.

After Knee Replacement Surgery:

Healing is the first post-surgery priority. Proper diets plans after knee replacement are necessary. A careful post-surgery diet and adequate nutrition aid can be of much help.

Eat Clear Fluids

Clear fluids are needed among items needed after knee replacement surgery. For the doctor to be sure of your digestive system’s functioning before solid diet intake, your immediate post-surgery diet must consist of clear fluids:

  • Water
  • Apple Juice
  • Coconut Water
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Tea Broth
  • Ice
  • Gelatin
  • Grape
  • Electrolyte drinks & popsicles

Don’t guzzle liquid; go slowly at first. Adequate fluid intake will prevent dehydration

Avoid Cheese

Post-surgery constipation is common. Here comes another element for a diet plan after knee replacement. One should avoid high-fat food like cheese as it can cause nausea.

Eat Yogurt

During and after surgery, most people receive antibiotics to prevent and treat the infection. However, they can disturb the gut’s balance. Yogurt has healthy bacteria making it unlikely to cause post-surgery nausea. Make sure to include it in your diet plan after knee replacement. For healing, it has zinc and protein. Probiotics are needed for digestion, providing mental balance and combating germs & infections after hospital stays or procedures.

Some common foods rich in probiotics are:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Kefir

The gut’s balance is incredibly delicate. Painkillers, antibiotics and anesthetics tend to upset that balance and cause digestive upsets, constipation and nausea. So you know some more things needed after knee surgery.

Avoid fatty or fried food.

Opting for fatty food is not a good nutritional choice. Instead, One must include the undermentioned nutrients in your diet plan after knee replacement.

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E and zinc
  • Protein

Additionally, nausea or vomiting can be caused by fried and fatty food. Thus, it is vital to include protein and vitamin-containing food in the things needed after knee surgery

Eat Lean Meats And Seafood

They are necessary for healing promotion. Fatty fish like white caught salmon and tuna decrease inflammation and prevent infection as they contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoid Alcohol

Avoiding alcohol is also one of the things to do after knee replacement surgery. For healing, healthy fluids are necessary. So as alcohol dehydrates, make sure to avoid it.

Eat Berries

Berries’ antioxidants help with the immune system’s functioning and help to avoid post-surgery infection. So for vitamin C, it is good to include blackberries and raspberries in diets plans after knee replacement

Eat Whole Grain

Whole grain containing plenty of fiber helps avoid post-surgical constipation. A whole grain includes:

  • Bulgur
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Millet’s contain zinc, protein, magnesium and B vitamins.


Dark, leafy green foods also help digestion and support the immune system as they have fibre and antioxidants.

Avoid Vitamin K After Surgery

While taking blood thinners in post-surgical circumstances, one must be careful with foods rich in Vitamin K. These foods include:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Soybeans
  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Green beans
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Liver
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils
  • Garbanzo beans

Eat These Foods To Speed Up Post-surgical Recovery

Diets plans after knee replacement determine the recovery speed and the surgery’s effectiveness. Surgery doesn’t only lead to more calorie demands for recovery but also increases the metabolism pace.

Brightly Colored Fruits Are Good After Knee Replacement

For a significant intake of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, carbohydrates and calories that can lead to a fast recovery, bright and colorful fruits and veggies need to be consumed.

For vitamins and energy-boosting carbs, fruits and veggies like the undermentioned are required.

  • Melon
  • Apricots
  • Oranges
  • Mango
  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Berries
  • Tomatoes
  • Papayas

Fruits benefit one during the process of healing. But there is another advantage that they bring. The fruits are light and suitable for small and regular portions. Therefore, having a nutritious diet for recovery is one of the things to do after knee replacement surgery.

Make sure to have an ideal diet plan after knee replacement. Of course, one must include nutritious foods in the items needed after knee replacement surgery. So stay aware and have diet plans after knee replacement that benefits you.