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Tag: ACL

14 Nov 2021
What are the symptoms of acl tear

What are the symptoms of Acl tear?

ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, is one of the four primary bands of tissues, or ligaments in your knees, that connect the three bones, namely femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone) and patella (kneecap), in your joint. The ACL helps you control your knee’s movements in several directions and also stabilises it.  

Athletes playing certain sports may be more at risk for an ACL tear or sprain. These sports may specifically require you to be intensely active while performing a sudden change of direction. These high-intensity sports that may increase the risk of ACL injuries include football, rugby, basketball, etc. Also, you may suffer from an ACL injury due to a sudden and direct impact on your knee. 

So let’s discuss the symptoms of a knee ACL tear and other injuries.

Symptoms Of ACL Ligament Tear

ACL tear is one of the most common knee-related injuries. If you have suffered from an ACL tear in the past, you may be well aware of its signs and symptoms. The most prevalent of the symptoms you have after tearing your ACL: 

  • Pain: ACL tear is one of the injuries resulting in severe pain, one of the prevalent symptoms. 
  • Instability: Your knee will become incredibly unstable and may even buckle (give out) when you try to move or stand. 
  • Popping sound: One of the prevalent symptoms of an ACL tear is the sound of pop during physical activity. 
  • Walking inability: Due to the pain and instability, you may not be able to and don’t even want to put weight on your leg afflicted with an ACL tear. 
  • Swelling: The tear in your ACL will cause you to have swelling in your knee 

You may experience these symptoms and more due to ACL tears. But the extent of these symptoms will depend a lot on the severity of the tear and your pain threshold. 

You may also wonder about the location of pain in an ACL tear. Although some people are lucky enough to get away with mild pain, most with a tear in their ACL may experience a lot of pain, typically around the centre of their knee. 

Partial ACL Tear

There are different types of ACL injuries, and not everyone will suffer from a complete ACL tear. ACL injuries fall under three categories, with Grade 1 ACL injuries being classified as the mildest ones. Then there are grade 2 ACL injuries, including situations where a person’s ACL is either partially torn or has gotten loose or stretched. Finally, grade 3 includes the complete tear in your anterior cruciate ligament. 

People playing intense-activity sports may experience an injury known as a partial ACL tear. It means that the person has either loosened or stretched the ligament or had a tear in one or two ACL-forming bundles. Although not as much as a complete tear, a partial ACL tear will also be quite painful and result in swelling. In this injury, instability in the knee will vary from person to person. 

ACL Strain

The least severe type of ACL injury is an ACL sprain. Your anterior cruciate ligament may suffer a strain due to being stretched beyond the limit. Although it won’t result in a tear, it will still be quite painful. 

Diagnostic Tests For ACL Tear

The first step of diagnosis of any medical condition is a physical test. In this test, your doctor will examine your symptoms and test the range of your knee’s motion. 

Afterwards, the doctor will perform a Lachman test. In this test, you will be asked to lay on your back. Then the doctor will try to move and bend your knee to analyse its movement ability and the extent of the injury. 

Another test for this injury is the anterior drawer test, in which your knee is bent and pressure is applied behind it. If your leg bones move out of their place, it may indicate an ACL injury

Then there are tests like arthroscopy and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) that will help assess the damage in your knee. 

If you have any other queries regarding symptoms of an ACL tear, you may want to consult with the experts at Germanten Hospital. So book your appointment today!


Germanten Hospital has been one of India’s leading facilities for various medical treatments. Under insightful leadership, we have acquired excellence when it comes to treatments in neurology, plastic or cosmetic surgery, orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery. 

Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan has led our hospital to the forefront of the medical industry. He has experience of 20 years in orthopaedics. His alma mater is Osmania University, where Dr. Khan achieved a gold medal for his excellence in education. He then completed advanced training in the USA and Germany. 

Dr. Jawad was awarded the “Best Doctor” by Shri Roshaiah Garu, the Former Gov. of Tamil Nadu and former CM of Andhra Pradesh. He was also felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award in 2019 by Shri Etala Rajendra, the honourable health minister of Telangana. In addition to that, Germanten Hospital also received an award of “Best Orthopaedic Hospital In South India” from the Economic Times Group in 2021. 


We have gained access to state-of-the-art medical technology and the latest advanced equipment, which has proven to be quite beneficial for our patients. 


05 Sep 2021
Arthroscopic surgery recovery time

What’s The Recovery Time For Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Recovery time after arthroscopic knee surgery differs based on the circumstances of the individual. Healing time is affected by age, injuries, health state, the capacity and willingness to complete physical treatment. It is crucial to remember that feeling better might take months. Arthroscopic knee repair is a minimally invasive procedure involving local anaesthetic, tiny incisions, less bleeding, faster healing, and less soft tissue injury.

Arthroscopic ACL Ligament Reconstruction

For healthy, active individuals, the average recovery time for arthroscopic knee surgery is 6-9 months and 6-8 weeks for wounds to heal. Your healing time for arthroscopic knee surgery will include a rehabilitation regimen to help you regain range of motion, strengthen muscles, and restore balance. Rehabilitation begins within a week of surgery. 

Swelling and stiffness are possible side effects for patients. Patients are sent home with crutches, brace and painkillers after surgery. Crutches are required until the patient can walk without limping on the reconstructed knee, which takes around two weeks. 

If the meniscus is torn and repaired simultaneously, crutches may be necessary for a longer time. The arthroscopic knee surgery recovery time with meniscus repair ranges from 12-16 weeks, depending on the patient.

Patients can drive after taking painkillers, but they must wait 4-6 weeks if their right knee is damaged. 

Moreover, if the patient has a desk job, they may return to work after seven days. However, if the patient’s work demands a lot of standing, they should wait 4-6 weeks following surgery before returning. 

Arthroscopic Surgery For A Torn Meniscus

Arthroscopic surgery is a popular procedure for removing all or part of a torn meniscus. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local or regional anaesthesia on the same day. Most of the discomfort will fade soon after a simple meniscectomy, but oedema and stiffness will take time to go away. Arthroscopic surgery of the knee recovery time might take up to 4-5 months. After surgery, the patient should be able to bear weight on the knee when standing or walking. 

Crutches are required for the first 2-7 days following surgery. Within 1-2 weeks, you should be able to regain full range of motion. For the first 4-6 weeks, heavy labour or sports may be prohibited. The patient’s knee must be immobilised for two weeks following surgery due to the complicated surgical repair of a meniscus tear. Post that, there will be a two-week period of limited motion before returning to normal activities. 

Post-surgery, the patient is anticipated to walk on crutches for 4-6 weeks. Patients who work in a low-impact job can return to work in 1-2 weeks, drive in 4-6 weeks, and return to hard labour or sports in 3-6 months.

Arthroscopic Repair Of Articular Cartilage Injury

The cartilage at the ends of the bones is known as articular cartilage. Trauma or natural wear and tear can cause damage. Arthroscopy is performed to remove loose cartilage fragments. A microfracture method produces tiny holes in the bone marrow of the damaged cartilage to regenerate new cartilage. For the first several weeks after surgery, no weight-bearing is allowed, and the joint must be protected while cartilage heals.

Patellar Tendon Tears

The patellar tendon connects to muscles in the knee and aids in leg straightening. Small rips can reduce the quality of life and make walking difficult, but they seldom necessitate surgery. Instead, the patient will be required to wear a brace and participate in physical therapy for the next 3-6 weeks as the tendon recovers. 

Surgery can be performed as an outpatient operation or a brief hospital stay with a spinal anaesthetic or general anaesthesia. Rehabilitation begins on the surgical table. The patient will require pain medication and cold treatment to decrease swelling immediately after surgery. Sutures will be removed two weeks following surgery.

Crutches are required since the patient will be wearing a lengthy brace or knee immobiliser that goes from the thigh to the mid-calf to keep the leg motionless for 2-4 weeks. Continuous passive movement treatment, which continually pushes the joint through its range of motion, is one type of physical therapy used to recover mobility. The goal of rehabilitation is to strengthen the joints and muscles.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.

29 Jul 2020
know about acl injuries in women


Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan Sir educated Most of his joint pain patients and Athletes, Saying that “ The slightest mention of an ACL tear strikes fear in the hearts of even the toughest athletes, and for a good reason. The career-ending injury occurs in 1 of every 3,000 individuals each year, and it has been reported to occur upwards of 9 times more often in women than men. “

Further, he said that “ ACL injuries are more common in females than males, but why exactly is that the case?

Anatomy :

Not surprisingly, female anatomy has been called into question as the culprit of increased rates of knee injuries. Women have a wider pelvis, which causes the femur to descend at a much sharper angle inwardly than men. Medically, the angle of the femur is called the “Q- angle”, and a greater Q-angle can give what is often known as a knock-knee appearance. This alignment of the female femur puts more pressure on the inside part of the knee, which is thought to contribute to ACL tears.

Besides the width of the pelvis, another contributing factor is an imbalance in the strength of female leg muscles. Women tend to have stronger quadriceps muscles (located in the front of the thigh), and relatively weaker hamstring muscles (located in the back of the thigh). This imbalance causes additional stress to be placed on the ACL, leading to an increased risk of tear.

The construct of the ACL itself may be a cause of increased tears in women. Females generally have smaller ligaments compared to men, which makes even the smallest tears detrimental to their physicality. On top of that, women have more lax ligaments, meaning they have more give. This increased laxity allows for more joint mobility, which predisposes women to ACL tears.

Conditioning :

More recently the contribution of neuromuscular control and biomechanics as predisposing factors has been studied. To explain, researchers have looked at the way females jump, cut, land, and rotate during sporting events. Compared to men it was found that women tend to bend their knees less upon landing, meaning they allow their joints to take on most of the force of impact. Women also buckle their knees inward when landing and making cuts, which puts even more stress on the inside part of their knees. Furthermore, women’s feet flatten out upon impact which adds to the mounting stress on their ACLs.

Is surgery always necessary after an ACL tear?

Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan Sir Said at GERMANTEN HOSPITAL as Not necessarily. The decision to repair an ACL tear with surgery should factor in age, current activity level and desired activity level. Women who are older and/or don’t participate in many high-intensity sport or leisure activities might get good results from physical therapy alone. Meanwhile, women who play sports or have knee-straining jobs or hobbies, such as dancing, may benefit from surgery to recover as much function as possible and continue their active lifestyle. A sports medicine specialist can help decide which option is best.

What can female athletes do to prevent ACL tears?

Sports injuries are always a possibility, even if you do everything right. But there are steps you can take to minimize risk factors related to your technique, training and lifestyle. The following recommendations are all equally important in preventing ACL tears and other sports injuries:

Practice good technique.
While not a guarantee, proper technique when training and playing a sport can help ward off sports injuries. Work with your coach and/or your sports physical therapist to identify improper form and correct it.

Avoid working out while overly fatigued.
When youre tired, its easier to make mistakes or forget about good technique. Getting enough sleep and stopping a workout before exhaustion sets in help to prevent injury.

Work to develop muscle groups evenly.
Core and extremity strength are equally important. Focusing on one while ignoring the other increases your risk of injury.

Create a balance between strength and flexibility.
Both tight and overstretched muscles are more prone to injury. Working on strength and flexibility in moderation is key.

Eat a balanced diet.
Poor nutrition leads to decreased strength, endurance, and attention. Eating well can help improve your focus and performance.