Tag: frozen shoulder

05 Mar 2023
10 massges and streches

10 Massages and Stretches for a Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder massage treatment is required in case your shoulder has lost mobility to the extent it feels like it is frozen in place. The loss of mobility makes it difficult to continue with daily activities and causes pain during movements.

For frozen shoulder massage treatment, you should begin with complete massage therapy for frozen shoulder. Consult a doctor and a physiotherapist for proper guidance and recovery.

Frozen shoulder is caused due to triggering of myofascial points in the shoulder muscles and surrounding areas. These trigger points are muscle knots or lumps in sensitive regions due to injury, accident, or pain due to another chronic condition. Capsular stretching for frozen shoulders reduces pain and improves motion and muscle strength. These frozen shoulder massage techniques would also work on the trigger points and subsequently improve blood circulation, reduce spasms, and relieve symptoms. 

There are specific trigger points which affect the frozen shoulder. Gaining knowledge about these points and their locations in the arms and shoulders helps to understand how to use capsular stretching for frozen shoulders. 

Massages for frozen shoulder

Before starting any Shoulder stretches for frozen shoulder on your own, consult your doctor. The physical therapist would guide you through the postures and stretches. They will ensure that the frozen shoulder massage is done correctly, as incorrect massages can worsen the situation.

It is better to have a professional therapist to guide you. You can begin with a self massage for frozen shoulder and follow these messages. 

Foam roller underarm massage:

You can start with this stretching exercise for frozen shoulder by following these steps:

Place a foam roller under the underarm of the affected shoulder

  • rest your arm on the floor
  • Lengthen your arm
  • Slowly roll back and forth over the roller
  • Continue for a minute 

Foam roller shoulder massage:

  • Place a foam roller under the underarm of the affected shoulder
  • Lengthen your arm with the hand extended upwards
  • Move over the roller a few times

Simple self-massage:

  • Use your other hand for massage therapy for frozen shoulders
  • Focus on the sensitive regions
  • Try to move about the affected shoulder while massaging the shoulder and arm simultaneously 

Stretches for frozen shoulder

Warm up your shoulder muscles before beginning with shoulder stretches for frozen shoulders. You can do it by taking a warm shower or a bath. You can also use a heating pad. 

Gently start with capsular stretching for frozen shoulders to an extent where you are comfortable. Do not force any movement and gradually progress by repeating the movement multiple times in a day.

You can start with some of these best stretches for frozen shoulder for your recovery.

Pendulum swing:

  • Stand straight and keep your unaffected hand on the edge of a table
  • Lean forward while maintaining balance 
  • Start by swinging your arm back and forth in a circular motion in both directions
  • Repeat at least ten times

Cross-body stretch:

  • Stand and place your affected arm on the other shoulder
  • With the other unaffected arm, press the affected elbow closer to your body 
  • Stay in this position for a few seconds and hold as long as possible
  • Repeat five times 

Umbrella push:

  • Sit in a chair with the elbows resting on the side of the chair
  • Use an overhand grip to hold an umbrella 
  • With the help of the unaffected arm, push the affected arm to the other side
  • Maintain the elbow of the affected arm towards your side
  • Repeat the process and do it at least five times.

Advantages of stretching exercises

Doing stretching exercises for frozen shoulder would prove highly beneficial to improve the condition in the following ways:

  • The massage helps to release tension and tightness of the muscles, thereby relaxing them. You would feel at ease in motion and use. It also enhances the blood flow in the area and increases the speed of healing.
  • Stretching exercises for frozen shoulders also improve flexibility and extent of motion and lengthens muscle fibres.

However, while doing self massage for frozen shoulders, be careful as these movements can also increase pain. With proper guidance, these exercises would improve the equality of your daily life activities. If you are facing a frozen shoulder issue, then visit Germanten Hospital now. 


19 Nov 2022
How to release frozen shoulder

How to release a frozen shoulder

Whether fastening a bra or taking a book off a shelf, even the simplest activities seem impossible when you have a frozen shoulder. Let’s know what exactly frozen shoulder is.

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a disorder that causes stiffness and pain and hinders the range of motion in the shoulder. This disability can be hazardous and tends to worsen if not treated early. Women aged 40 to 60 are more prone to have frozen shoulders than men.

The cause of frozen shoulder is not understood completely, but an inflammatory process is probably involved. Due to the immobility of the shoulder for a long duration by injury or illness, freezing occurs in the shoulders. Fortunately, the affected shoulders can be unfrozen though it costs time and a lot of self-help.

The shoulder is a part that has a maximum range of motion. It pivots mainly on a ball-and-socket joint called a glenohumeral joint. It joins the top of the humerus to a scooped-out part of the scapula called the glenoid cavity. 

Anatomy of a frozen shoulder

Anotomy of frozen shoulder

Usually, the head of the humerus moves smoothly in the glenoid cavity, a depression in the scapula. The frozen shoulder occurs when the capsule that protects the glenohumeral joint contracts and stiffens. Adhesions may also form between the head of the humerus and the joint capsule. 


How does a frozen shoulder happen?


After an injury or inflammation of the soft tissues, primarily because of bursitis or tendonitis of the rotator cuff, the process of a frozen shoulder begins. The inflammation causes pain, which worsens with the disability of shoulder motion.

When the shoulder gets immobilised, the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint thickens and contracts, thus losing its capacity to stretch. If it is tried to avoid the pain due to shoulder movement, it further leads to capsule contraction. There is a space constraint in the humerus to move in, and the joint may lose synovial fluid, which is the reason behind its lubrication.

It may take two to nine months for a frozen shoulder to develop. Though the pain can gradually increase, stiffness continues, and the range of motion is limited unless pain relief for a frozen shoulder is utilised. 

In the next paragraph, let us know how to cure frozen shoulders quickly and regard pain relief for frozen shoulders.

Frozen shoulder treatment


If you are looking for how to cure a frozen shoulder quickly or remedy a frozen shoulder, read below.

If you feel you have a frozen shoulder or you are developing one, visit your clinician for a physical exam for the frozen shoulder treatment. The clinician will ask you to perform a set of activities involving shoulder movement, such as touching the opposite shoulder by reaching across the chest. Next, they may take an x-ray scan to ensure no problem, such as arthritic changes. Finally, an MRI is ordered to check for a rotator cuff tear.

Relieving pain and restoring the normal range of motion are the main focus areas of frozen shoulder treatment. In addition, the clinician may advise an anti-inflammatory medication. Applying an ice pack or frozen bag to the shoulder for 10 to 15 minutes many times a day is pain relief for a frozen shoulder. You may also be given the corticosteroid injection into the soft tissues or shoulder. Ultimately, it is physical therapy, concentrating on stretching the joint capsule and strengthening it for an effective frozen shoulder treatment. A physical therapist will guide you regarding exercises. Once you learn them, you can practice them on your own.

Once you begin to work out to stretch the shoulder capsule, you should abstain from any activities that need overhead reaching, lifting, or anything similar. If you regularly exercise as per the physical therapist’s guidance, you will soon be able to resume your activity. Getting recovered from frozen shoulders takes time – maybe two to three years. If you see no progress, get back to your clinician or consult a shoulder expert to cure a frozen shoulder quickly. Rarely it requires surgery. It is how a frozen shoulder treatment is done.

Contact Germanten Hospitals for solutions to your frozen shoulder-related problems.


22 Oct 2022
frozen shoulder treatment

5 Things You Need To Know If You Have A Frozen Shoulder

How to cure a frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a condition involving shoulder joint stiffness and pain. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, it shows slow symptoms that worsen with time. Keeping a shoulder still for a long period can lead to a frozen shoulder. It can happen after breaking an arm or surgery.

Its treatment consists of range-of-motion exercises. You can also apply numbing medications to the joint. In some rare cases, arthroscopic surgery is performed to loosen the joint capsule for free movement. Usually, frozen shoulders do not recur in the same shoulder. However, within five years, it can commonly develop on the other shoulder. There are certain do’s and don’ts for a frozen shoulder that we will explore later on.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder

Now that we know what happens in the condition and how to cure frozen shoulders quickly, this is the time to learn some symptoms.

The primary symptom of a frozen shoulder is the inability to move the shoulder. Other symptoms include:

  • Achy, diffuse pain: Felt over the shoulder and occasionally on the upper arm; this pain begins gradually and increases with shoulder movement. Usually, it is worse in the early phase and decreases later on.
  • Shoulder stiffness: As the shoulder’s joint capsule becomes tighter, the shoulder’s range of motion decreases noticeably. Although avoiding arm movement can lead to more stiffness, people with frozen shoulders avoid moving arms due to the pain. Mobility can improve and may be completely restored with improving conditions.


  • Trouble sleeping: How to sleep with a frozen shoulder? The simple fact is that sleeping on the affected side causes discomfort and pain.


  • People with diabetes are more prone to having it, so it is essential to know about the frozen shoulder diet


Now we come down to things one must know. Other than the fact that there are 4 stages of frozen shoulder, there are 5 things to understand:


  • Tendonitis: It is usually observable that an arm affected by a frozen shoulder appears a bit shorter than the unaffected one. The shoulder tends to pull the humerus(upper arm bone) rounded head further into the socket. As the tendons try to compensate for the change, they become stressed, and tendonitis enters. Avoiding painful movements, doing gentle stretching, and doing physical therapy can help relieve.

  • Neck pain: Neck faces staring during day-to-day movements like washing hair or sleeping in positions that don’t cause more shoulder pain. So you know how to sleep with a frozen shoulder. This way, the neck can become stiffer and may hurt more gradually. For relief, regular stretching and massage can help.


  • Use your affected arm: A vital element of the do’s and don’ts for a frozen shoulder is the movement of the arm. Resting it does not help with healing. According to medical professionals, resting the shoulder can lead to more adhesions. One must use the shoulder to prevent further problems and maintain muscle strength.

  • Hormones matter: Women in their 40s and 50s are more likely to face the condition. Cases have been reported by women who were having perimenopause, menopause or were at the start or end of hormone replacement therapy.


  • The shoulder may not regain its full range of motion: After the 4 stages of frozen shoulder, this might be the sum. At the end of the frozen shoulder phase, one may not be able to have the full range of motion. At the same time, You might observe raising arms over the head and a bit more height in the affected shoulder.


An “almost normal” shoulder is possible after months of going through pain, restrictions and discomfort. The result of figuring out how to sleep with a frozen shoulder can be good. Even though long-term effects can lead to disappointment and frustration, you can consult with your doctor or physical therapist on how to cure a frozen shoulder wholly and quickly. It is good to consult with doctors for therapies and a frozen shoulder diet.


How to cure a frozen shoulder quickly?

Contact Germanten Hospitals for solutions to your frozen shoulder-related problems. For a healthy frozen shoulder diet and to help get over the 4 stages of frozen shoulder, Germanten Hospitals can provide you with the perfect solution.


10 Apr 2022
rotator cuff and frozen shoulder

How To Differentiate Between Frozen Shoulders And Rotator Cuff Injury

You never realise the importance of shoulders or how much you use them daily until you experience pain or cannot move them. Most problems in the shoulders result in decreased mobility, pain and stiffness. The issues may be caused due to accidents or due to overusing your shoulders on moving them in one particular manner repeatedly. Some of the most common shoulder problems are rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder and shoulder impingement. People often wonder about the differences between rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder.

Are you searching for “frozen shoulder vs rotator cuff” on the internet? Then get in touch with the experts at Germanten Hospital. We can also help you with effective treatment if you suffer from extreme pain and immobility in your shoulders. 

If you are looking for the difference between frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tears, here is a detailed explanation for you. 

Rotator Cuff Tear Or Injury

Consisting of muscles and tendons, the rotator cuff is present around the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injury dazzles in mild pain, which escalates if you put pressure on the affected shoulder. It can also affect people who move the shoulders repeatedly and are into competitive sports. Rotator cuff tear occurs if there is any injury to the shoulder or the tendon tissue degenerates gradually. 

Physical therapy can help treat this condition. However, if the rotator cuff injury occurs due to an accident, you should consult a doctor immediately. The treatment is determined by the type and extent of the injury, as there are several differences between frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury

Here are the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear: 

  • Mild pain in the shoulders. 
  • Experiencing pain while laying on the affected shoulder. 
  • Not being able to do basic activities like combing hair. 
  • Weakness in the arms. 

These symptoms will help you understand the difference between frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury. 

Some factors causing a rotator cuff injury are: 

Profession: Some occupations like painters, carpenters, pitchers, archers, sports athletes have an increased risk of having a rotator cuff injury.

Ageing: It also contributes to the risk of the problem, as it degenerates the shoulder joint and lack of mobility in the shoulder. 

Now, to differentiate frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury, you also need to understand the former. 

Frozen Shoulder

Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder includes pain and stiffness in the shoulder or upper arms. The symptoms can deteriorate gradually, but treatment at the correct time will help you get better. To treat the problem, you can undergo physical therapy. 

Frozen shoulder is caused due to the thickening of the tissues covering the shoulder bones, tendons and ligaments. Some symptoms of a frozen shoulder are extreme pain inability to move your shoulders on your own or with assistance. 

If you are afflicted with a frozen shoulder or rotator cuff tear, you can visit Germanten Hospital for treatment. In addition, you can consult with our doctors to find info on frozen shoulders vs rotator cuffs online. 

The development of a frozen shoulder:

1st Stage: In this phase, the pain just keeps increasing. As the pain progresses, you will be unable to move your shoulders. 

2nd Stage: The phase is called the freezing stage, in which the pain decreases, but the shoulder gets stiffer. 

3rd Stage: It is known as the thawing stage, and the shoulder’s mobility improves. Normal movement or strength in the shoulders returns in 6 months or 2 years. 

Are you experiencing rotator cuff or frozen shoulders? Book your appointments in Germanten Hospital and get treated immediately. You should also visit if you suffer from a rotator cuff tear with a frozen shoulder

Here are the factors contributing to frozen shoulder: 

  • Age and gender: People aged between 40 to 60 suffer the most. 
  • Immobility: Frozen shoulders are more likely to affect people who are incapable of movement, like those affected with mastectomies. 
  • Certain diseases and conditions: People suffering from diabetes, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, or heart diseases are more likely to suffer from frozen shoulders. 

If you are searching for frozen shoulder vs rotator cuffs on the internet, and experiencing a lack of movement, consult a doctor to confirm your problem. They will help you understand the difference between rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder. In a rotator cuff injury, your arm’s movement will be decreased, but you can move it manually. On the other hand, a frozen shoulder will cause extreme pain and limited mobility. It also makes it difficult for you to move your shoulders or arms. After understanding the problem, you can seek the correct treatment. 

Are you still wondering how to differentiate between the rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulders? Then, you can visit Germanten Hospital and consult with our expert doctors and understand the problem but also help you treat it successfully at an affordable price.