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05 Jul 2021
PRP Injections in Hyderabad

PRP Injection Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection in orthopaedia: How It Works


The liquid component of blood is called plasma. Composed of nutrients, antibodies, proteins, and glucose, plasma is the medium through which the red and white blood cells, along with other material, travel through the bloodstream. Platelets are also a component of blood. The job of platelets is to secrete proteins and other growth factors that help maintain cell division, promote healing and tissue regeneration. Apart from this, platelets also assist the blood in clotting.

What is Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)?


Platelet-rich plasma is plasma with more platelets than the concentration normally found in the blood. To prepare platelet-rich plasma, blood is drawn from the patient. From this blood sample, the platelets are separated from other blood cells. After this, a process called centrifugation is performed to increase the concentration of growth factors.

What is PRP therapy?


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a form of regenerative medicine, wherein the blood’s natural healing properties are utilized. The healing solution is made by the above-mentioned procedure and is injected into the body at the point of injury. When the injected growth factors interact with local cells, these cells get triggered to begin healing the injury. Inflammation is reduced and tissue formation is also promoted, with this therapy.

Where can PRP therapy be used?


Platelet-rich plasma therapy can be applied for various purposes, such as:

  • Acute injuries – PRP injections can be used to treat acute sports injuries such as knee sprains or pulled hamstring muscles.
  • Tendon injuries – Tendon injuries such as tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis, and jumper’s knee can heal very slowly, but PRP injections have been used to treat the same.
  • Osteoarthritis – Traditionally, hyaluronic acid injections are used for treating osteoarthritis but studies have shown that PRP injections were more effective as compared to them. However, for definitive conclusions, more studies need to be conducted.
  • Hair loss – PRP injections have been effective in treating male pattern baldness. PRP is injected into the scalp to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.


How is PRP therapy used in Orthopaedics?


According to research, PRP therapy has been an effective form of treatment when conventional methods such as physical therapy, surgery, cortisone injections, or anti-inflammatories have failed to work. Many orthopedic conditions such as rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, arthritis, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, Achilles tendon ruptures, and soft-tissue injuries can be treated using PRP therapy.


PRP injection process


PRP therapy is a fairly simple procedure. First, the healthcare professional draws a sample of your blood. The amount of blood to be drawn depends upon the area of PRP injection. After this, the blood is placed into a machine called a centrifuge. The machine spins at a high speed such that the components of blood get separated. This process takes around 15 minutes. After this, a technologist will take the separated plasma and prepare it for injection. To pinpoint the exact area where PRP is to be injected, the doctor might perform imaging tests such as an ultrasound. After this, the PRP is injected into the affected area. The complete process takes around one hour.

Side effects of PRP therapy


Since PRP is injected directly into the skin, there may be a few side effects such as:

  • Nerve injuries
  • Tissue damage
  • Infection
  • Pain at the injection site


The risk of an allergic reaction is low since the body’s own substances are being injected directly.

Recovery time for PRP injections


It is recommended by doctors that after PRP injections, one should rest the area in question. Most people can continue their daily activities after PRP injections. The instructions given to you will be more related to your injury rather than the injection.
You may not notice an immediate difference, post taking the injection. It might take several weeks or months for the area to heal.

At Germanten Hospital, PRP therapy is used as an alternative for surgery to treat knee pain. Our team of doctors, led by Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan, aims to personalize PRP therapy according to each different patient and their injury, to provide the best possible results. Germanten Hospital is NABH accredited and each operation theatre is of class100 level, offering high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control, with more than 200 beds. In 2019, Times of India graded Germanten Hospital as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital. It was also named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India, by the Economic Times in 2021. At Germanten Hospital, the most recent, modern, and advanced medical procedures such as PRP are performed, to take orthopedic medicine to the next level.

At the forefront of Germanten Hospital is the renowned orthopedic surgeon, Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan. A veteran of more than 20 years in the field of orthopedics, he is a gold medalist of Osmania University and has received advanced training from Germany and the USA. To celebrate his achievements and effort, he was awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honored with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.

02 Jul 2021
Partial knee Replacement Surgery

Partial Knee Replacement

Partial Knee Replacement: Procedure and Recovery


Partial knee replacement, also known as unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure wherein the damaged part of the knee cartilage, due to osteoarthritis, is replaced with a prosthesis.

What is osteoarthritis?


When the articular cartilage within the knee joint wears away, this condition is called osteoarthritis. The role of the articular cartilage is to prevent one bone from scraping against the other. It allows for smooth and stable movement of the knee and acts as a shock absorber, to protect against any unusual movement or injury. Due to osteoarthritis, the cartilage becomes thinner over time and due to this, the joint becomes inflamed. You might experience stiffness and pain in the joint and your range of motion might become limited.

Who is a candidate for partial knee replacement?


People who are suffering from lateral or medial knee osteoarthritis can be candidates for partial knee replacement surgery. Generally, medial knee joint degeneration is the most common deformity of arthritis. A few other factors that might be considered are:

  • Persistent knee pain despite taking anti-inflammatory drugs and maintain your ideal weight
  • Damage to only one compartment in the knee joint
  • Sufficient range of knee motion
  • Intact anterior cruciate ligament
  • Stable knee
  • Angulation of deformity


Partial knee replacement vs Total knee replacement


Whenever possible, partial knee replacement is preferred over total knee replacement procedure due to various reasons:

    • Better range of motion and knee function is preserved because healthy tissue and bone in the knee are preserved
    • Loss of blood is less, as compared to total knee replacement surgery
    • Faster recovery of knee motion




Germanten Hospital in Hyderabad is the number one center in India for knee replacement surgeries. At first, your doctor will discuss your medical history and ask questions regarding your symptoms and general health. Then, he or she will perform a physical exam to determine the location of your pain. If it is entirely located either on the outside portion of the inside portion of the knee, you may be a good candidate for a partial knee replacement procedure. However, if the pain is spread throughout the entire knee or if it is situated in front of your knee, under the kneecap, you might require total knee replacement surgery.

Apart from this, your doctor will also check your knee’s range of motion and the quality of the ligament. If the ligament feels weak or torn or if the knee feels too stiff, then your doctor might not recommend unicompartmental knee surgery. To better visualize the extent of the damage in the knee, X-rays and MRI scans may also be performed.




Once it is determined that you are a good candidate for partial knee surgery, you will be admitted to the hospital on the day of surgery. Your doctor will first discuss with you anesthesia options and verify the surgical site. Then, your surgeon will make an incision at the front of the knee to examine all three compartments of the knee. This is done to verify that the ligaments are intact and the damage to the cartilage is confined to one compartment only. After verifying, your surgeon will remove the damaged cartilage from the targeted compartment of the knee. This cartilage and bone are replaced with metal implants that recreate the surface of the joint. To create a gliding surface between the two metal components, a plastic spacer is inserted.

At Germanten Hospital, partial knee replacement surgery is performed using a robotic arm. It is one of the most advanced and precise medical technologies. The team of expert doctors at Germanten Hospital is led by Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan. He has performed more than 10000 surgeries and has advanced training in the field of orthopedics from the USA and Germany. To celebrate his achievements and efforts, he was awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honored with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.

The infrastructure at NABH accredited Germanten Hospital is world-class. With state-of-the-art facilities, the hospital has more than 200 beds and a highly advanced laminar airflow in each operation theatre for total infection control. We aim to provide our patients with the best treatment and patient care. In 2019, Times of India graded it as the Best Emerging Orthopedic Hospital. It was also named the Best Orthopedic Hospital in South India by Economic Times in 2021.



Usually, patients are discharged after one to three days of the surgery. You might feel some pain, for which your doctor might prescribe some pain-relief medication. You will be allowed to put weight on your leg immediately after the surgery. It might be a few weeks or months after the surgery for you to walk without any assistance. Patients can resume their daily activities after six weeks of surgery.

After your surgery, you will need physical therapy to regain your mobility and strength in the knee. A team of physiotherapists at Germanten Hospital will work with you to perform rehabilitation exercises for this purpose.

25 Jun 2021
Total knee Replacement Surgery

TKR vs PKR Treatment

Total Knee Replacement vs Partial Knee Replacement

Partial knee replacement or a total knee replacement will help you get back to a pain-free life. Let’s understand the pros and cons of a total knee replacement and partial knee replacement

What is Total Knee Replacement?

Also known as arthroplasty, total knee replacement is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world. This procedure is performed to reduce disability and pain generally caused by osteoarthritis, a form of degenerative knee arthritis. Physical therapy and other treatments may be performed but when these aren’t sufficient any longer, a knee replacement procedure may be recommended. This condition mainly affects people between the age of 50 to 80 years old.

Meniscus tears, rheumatoid arthritis, and cartilage defects are also a few reasons responsible for unbearable pain in the knee. In the total knee replacement procedure, the whole knee is replaced. The diseased surfaces are removed by the doctor, and the knee joint is resurfaced using a knee prosthesis, made up of plastic and metal.

What is Partial Knee Replacement?

When there is knee damage restricted to a certain area in the knee, then partial knee replacement could be an alternative to total knee replacement, for such candidates. Usually, the inner side of the knee is damaged in the primary stages of osteoarthritis. In this procedure, only the area of the knee cartilage that is diseased is replaced with a knee prosthesis and most of the joint cartilage, as well as the ligaments, are left intact. There isn’t any requirement of replacing the whole knee.

Partial vs Total Knee Replacement

Whether a patient should get partial knee replacement or total knee replacement is determined by the condition of the three knee compartments – the lateral compartment, the medial compartment, and the patellofemoral compartment. A total knee replacement would be done when two of the three compartments are diseased due to arthritis.

A partial knee replacement surgery, also known as unicompartmental knee surgery, may be more beneficial in the sense that there are fewer complications. The range of motion recovery is also quicker with this surgery as compared to total knee replacement surgery. It is minimally invasive and it might stop the disease from spreading further, diminishing the need for a total knee replacement surgery. The hospital stay post-surgery is less as compared to total knee replacement surgery and a higher number of patients can engage in low-impact sports, after minimally invasive partial knee replacement surgery.

There are also a few risks associated with partial knee replacement surgery such as a higher rate of revision or redoing the surgery, which can be more complicated as compared to prior surgeries.

At Germanten Hospital in Hyderabad, the total and partial knee replacement surgery is performed with the ‘0’ technique. Thanks to advanced medical technology, patients at our hospital don’t undergo post-surgery traumatic pain. The team of the best knee replacement doctors at Germanten Hospital is led by Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan, a veteran of two decades in orthopedics. He is known for introducing newer, minimally-invasive surgical techniques and has experience of over 10000 knee replacement surgeries.

Dr Mir Jawad Khan introduced robot-assisted and computer navigation surgery for knee joint replacement to India. The robotic arm is extremely precise. It can cut to the nearest half millimeter. With the use of this technology, the installation of the knee prosthesis becomes less painful and safer.

The team of doctors at Germanten Hospital scans and models the patient’s knee in 3D, using this technology. This helps them determine the size of the implant, tailored to each different patient. Our surgeons obtain real-time information during the surgery, by installing sensors on the knee. This also helps them observe the retraction of tissues.

At Germanten Hospital, knee replacement surgery is performed within 25 minutes and the amount of blood loss is minimal due to fewer incisions. It is a completely painless procedure and our patients work with an experienced team of physiotherapists, post-surgery. For such pioneering work, Germanten Hospital has been graded as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital in India by the Times of India, in 2019. It has also been named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India by the Economic Times in 2021. The hospital is NABH accredited, has over 200 beds, and state-of-the-art class 100 laminar operation theatres for total infection control.

Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan’s exceptional work in the field of robotic knee replacement and other orthopedic surgeries has led Germanten Hospital to be known as the number one hospital for orthopedic surgery in India. A gold medalist of Osmania University, Hyderabad, he has been awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. He has also been felicitated with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honorable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra in 2019. He has advanced training in the orthopedics field from Germany and the USA. Germanten Hospital is your one-stop solution for any knee pain.

11 Jun 2021
Covid 19 Vaccines

Covid 19 Vaccines in India

COVID-19 vaccines in India

With the whole world battling against Coronavirus, vaccines have emerged as the holy grail. However, the second wave of the virus has hit the country hard. India breached nearly 1,00,000 daily marks for coronavirus cases on 10 May 2021. The government has stepped up the vaccination drive and now everyone above the age of 18 to be eligible to get a vaccine from 1st May, 2021

Let’s discuss the types of Coronavirus vaccines in India and the differences between them.

Types of COVID vaccines

There are two vaccines that are being administered in India – Covishield and Covaxin. Covishield is a vaccine from Serum Institute of India and is based on a viral vector platform that involves using ChAdOx1, a chimpanzee adenovirus vector modified for carrying protein spiked with coronavirus into human cells. It is the adenovirus vector platform that gained traction during the rise of Ebola. Covaxin, on the other hand, is developed on an old platform called inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 virion that is also used for making polio vaccines. Under this method, the disease-producing capacity of the virus is inactivated.

Both Covaxin and Covishield are intramuscular injections administered in two doses. Covaxin, the vaccine from Bharat Biotech has been approved only in emergency situations and for restricted use in the public interest, in clinical trial mode meaning that the vaccine recipient must give consent. After receiving the Covaxin shots, the recipient has to be monitored. The interval between both doses has to be 28 days. Covishield has been approved for people over 18 years old while Covaxin is approved for 12 years and above. Both vaccines must be stored at household refrigerator temperature (2-8 degrees centigrade).

Eligibility to take the vaccine

The COVID vaccinations in India for the general public began on 16th January 2021. The second phase began on 1st March 2021 that opened up vaccine drive for people over 60 years of age and people over 45 years of age with comorbidities. On 1st April, the third phase of vaccination began that extended the vaccination coverage to people over 45 years of age. In the fourth phase, everyone above the age of 18 will be eligible to get vaccinated from May 1, 2021.

Do’s and Don’ts before getting vaccinated

  • Talk to your doctor before you get vaccinated, especially if you are above 45 and have a pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes, renal illnesses, or diabetes to make sure that the vaccine is safe for you. According to the Health Ministry of India, anyone with hemophilia must be under the supervision of a physician during the vaccination.
  • Before you get your vaccine, you should also get a clearance for the medications that you are taking that might increase the possibility of an allergy reaction.
  • People with a history of delayed or immediate onset anaphylaxis or allergic reaction to injectable therapies, pharmaceutical products, or food items should not get vaccinated.

Do’s and Don’ts after getting vaccinated

  • Always wear a mask even after getting vaccinated. You will be fully immunized only 2 weeks after you have received your second vaccine shot. So, you have to still be careful during this time period.
  • You can start taking care of someone who has been infected by the virus. This is the reason why frontline healthcare workers were administered the shots first. While you will still have to follow basic precautions, your chances of getting infected will be bleak.
  • After you have received a second shot of the vaccine and are fully immunized, you won’t have to practice quarantine measures such as getting tested and isolating yourself after you have had close contact with the COVID-19 patient. However, if you have comorbidities, you should still get tested and follow basic quarantine measures.

That being said, the immunity with the vaccine is not yet fully understood. That is why it is best that you take utmost precautions and follow key precautions while outside.

12 Apr 2021
covid 19 protection

How to protect yourself from covid 19

How to Protect Yourself From COVID-19?

With more than 90,000 fresh infections, India is currently witnessing a sudden surge in the number of COVID-19 cases. However, the good news is that more than 65 million doses of coronavirus vaccines have been administered so far. Vaccine drive offers a beacon of hope despite a surge in daily new cases. But we are still very much in the middle of a pandemic and it’s crucial to follow all the precautions meant to check the spread of COVID-19 and not let our guard down.

COVID-19 can spread more easily. It survives in the air and on surfaces long enough for an individual to contract it. It can also be acquired by touching your eyes, nose, or mouth after touching an object or a surface that has the virus on it. COVID-19 multiplies faster in the body even if one doesn’t have any symptoms. Similarly, the virus can be transmitted by an individual without any symptoms at all.

Some people experience severe COVID-19 symptoms, whereas others experience none to mild symptoms. To prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19, here are some guidelines that you can follow:

1. Wash your hands frequently – One of the first and most important things one can do to avoid COVID-19 is by washing their hands frequently and carefully. Wash your hands using warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. If you cannot wash your hands, then use a hand sanitizer. Follow this practice a few times a day, especially after touching anything including your phone or laptop.
2. Stop shaking hands or hugging anyone – Skin-to-skin contact can transmit the virus from one person to another. Hence, avoid touching anybody by shaking their hands or hugging them.
3. Avoid touching your face – COVID-19 virus can live on some surfaces such as cell phones or doorknobs, for up to three days. Hence, avoid touching any part of your head or face, especially your mouth, eyes, or nose. Also, avoid biting your fingernails as the virus can enter your body from your hands.
4. Cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing – The virus is found in high amounts in the mouth and nose, meaning it can be carried by air droplets to other people while sneezing, coughing or even talking. The air droplets could also land on hard surfaces and stay there for up to 72 hours. Hence, cover your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing with a tissue or by using your elbow to keep your hands clean. Also, wash your hands thoroughly after you cough or sneeze.
5. Avoid sharing personal items – Personal items such as combs, makeup or phones can spread the virus, hence avoid sharing them with anyone else. Also, avoid sharing utensils and straws.
6. Clean surfaces – Regularly clean hard surfaces in your home such as toys, door handles, furniture and countertops using alcohol-based disinfectants. Also, clean items such as laptops and phones that you regularly use throughout the day. If you bring packages or groceries from outside, then make sure to
properly disinfect every item.
7. Maintain social distancing – COVID-19 virus can be found in high amounts in your spit if you are carrying it, even if you are asymptomatic. Try to stay at home and work from home, if possible. If you must go out for necessities,
make sure to maintain a 6 feet distance from other people, as the virus can spread even by speaking to someone else. Wear a mask whenever outside to prevent the virus from spreading.
8. Avoid gathering in groups – Avoid going to crowded places including places of worship, as standing too close to someone can lead the virus to spread. Also avoid going to places such as coffee shops, bars or restaurants as the virus can be transmitted through food, dishes, cups and other utensils. It can also be temporarily airborne from other people present there. If you must consume food from outside, have it delivered and make sure that the food is thoroughly cooked and can be reheated.
9. Self-quarantine if sick – If you are experiencing any symptoms, call your doctor and stay at home until you recover. Isolate yourself away from loved ones to prevent the virus from spreading.

It is possible to protect yourself from COVID-19 if these guidelines are religiously followed. Germanten Hospital is a non-COVID hospital and every safety measure is being taken to protect our patients as well as staff members. All staff members and patients wear masks at all times and all staff members are screened daily.

12 Apr 2021
covid 19


As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise, the best strategy for protecting yourself and your family is to follow the public health guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. These measures such as wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, practicing physical distancing, and avoiding crowds will help prevent COVID-19 transmission.

If someone in your family has Coronavirus, has flu-like symptoms, or is waiting for their test results, it is best to take stringent measures at home. Even if you are not sure whether someone has the Coronavirus or not, they must stay at home or seek medical care immediately. This will ensure that the virus doesn’t spread to other people.

What can you do at home?

If someone at your home is sick, here is how you can protect others:

● Keep them isolated and away from other family members as well as pets as much as possible.
● When you are going near them, make sure that you cover your face with a mask. These masks are useful for people over 2 years old who don’t have any trouble breathing. You should not leave a child alone with the infected person even if the former is wearing a face mask.
● Cover your sneezes and coughs with a tissue and then throw it away. Wash your hands immediately. Use soap and water for 20 seconds. If you don’t have these, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
● If possible, make the sick person stay in a separate bedroom and use a separate bathroom.
● Use separate glasses, cups, and dishes and make sure that these are not shared with other members. Once the sick person has eaten, wash the dishes with hot soapy water.
● Use separate towels and bedding for the sick person and do not share these with anyone else.
● If the sick person is unable to cover their face with a mask, you, as a caregiver, must wear one at all times while being in the same room.
● Make sure that there is good air flow in the shared spaces. You can either turn on an air conditioner or air filter or open a window.
● Don’t have visitors inside your house unless they need to be in your home.
● The clothing, towels, and bedding of the sick person must be washed at the highest possible temperature with detergent. Use gloves while handling their laundry and wash your hands afterward.
● Wipe the things in your house that get touched frequently such as doorknobs, phones, toys, sink handles, remote controls, and counters.

How to protect other people?

In order to ensure that the virus isn’t spread to other people, here are a few things that you can do:
● The sick person must stay at home at all times; the only exception being visiting a hospital.
● Other family members should stay at home as well. Make sure that you follow instructions about how long the sick person and other family members have to stay inside the home.
● If you have to go out of the house for some reason, keep your face covered with a face mask and maintain at least 2 meters or 6 feet distance between yourself and other people.


When should you call a doctor?

If the sick person isn’t getting better or is getting worse, you must contact the doctor immediately. You have to tell them about their symptoms as well as when they were tested for the virus. If you have to take them to the hospital, here are a few things to keep in mind:
● Make sure that their face is covered with a mask.
● Keep some tissues ready in case they want to sneeze or cough.
If they are feeling confused, drowsy, or have trouble breathing, you must take them to the ER immediately.

What else should you know about?

If you are taking care of someone who has been tested positive for the Coronavirus or is showing symptoms, you have to keep following precautions until your doctor says otherwise. However, this can get pretty boring and lonely for kids who are either sick or have sick family members. As they are separated from their friends, family, and classmates, there are certain things they can do to feel better:
● Make a video call to their friends
● Play online video games with other kids
● Use messaging apps to talk to their friends and family
● Play board games. Make sure that these toys are clean and far away from the sick person.

Apart from this, all you can do is keep yourself updated about the coronavirus from reliable websites like the World Health Organizationb> or Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

24 Mar 2021
Knee Arthritis treatment in Hyderabad

Knee Arthritis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Spine Care: Proper Spine Postures For A Healthy Body

Inflammation of the knee joint is known as knee arthritis. The knee is the joint that gets most commonly affected by arthritis. This condition makes daily activities such as running, climbing stairs and walking very difficult. Although there are more than 100 types of arthritis, the most common forms of arthritis that affect the knee are osteoarthritis, posttraumatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.The knee joint is composed of three components – thighbone, shinbone and the kneecap. The slippery, smooth substance that covers the ends of the bones forming the knee joint is called articular cartilage. It cushions and protects the bones when the knee is bent and straightened. When the cartilage wears away, bones start rubbing with each other leading to arthritis of the knee.


Inflammation and pain in the knee is the biggest symptom of arthritis. Apart from that,there are other symptoms as well, such as:
● Swollen and stiff knee joint
● Difficulty bending and straightening the knee
● Feeling like the knee is locking or sticking
● Grinding, clicking, snapping or creaking sound while movement
● Increase in pain with the weather change

Types of knee arthritis

● Osteoarthritis – The most common type of knee arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage wears away. This causes the bones to rub together, leading to painful bone spurs.
● Rheumatoid arthritis – This type of arthritis is an autoimmune disorder,wherein the body’s immune system starts attacking healthy cells. The body starts thinking that healthy tissues are harmful which causes the immune system to destroy these tissues, ultimately destroying the joint.
● Post-traumatic arthritis – This type of arthritis develops after an injury. Old injuries put extra stress on the knee joint, leading to arthritis.
● Gouty arthritis – When crystals of uric acid start depositing in the knee joint,it is known as gouty arthritis. It can cause a lot of pain, inflammation and swelling.


Causes of knee arthritis

● Osteoarthritis – This type of arthritis is caused by the daily wear and tear of the knee joint.
● Rheumatoid arthritis – It is not known what causes this type of arthritis,however, genetic factors might be at play.
● Post-traumatic arthritis – As mentioned above, this type of arthritis is caused by previous injuries such as a cartilage tear or sprains.
● Gouty arthritis – This type of arthritis can be caused by various factors such as obesity, old age, family history of gouty arthritis or using certain medications.


Germanten Hospital is the number one centre for orthopaedics in Hyderabad. The team of doctors at Germanten Hospital is led by Dr.Mir Jawad Zar Khan, a veteran of 20 years in the field of orthopaedics. A gold medalist of Osmania University, he has received advanced training in this field from Germany and the USA.To celebrate his achievements and effort, he was awarded the title of Best Doctor by
the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honoured with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.At Germanten Hospital, a team of the best doctors will first perform a physical exam of the knee area. After that, imaging tests such as a CT scan, an MRI or an X-ray also might be performed, for better identification of damage to the tissues. Lab tests and uric acid tests are also performed to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis as well as gouty arthritis.


There are various methods to lessen the pain caused by knee arthritis. These include:
● At-home treatment methods – A few things that can be followed to reduce the pain, at home are:
● Losing extra weight
● Engaging in low-impact exercises instead of high-impact ones
● Physical therapy
● Wearing a knee bandage or brace
● Applying ice or heat
● Over-the-counter pain relief medication
● Non-surgical options – There are a wide variety of non-surgical options for knee arthritis. Some of these approaches include:
● Viscosupplementation- This procedure works by injecting hyaluronic acid into the joint. The thick fluid helps reduce swelling and pain in your arthritic joint.
● Radiofrequency (RF) ablation- It is a minimally invasive and non-surgical procedure and works by destroying the nerve fibers that carry the pain signals to the brain.
● Stem cells therapy- In this procedure, stem cells are used to reduce pain. It is a natural form of treatment wherein no anesthesia is required.
● Surgery – If at-home remedies and non-surgical options don’t work, the last option to consider is knee surgery. Various procedures can be performed, such as:
● Cartilage transplant – In this procedure, the damaged knee cartilage is replaced with tissue grafts that would help regain the normal function of the knee. This procedure might also eliminate the need for knee replacement surgery.
● Partial knee replacement – In this procedure, only the damaged cartilage is removed and the ligaments are kept intact. This technique
helps patients gain a better range of motion and also recover faster.There is minimal loss of blood in this procedure.
● Total knee replacement – In this procedure, the knee joint is completely replaced with a prosthesis or an implant.

At Germanten Hospital, knee replacement surgery is performed using a robotic arm.This technology is precise to the nearest half millimetre and makes the surgery much safer and advanced. Our hospital is the first one in India to have acquired robotic arm
technology for minimally invasive knee replacement surgeries.Germanten Hospital is NABH-accredited, has over 200+ beds and each operation theatre has a laminar airflow for total infection control. In 2019, Times of India graded it as the Best Emerging Orthopedic Hospital. It was also named the Best Orthopedic Hospital in South India by Economic Times 2021.

24 Mar 2021
proper spine postures

Spine Care: Proper Spine Postures For A Healthy Body

Spine Care: Proper Spine Postures For A Healthy Body

The position of our body when we are standing up or sitting is called posture. Ideally, the spine should be in a neutral position such that the joints, ligaments and muscle groups are aligned to maintain balance, keep the body flexible and reduce fatigue.In today’s lifestyle, a bad posture is quite common. Leaning over or slouching in a chair can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain as well as an injury during work or exercise and other such activities.

Types of poor spine posture

Most commonly, there are four types of bad postures:
● Kyphosis – Also known as a hunchback, the upper back is extremely curved and the shoulders are rounded forward in this position. It may occur to diseases such as Scheuermann’s disease or polio, infections and radiation or
chemotherapy in younger people. In older people, especially women,osteoporosis causes the shoulders to round forward due to weak spinal bones.
● Flatback – In this position, there is very little curvature of the spine. The back looks flat and it may seem like the person is stooping forward. A flatback can be present at birth or it may result from degenerative conditions of the spine such as ankylosing spondylitis, vertebrae compression or disc degeneration. It can also occur due to back surgery.
● Swayback – Also known as hyperlordosis, the lower back is curved inwards to an extreme level. The stomach and rear stick out and it may seem like the person is leaning back. This condition may develop if one sits a lot which leads to tightening of the muscles in the back. Obesity, neuromuscular conditions,spinal and vertebral abnormalities or an injury might also cause swayback.Apart from these bad postures, a few other types of bad postures include military-style posture, poking chin posture and uneven hips or shoulders.

Effects of bad posture

Poor posture can lead to various long term effects such as:
● Back pain
● Neck pain
● Shoulder pain
● Varicose veins
● Negative impact on digestive organs and system
● Impact on the cardiovascular system
● Change in the spinal curve

Apart from these effects, muscular stress caused due to poor spinal posture can also lead to the following conditions –
● Change in spinal curvature – Our spine is designed to make an “S” shape.When poor posture is practised, the natural curvature of the spine gets affected and this, in turn, impacts the spine’s ability to maintain the body’s balance and act as a shock absorber. This makes us more prone to spinal injuries.
● Nerve constriction – Due to poor posture, the shape of the spine changes. This puts pressure on the spinal nerves leading to neck pain, back pain as well as pain in other areas of the body.
● Blood vessel constriction – The blood supply to the cells of the spinal muscles can get cut off due to poor posture. This leads to a deficit of oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells. The chances of blood clots and deep vein thrombosis also increase.
● Vertebral subluxations – Due to alteration in the spinal curvature, vertebral subluxations occur, leading to chronic health issues.
● Stenosis – In this condition, the spinal canal becomes narrow. This causes pain and other symptoms such as numbness and weakness through the body, as the stenosis might press on the spinal cord and nerves.

What is the ideal posture?

A good spinal posture is when the three natural curves of the spine i.e. the curves at the neck, lower back and the mid-back, are maintained. Apart from that, the head should be above the shoulder and the top of the shoulder should be over the hips.
Benefits of good posture
● Good posture helps prevent backache and neck pain
● Reduced wear and tear of joints
● Reduced strain on spinal ligaments
● Joints and bones stay in alignment
● Prevention of spine getting fixed in an abnormal position
Tips to improve posture
● While sitting –
● Ensure that you sit at the end of the chair
● The back should be straight
● Shoulders should be pulled back
● Bodyweight should be evenly distributed on both hips
● Feet should be kept flat on the floor
● Instead of bending forward at the waist, while standing up, move to the front of the chair and straighten your legs to stand up

● While driving –
● Knees should be at par with your hips
● To support the curve of the back, the seat should be pulled closer to the steering wheel, in such a manner that the knees can be bent and the feet can reach the pedals

● While lifting –
● Avoid lifting objects heavier than 30 pounds
● Have a firm footing
● Instead of bending from the waist, keep your back straight and bend from the knees to lift an object
● Tighten the stomach muscles while lifting the object
● While sleeping or lying down –
● While sleeping, the best position is lying on the back. Put a pillow under your head, but not your shoulders
● Avoid sleeping on the side or on the stomach
● While standing –
● Feet should be shoulder-width apart
● The head should not be pushed out forward, rather it should be on top of the spine
● Stand tall and straight
● Keep shoulders upright
● Shift weight from one foot to another, if you are standing for a long period

If your posture is bothering you or appears to be problematic, you should come to Germanten Hospital, Hyderabad. It is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and is the number one centre for the diagnosis and treatment of all spinal issues. Germanten Hospital has over 200+ beds and a high-advanced laminar airflow in every operation theatre for total infection control. In 2019, Germanten Hospitals was ranked as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital by the Times of India. It has also been named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India, by the Economic Times, in 2021.At Germanten Hospital, we have a team of the best orthopaedic doctors led by Dr Mir Jawad Khan, a pioneer in the field of orthopaedics with experience of more than 20 years. An expert in spinal surgery, he has been awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu Shri Roshaiah Guru,in 2018. He has also been honoured with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.


The position of our body when we are standing up or sitting is called posture. Ideally,the spine should be in a neutral position such that the joints, ligaments and muscle groups are aligned to maintain balance, keep the body flexible and reduce fatigue.In today’s lifestyle, a bad posture is quite common. Leaning over or slouching in a chair can lead to neck, shoulder and back pain as well as an injury during work or exercise and other such activities.

Types of poor spine posture

Most commonly, there are four types of bad postures:
● Kyphosis – Also known as a hunchback, the upper back is extremely curved and the shoulders are rounded forward in this position. It may occur to diseases such as Scheuermann’s disease or polio, infections and radiation or chemotherapy in younger people. In older people, especially women, osteoporosis causes the shoulders to round forward due to weak spinal bones.
● Flatback – In this position, there is very little curvature of the spine. The back looks flat and it may seem like the person is stooping forward. A flatback can be present at birth or it may result from degenerative conditions of the spine such as ankylosing spondylitis, vertebrae compression or disc degeneration. It can also occur due to back surgery.
● Swayback – Also known as hyperlordosis, the lower back is curved inwards to an extreme level. The stomach and rear stick out and it may seem like the person is leaning back. This condition may develop if one sits a lot which leads to tightening of the muscles in the back. Obesity, neuromuscular conditions, spinal and vertebral abnormalities or an injury might also cause swayback. Apart from these bad postures, a few other types of bad postures include military-style posture, poking chin posture and uneven hips or shoulders.

Effects of bad posture

Poor posture can lead to various long term effects such as:
● Back pain
● Neck pain
● Shoulder pain
● Varicose veins
● Negative impact on digestive organs and system
● Impact on the cardiovascular system
● Change in the spinal curve

Apart from these effects, muscular stress caused due to poor spinal posture can also
lead to the following conditions –
● Change in spinal curvature – Our spine is designed to make an “S” shape.When poor posture is practised, the natural curvature of the spine gets affected and this, in turn, impacts the spine’s ability to maintain the body’s balance and act as a shock absorber. This makes us more prone to spinal injuries.
● Nerve constriction – Due to poor posture, the shape of the spine changes. This puts pressure on the spinal nerves leading to neck pain, back pain as well as pain in other areas of the body.
● Blood vessel constriction – The blood supply to the cells of the spinal muscles can get cut off due to poor posture. This leads to a deficit of oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells. The chances of blood clots and deep vein thrombosis also increase.
● Vertebral subluxations – Due to alteration in the spinal curvature, vertebral subluxations occur, leading to chronic health issues.
● Stenosis – In this condition, the spinal canal becomes narrow. This causes pain and other symptoms such as numbness and weakness through the body, as the stenosis might press on the spinal cord and nerves.

What is the ideal posture?

A good spinal posture is when the three natural curves of the spine i.e. the curves at the neck, lower back and the mid-back, are maintained. Apart from that, the head should be above the shoulder and the top of the shoulder should be over the hips.
Benefits of good posture
● Good posture helps prevent backache and neck pain
● Reduced wear and tear of joints
● Reduced strain on spinal ligaments
● Joints and bones stay in alignment
● Prevention of spine getting fixed in an abnormal position
Tips to improve posture
● While sitting –
● Ensure that you sit at the end of the chair
● The back should be straight
● Shoulders should be pulled back
● Bodyweight should be evenly distributed on both hips
● Feet should be kept flat on the floor
● Instead of bending forward at the waist, while standing up, move to the front of the chair and straighten your legs to stand up

● While driving –
● Knees should be at par with your hips
● To support the curve of the back, the seat should be pulled closer to the steering wheel, in such a manner that the knees can be bent and the feet can reach the pedals

● While lifting –
● Avoid lifting objects heavier than 30 pounds
● Have a firm footing
● Instead of bending from the waist, keep your back straight and bend from the knees to lift an object
● Tighten the stomach muscles while lifting the object
● While sleeping or lying down –
● While sleeping, the best position is lying on the back. Put a pillow under your head, but not your shoulders
● Avoid sleeping on the side or on the stomach
● While standing –
● Feet should be shoulder-width apart
● The head should not be pushed out forward, rather it should be on top of the spine
● Stand tall and straight
● Keep shoulders upright
● Shift weight from one foot to another, if you are standing for a long period

If your posture is bothering you or appears to be problematic, you should come to Germanten Hospital, Hyderabad. It is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and is the number one centre for the diagnosis and treatment of all spinal issues. Germanten Hospital has over 250 beds and a high-advanced laminar airflow in every operation theatre for total infection control. In 2019, Germanten Hospitals was ranked as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital by the Times of India. It has also been named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India, by the Economic Times, in 2021.At Germanten Hospital, we have a team of the best orthopaedic doctors led by Dr Mir Jawad Khan, a pioneer in the field of orthopaedics with experience of more than 20 years. An expert in spinal surgery, he has been awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu Shri Roshaiah Guru,in 2018. He has also been honoured with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.

24 Mar 2021
common shoulder related issues

Common Shoulder Related Issues

Common Shoulder Related Issues

Our shoulders are one of the most movable joints in our body. With the help of our shoulder, we can move our arms across the body, reach up and behind. The shoulder joint is mainly made of three bones – the humerus, the clavicle and the scapula. It is anchored by tendons, muscles and ligaments to hold it in a stable position. Since the ball of the upper arm is bigger than the socket holding it, the shoulder can be unstable and is prone to problems and injuries. There can be many reasons behind shoulder pains – strains, falls, blows, accidents, daily wear and tear, repetitive motion and medical conditions.

Some common shoulder injuries are-

1. Dislocations – When the top of the arm bone comes partially or completely out of the shoulder socket, it is called a shoulder dislocation.This can happen if the shoulder is hit hard or if there is a tear or a stretch in the ligaments that keep the shoulder bones stable.
2. Fractures – A crack or break in the bone is called a fracture. It can be along the bone’s length or across the bone. Shoulder fractures can occur from an impact such as a sports injury or an accident, in younger people.For older people, shoulder fractures can occur due to taking a fall. When someone has a shoulder fracture, they can face some difficulty moving their arm. They might also experience swelling or bruising around the shoulder.
3. Arthritis – When the cartilage between bones breaks down, the bones rub together causing wear and tear. This leads to pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. This condition is called arthritis. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Another type of arthritis called rheumatoid arthritis is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks the protective lining in the joints.
4. Strains and sprains – When the ligament gets pulled in the wrong way, it can get torn or stretched causing a sprain in the shoulder.
5. Tendinitis – When the rotator cuff tendons get inflamed and irritated, that condition is called tendinitis. Sometimes, when a certain activity is performed again and again, like golfing or pitching, or due to the usual wear and tear, small tears develop in the tendons. It might hurt when someone with tendinitis tries to lift their arms.
6. Separations – The acromioclavicular joint is the joint where the shoulder blade and collarbone come together. A hard blow to the shoulder or a fall can tear the ligaments that hold the AC joint together. When the collarbone pops out of the place, this injury is called separation.
7. Bursitis – When we move, our tendons slide over our bones. To make this easier, small sacs of fluid called bursae are present in our shoulders.When the shoulder joints are overused, the bursae become inflamed and swollen. This condition is called bursitis. It is painful to use the shoulders even for the most basic tasks.
8. Impingement – When the tendons of the rotator cuff get pinched in the shoulder’s bones, it is called impingement. It is painful and can cause swelling. This happens when the arms are lifted over the head a lot.
9. Cartilage tear – A tear in the cartilage also occurs when a certain motion is performed over and over again. It can also get hurt due to a fall or when the shoulder absorbs a great amount of force. When you feel like your shoulder is locking, catching or grinding, then you can suspect a tear in the cartilage.
10. Frozen shoulder – When adhesions (abnormal tissue bands) form in the joint, they don’t allow the shoulder to move freely. This can happen when due to some reason, you’re not able to move your shoulder. This
condition is called a frozen shoulder. The common symptoms of shoulder problems include swelling, inflammation,pain, stiffness and bruising.


Depending upon the type of shoulder problem or injury, your doctor may use a sling, suggest rest, ice or heat and medicine for the pain, or surgery. When the injuries are severe, at-home treatments don’t work. At Germanten Hospital, we have a dedicated team of physicians, orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists, led by Dr Mir Jawad Khan, who is an expert in the diagnosis and surgical as well as non-surgical treatment of the shoulder. He has over two decades of experience in the field. To celebrate his achievements and effort, he has been felicitated with the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019,he was honoured with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.

At Germanten Hospital, each operation theatre has a high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control. With over 200 beds, Germanten Hospital has earned the title of Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital in India, awarded by the Times of India in 2019. It has also been named the Best Orthopedic Hospital in South India by the Economic Times 2021. We use our shoulders for the smallest movements, hence it is important to protect them.
● If a large part of your day involves working at a desk, then you need to ensure that your chair offers proper support for the back.
● Maintain a good posture.
● You should also take a break and move and stretch once every hour.
● Whenever you need to lift something heavy, the proper technique should be used. Instead of bending from your waist, you should bend your knees for the power and keep your back straight.
● If you need to reach for something heavy over your head, using a ladder or a stool is a better option to prevent any shoulder injuries.

24 Mar 2021
Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery Anterior Approach

Traditionally, hip replacement surgery is done either with a lateral approach or a posterior approach. In both techniques, the muscles and tendons need to be detached from the hip, for replacing the joint. It can be very painful and the recovery period can last for a few months to a few years. There is also a risk of hip dislocation, which leads to failure of hip replacement. The anterior approach for hip replacement is a newer, minimally invasive technique.

What is the anterior approach for hip replacement surgery?

In this procedure, instead of making an incision behind or on the side of the hip, an
incision is made in front of the hip. Since 1980, this approach has been opted more by surgeons since it is less invasive as compared to the other ones. By using this approach, the damage caused to the surrounding tendons and muscles is less, which contributes to a faster recovery period as well.

Advantages of anterior approach for hip replacement surgery

There are various advantages of an anterior approach for hip replacement surgery,
such as –
● Less damage to surrounding muscles – With an anterior approach, there is no need to cut into major muscles, since there are fewer muscles in the front of the hip. Thus, instead of detaching the muscles from the bone and then repairing it after surgery, the surgeon works between the fewer muscles in the front itself.
● Fewer complications post-surgery – As compared to a posterior approach or a lateral approach, there are very few complications post-hip surgery performed with an anterior approach.
● Faster recovery period – Since an anterior approach is used, the recovery period is faster as no major muscles or tendons have been cut through during surgery.
● Less pain post-surgery – Patients require very less medication for pain relief after hip replacement surgery performed with this approach.


A hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty is a procedure wherein a patient’s hip joint is completely replaced with an artificial joint. First, the patient is put under general anaesthesia. The surgical site is cleaned and any hair from that area is removed. Next, the surgeon makes an incision in the front of the hip joint and separates the muscles from the hip joint. The damaged bone and cartilage from the pelvis and the upper part of the femur are then removed. The acetabulum as well as the head, neck and part of the shaft of the femur is replaced with an artificial joint. To ensure that the joint has been placed correctly, the surgeon will take an X-ray.


After the procedure, the patient is gradually allowed to eat and drink. Mostly, patients can go home a day or two after the surgery. Initially, you may find that you would need canes or crutches to walk. Physical therapy is also suggested for patients.Usually, patients regain their strength and mobility within four to six weeks of the surgery.


With every surgery, some risks are always associated. Similar to risks of other hip replacement approaches, a few risks of an anterior hip replacement surgery include:
● Complications due to anaesthesia
● Bleeding from the incision
● Deep vein thrombosis
● Pulmonary embolism
● Hip joint infection
● Hip bone infection
● Dislocation of the hip joint
● Loose joint
● The difference in length of legs
● Injury to nearby nerves and muscles


Recovery after an anterior hip replacement surgery is quicker, as compared to the posterior and lateral approaches. Patients can regain their strength and range of motion quicker.With any approach, artificial hips need to be replaced after a few years if they get loose or wear out. However, the anterior hip replacement is an effective approach and
the patients quality of life is improved significantly.At Germanten Hospital, we have a team of the best Arthroplasty as well as physiotherapists, led by Dr.Mir Jawad Zar Khan. It is the number one centre for hip replacement surgeries. With more than 200 beds, each operation theatre at Germanten Hospital has high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control. For its highly advanced technology and minimally invasive surgical procedures, Germanten Hospital has been graded as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital by the Times of India in 2019. It has also been named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India, by the Economic Times in 2021. Dr.Mir Jawad Zar Khan is at the forefront of Germanten Hospital. A gold medalist from Osmania University, Dr.Mir Jawad Zar Khan has an experience of more than 20 years in the field of orthopaedics. Having received advanced training from Germany and the USA, he has performed more than 10000 surgeries. To celebrate his achievements and efforts, he was awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of
Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honoured with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.