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12 Sep 2021
What Questions To Ask Before Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

What Questins To Ask Before Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

A medical procedure performed to have a look inside the knee to determine the root issue is called knee arthroscopy. Since it is a minimally invasive surgery, the surgeon uses specialized equipment to treat the problem through a small incision (around the size of a keyhole). It is especially useful to ensure that the surrounding healthy tissues remain unaffected. In addition, because of the minimal invasion, the recovery is faster as compared to conventional surgery. So it is possible for the patient to get back to their daily routine quickly. Are you looking to have a knee arthroscopy? 

Here Are Just A Few Questions To Ask The Doctor Before Your Arthroscopic Knee Surgery:


  • What Is The Knee Arthroscopy Duration?

    Due to it being a minimally invasive surgical procedure, the knee arthroscopy does not take too long. But it usually depends upon the kind and extent of procedure required along with the seriousness of your medical condition. Most often, it takes around 30 to 40 minutes, but it could last beyond one hour in certain cases.

  • Would I Require A Knee Brace Or Any Other Assistive Devices After Having The Knee Arthroscopy?

    You don’t need to use any assistive devices in case of the majority of knee arthroscopy procedures. But if the surgery has been performed with respect to more serious procedures like meniscus repair, you might require a knee brace for a quicker recovery.

  • Why Is Knee Arthroscopy The Best Treatment Option For My Medical Condition

    It is one of the crucial questions to ask before arthroscopic knee surgery. There are a number of issues with the knee, including torn ACL (Anterior Cruciate ligament), damaged articular cartilage, torn meniscus, joint infections or inflamed synovial tissue. If you are identified with any of these issues, then knee arthroscopy might be the best treatment option for you.

  • What Are The Risks And Complications With Respect To A Knee Arthroscopy

    Knee arthroscopy is considered among the safest surgical procedures with an incredible success rate. But there are a few (minimal) complications and risks associated with every surgical procedure. In case of the knee arthroscopy, the risks include profuse bleeding, an injured nerve, a clot in the veins and post-procedure infection.

  • Do I Require Physical Therapy After The Procedure?

    Whether or not you need physical therapy before the procedure cannot be decided before a physical examination. However, if the doctor observes anything more than minimal swelling, discomfort or pain, it might hinder you from having a quick and complete recovery to gain mobility. In that case, you might require physical therapy. 

  • When Would I Be Able To Return To Work After The Procedure?

    You might be able to return to your job within the week of the procedure in case of a desk-bound job. But if your day job requires you to be relatively active at your job, then you might want to wait at least one and a half months before you return to your work. But for the fastest recovery, it is advisable that you don’t get yourself involved in any strenuous activities.

  • When Can I Drive My Car Post-procedure?

    If you are looking to have knee arthroscopy, you might want to consider staying away from driving and riding for at least 3 to 5 days or even more than 15 days, depending upon the extent of your surgery. Your doctor would explain to you what you can and cannot do before and after the procedure. 

  • Would I Need Pain Medications After the Procedure?One of the most significant questions to ask before arthroscopic knee surgery is regarding any change in your present medication and the need for additional medications. During the procedure, local anaesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free procedure. So it is natural to experience pain and discomfort after the surgery. Therefore, the doctor might prescribe you a medication that is to be used as per the instructions provided.Those as mentioned above are just a few questions to ask the doctor before arthroscopic knee surgery. If you must undergo arthroscopic knee surgery or to gather more information, you might want to consult with the experts at Germanten Hospital. 

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.


05 Sep 2021
Arthroscopic surgery recovery time

What’s The Recovery Time For Arthroscopic Knee Surgery?

Recovery time after arthroscopic knee surgery differs based on the circumstances of the individual. Healing time is affected by age, injuries, health state, the capacity and willingness to complete physical treatment. It is crucial to remember that feeling better might take months. Arthroscopic knee repair is a minimally invasive procedure involving local anaesthetic, tiny incisions, less bleeding, faster healing, and less soft tissue injury.

Arthroscopic ACL Ligament Reconstruction

For healthy, active individuals, the average recovery time for arthroscopic knee surgery is 6-9 months and 6-8 weeks for wounds to heal. Your healing time for arthroscopic knee surgery will include a rehabilitation regimen to help you regain range of motion, strengthen muscles, and restore balance. Rehabilitation begins within a week of surgery. 

Swelling and stiffness are possible side effects for patients. Patients are sent home with crutches, brace and painkillers after surgery. Crutches are required until the patient can walk without limping on the reconstructed knee, which takes around two weeks. 

If the meniscus is torn and repaired simultaneously, crutches may be necessary for a longer time. The arthroscopic knee surgery recovery time with meniscus repair ranges from 12-16 weeks, depending on the patient.

Patients can drive after taking painkillers, but they must wait 4-6 weeks if their right knee is damaged. 

Moreover, if the patient has a desk job, they may return to work after seven days. However, if the patient’s work demands a lot of standing, they should wait 4-6 weeks following surgery before returning. 

Arthroscopic Surgery For A Torn Meniscus

Arthroscopic surgery is a popular procedure for removing all or part of a torn meniscus. It is an outpatient procedure performed under local or regional anaesthesia on the same day. Most of the discomfort will fade soon after a simple meniscectomy, but oedema and stiffness will take time to go away. Arthroscopic surgery of the knee recovery time might take up to 4-5 months. After surgery, the patient should be able to bear weight on the knee when standing or walking. 

Crutches are required for the first 2-7 days following surgery. Within 1-2 weeks, you should be able to regain full range of motion. For the first 4-6 weeks, heavy labour or sports may be prohibited. The patient’s knee must be immobilised for two weeks following surgery due to the complicated surgical repair of a meniscus tear. Post that, there will be a two-week period of limited motion before returning to normal activities. 

Post-surgery, the patient is anticipated to walk on crutches for 4-6 weeks. Patients who work in a low-impact job can return to work in 1-2 weeks, drive in 4-6 weeks, and return to hard labour or sports in 3-6 months.

Arthroscopic Repair Of Articular Cartilage Injury

The cartilage at the ends of the bones is known as articular cartilage. Trauma or natural wear and tear can cause damage. Arthroscopy is performed to remove loose cartilage fragments. A microfracture method produces tiny holes in the bone marrow of the damaged cartilage to regenerate new cartilage. For the first several weeks after surgery, no weight-bearing is allowed, and the joint must be protected while cartilage heals.

Patellar Tendon Tears

The patellar tendon connects to muscles in the knee and aids in leg straightening. Small rips can reduce the quality of life and make walking difficult, but they seldom necessitate surgery. Instead, the patient will be required to wear a brace and participate in physical therapy for the next 3-6 weeks as the tendon recovers. 

Surgery can be performed as an outpatient operation or a brief hospital stay with a spinal anaesthetic or general anaesthesia. Rehabilitation begins on the surgical table. The patient will require pain medication and cold treatment to decrease swelling immediately after surgery. Sutures will be removed two weeks following surgery.

Crutches are required since the patient will be wearing a lengthy brace or knee immobiliser that goes from the thigh to the mid-calf to keep the leg motionless for 2-4 weeks. Continuous passive movement treatment, which continually pushes the joint through its range of motion, is one type of physical therapy used to recover mobility. The goal of rehabilitation is to strengthen the joints and muscles.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.

28 Aug 2021
Hip Replacement

What Can I Expect After Hip Replacement Surgery?

‘What can I expect after my hip replacement surgery?’ is one of the most commonly asked questions. Although the recovery process is different for each person, certain milestones remain common to all. 

Hip Replacement Surgery And What To Expect!

Here are some details below!

Immediately After My Hip Replacement Surgery What Should I Expect?

Immediately after the surgery, you are sent to a recovery room where the staff will monitor your vitals. The nurses will also ensure that no fluid enters your lungs until the anaesthesia wears off. 

You will be given pain medication, blood thinners, and some compression stockings for your legs to avoid blood clots in the recovery room. You are shifted to the hospital room once the anaesthesia wears off. Once you are completely awake, you can try sitting up and walking with the help of a physical therapist. 

Hip Replacement Surgery What To Expect For The Next Few Days

As you recover from the surgery, a physical therapist works on helping you do some exercises to improve the blood flow and muscle strength. They will suggest specific range-of-motion activities as well. 

Before discharging you, the physical therapist will instruct you on the daily exercises you should do at home. They will also tell you how much weight the leg can take and precautions while sleeping, sitting or bending. Your surgeon suggests how long the precautions need to be followed, ranging from a couple of weeks to a long term. 

Before Leaving The Hospital, An Occupational Therapist Will Help You With Modified Ways Of Doing Tasks Like-

  • Bathing
  • Getting in and out of the bed
  • Bending down to put socks or shoes
  • Carrying things like food in the house while using a cane or walker
  • Getting in and out of the car
  • Getting on and off the toilet

Some Of The Additional Equipment You Might Require Is Mentioned Below-

  • Raised toilet seat
  • Toilet grab bars
  • Shower seat
  • Cane
  • A distance grabber
  • Shoes with elastic or velcro closing

The occupational therapist will discuss your home environment and give you tips on navigating your home and doing daily things. Your pain levels are monitored carefully in the hospital, and accordingly, the medicine dosage is lowered. If you will benefit from further care or need it, the doctor will first send you to a rehabilitation centre. 

Once You Return Home After Hip Replacement Surgery What Can You Expect? 

Initially, it is challenging to do daily tasks like showering, cooking or cleaning. Hence, it is advised that you stay with your family or relatives to help you with the daily routine without any mishaps. 

Supervised physical therapy is given every day until you gain back confidence and are strong enough to walk around on your own safely. Then, on returning home, you must do the suggested exercises daily. They help you increase flexibility and gain the strength of muscles in the new joint. 

Make sure you keep the wound dry until the stitches are removed. 

Following Three Months 

Your leg can take more weight on it as you get stronger. You won’t need much help while doing basic chores. A time period of 4-6 weeks is required to start feeling stronger and move around with less pain. Your physical therapy still needs to be continued by attending regular appointments. 

Your therapist will guide you regarding how often exercises and stretching need to be done based on your body needs. 

Staying as mobile as possible can help you with pain and stiffness. Hence, doing your physical exercise program multiple times a day is essential for neat recovery. 

After The Three Months Of Surgery

It still is important to keep doing exercises, gentle movements and walking daily. They help you improve-

  • Balance
  • Flexibility
  • Joint motion
  • Strength

Each person is unique, so ask your doctor or therapist to evaluate your needs. Then, based on the progress you show, they can suggest newer exercises. 

At this point, follow up appointments and examinations are vital so that you know how you are recovering and preventing any complications. You are most likely to be back to normal within 4-6 months after the surgery, but the weakness and pain around the hip might last up to 2 years. 

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.

20 Aug 2021
Different Types of knee replacement surgeries

Different Types Of Knee Replacement Surgeries

Knee pain is a common problem in older adults. It hampers the ability to walk, stand, and do routine chores. Knee problems can be caused by arthritis, ageing, normal wear and tear, and traumatic injury. There are different types of knee surgery that one can undergo to improve their condition. 

Our knee is made up of ligaments, tendons, bones, and cartilage. You can experience pain, stiffness, swelling, and bruising in the case of an injured knee. Knee surgery, which is performed to heal the damaged part, has gained popularity in recent times. Let’s read about the different kinds of knee surgery that one can undergo.

Types Of Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is a surgical treatment to remove the knee’s damaged part and replace it with artificial components. It is also termed knee arthroplasty. With the advancement in medical science, knee replacement surgery can now be performed in a minimally invasive manner. The major types of knee surgery procedures are:

  • Partial Knee Replacement
    It is helpful in case of partial damage to the knees. It is an outpatient procedure performed under anaesthesia. The damaged bone or cartilage is removed from the knee. You may require a few weeks to recover completely. Small incisions are made while performing the surgery. The tissues heal quickly, and the blood loss is low compared to total knee replacement surgery. You will require a walker or cane to provide support while walking on your new knees.
  • Total Knee Replacement
    It is one of the types of knee replacement surgery that involves replacing and repairing damaged joints. The damaged part is replaced with an artificial part which is made of plastics and metals. The types of knee replacement joints that are removed and replaced with a prosthetic part include shin bone’s top, thigh bone’s bottom, kneecap, connective and supportive tissues. The recovery is slow, and you may require a walker for support. You will also need to stay in the hospital after the surgery. It is crucial to undergo physical therapy for the new knee. Avoiding the exercises can lead to blood clots, chronic knee pain, and nerve damage.
  • Robotic Partial Knee Replacement – One Of The New Knee Prosthesis Types
    The robotic knee replacement prosthesis types make use of MAKOplasty to give an effective result. MAKOplasty is a robotic surgery that involves a CT scan. The CT scan allows the surgeon to build a virtual model of your knee. While performing the surgery, the surgeon uses a robotic arm for precise results. The process is tailored to the needs of the patient and ensures speedy recovery. It also reduces the risk of trauma by providing robotic assistance.
  • Osteotomy Knee Surgery
    One of the knee operation types is osteotomy knee surgery. In this surgery, either the tibia or femur bone is reshaped to relieve pressure on the knee joint. It is helpful for people who have early-stage arthritis. Once you undergo the procedure, it improves your movement and knee’s functions. You can go home after two days of the process. Taking support of crutches helps in the initial days of the surgery.
  • Knee Revision Surgery
    If you have undergone knee replacement surgery previously, even then, you may experience discomfort or pain in your knee. It happens because of the wear out of the previous prosthesis. Knee revision surgery is complex to perform as the surgeon needs to remove the existing implant. In addition, you may need a bone graft to support the new prosthesis and encourage bone growth. It is a common knee joint surgery type in the case of an existing prosthesis.

    The different types of knee replacement implants have helped in treating knee pain. However, the knee is one of the bones that can get damaged easily. Your profession also decides the extent of your injury. For example, knee injuries are common in a sportsperson. The overuse of certain tendons and cartilage may cause damage to the knee and adjoining region.

    If you have experienced any discomfort or pain in your knee, you may contact Germanten Hospital. We have a team of expert medical care professionals to treat different types of knee replacement joint problems, we help you get a pain free walk.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 
  • So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.
13 Aug 2021
which are the best foods for pain relief

Which Are The Best Foods For Knee Pain Relief?

Have you heard of ‘superfoods’? Superfood rich diets are beneficial for your overall health. It detoxifies your body, and the diet includes minerals and supplements needed to reduce knee pain.

Eight Best Food For Knee Pain Relief

Taking natural food for knee pain can improve your knee and joint health. They include:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids For Knee Pain
    Fish are the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids. It reduces the chance of heart disease and diabetes. Research is still on, to understand the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the human body. These are believed to improve brain functioning. With anti-inflammatory properties, these act as nutrition for knee pain. Coldwater fish like tuna, salmon, trout, sardines, and halibut are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. You can consume a fish oil supplement to get the dose of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Nuts And Seeds – The Best Diet For Knee Pain
    If fish is not acceptable to your taste buds, you can get the right amount of Omega-3 fatty acids from different nuts and seeds. For example, you can consume flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts. These foods for knee pain help in reducing the pain because of their anti-inflammatory properties. They also minimise knee and tissue pain.
  • Colourful Fruits
    You can start infusing fruits into your daily diet because of their properties to reduce inflammation from the knee. For example, certain fruits like blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which helps in reducing inflammation. In addition, you can include apples in your diet, rich in iron and fibre and great to improve gut health.
    Pineapples are another colourful fruit and the best food for knee pain relief. These are a rich source of bromelain, which helps in reducing knee pain resulting from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. You can prepare pineapple juice or smoothie to infuse the fruit’s stem and core into your diet. Remember, the pineapple’s stem and core are rich in bromelain.
    Last on the list of food good for knee pain is the juicy red tomatoes. They are rich in lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant. Make sure to consume the tomato’s skin to get the maximum benefit from this fruit.
  • Olive Oil
    It is a rich source of Omega-3 and is an unsaturated “healthy” fat. Use olive oil in place of your regular oils to reduce knee pain. Toss your vegetables in olive oil or use it as a salad dressing. The extra virgin olive oil can be used ideally in cooking your meal. Again, it serves as a healthy food for knee pain.
  • Lentils And Beans
    Who does not know the benefits of having lentils? Lentils are rich in protein, fibre, and essential minerals. Black beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, lentils, and soybeans are the best diet for knee joint pain. These help in reducing inflammation and are rich in antioxidants. You can add lentils and beans to your diet to reduce the pain and improve your knee’s health.
  • Garlic And Root Vegetables For Knee Pain
    Garlic, onion, ginger, and turmeric helps in treating arthritis and knee pain. These have anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric not only adds a bright yellow hue to your food but also helps in relieving knee pain. Infuse your diet with these foods to reduce knee pain.
  • Whole Grains – One Of The Best Knee Joint Pain Foods To Eat
    Whole grains help in reducing inflammation because they are enriched with fatty acids. You can include oats, wheat, quinoa, and other gluten-free whole grains into your diet. You can consider whole grains as ‘foods to eat for knee pain‘. These are healthier than usual grains and filled with fibre.
  • Dark Chocolate
    Chocolates are made up of cocoa, and cocoa-rich foods are anti-inflammatory and are enriched with antioxidants. The antioxidant property can counteract genetic predisposition. So, choose a bar of chocolate that is high in cocoa as high cocoa content food is the best food for knee joint pain.

These are a few knee pain foods to eat when suffering from intense pain. In addition, you can also exclude refined grains like pasta, white rice and bread from your diet and limit your salt intake to get maximum benefits.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 


So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.

07 Aug 2021
Important Questions To Ask Your Orthopedic Surgeon

Important Questions To Ask Your Orthopedic Surgeon

If your joints hurt all of the time, it is time to think about orthopaedic surgery. Since surgery has some risks, you should understand everything you can about the operation. 

When it comes to finding relief from joint pain, you will have a lot of important questions to ask orthopedic surgeons. It may be simple to discover answers to fundamental inquiries such as, “Why do my joints hurt?” at first. However, when you get closer to a procedure that can effectively relieve your pain, you should seek advice from a professional. 

Germanten Hospital has skilled orthopedic surgeons who can answer your questions, and the questions to ask the orthopedic doctor listed below can assist you in obtaining the answers and pain treatment you require.

Why Do You Think This Method Is A Good Idea?

It is one of the first questions to ask your orthopedic surgeon. Your surgeon will explain why the surgical treatment advised is the best option for your circumstance. The choice will be based on various variables, including the intensity and location of your joint discomfort.

What Is The Success Rate Of This Procedure?

Your surgeon should be able to give you a probability of success so you can figure out whether this surgery is likely to help you with your problems.

What Are The Risks?

Surgical techniques all include some level of risk. Your surgeon may go through them with you and explain how to reduce your risk before, during, and after the surgery.

Will I Require More Surgery As A Result Of This Procedure?

It is another one of the crucial questions to ask an orthopedic doctor. Some treatments give only temporary pain relief, and not all treatments are successful. Inquire with your surgeon about the possibility of more surgeries following the original one.

How Is This Procedure Done?

Your surgeon will give in-depth information on the procedure, including all the processes you must go through. For example, you might inquire about how it is done, what tools are used, and how long it usually takes.

What Type Of Anaesthesia Is Required?

Minor surgery may just require local anaesthetic, but significant joint pain treatments may necessitate general anaesthesia. Your surgeon will take you through the dangers of anaesthesia, especially in the case of general anaesthesia.

Can I Decide Not To Have This Surgery Performed?

If you decide not to have orthopaedic surgery at this moment, your doctor will explain what may happen. For example, your joint discomfort may become more severe and limit your activities. Keep in mind that you should be at ease with surgery rather than feeling compelled to do so.

Will I Be In Any Discomfort Afterwards?

It is normal to feel pain and some discomfort after surgery. Inquire with your surgeon about the pain level you must expect throughout recovery and whether painkillers be prescribed.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

The recuperation time for specific surgical operations might be several months or even a year. Your doctor will be able to answer how long it would take you to recover from your operation.

When Do You Think I Will Be Able To Resume My Normal Schedule?

When you are ready, your doctor will tell you when you will be allowed to start regular activities like driving or exercising. You will be advised to avoid intense activities, such as playing contact sports, depending on the reason for your joint discomfort and the surgery you would undergo. 

Will The Pain Interfere With My Daily Activities?

Walking, climbing stairs, riding, driving, and getting in and out of seats, beds, and cars are probably part of your everyday routine. However, do you suffer discomfort that comes back throughout your daily activities for a lengthy period? Pain that occurs occasionally is not a problem, but persistent pain that interferes with daily activities should be addressed. 

Can L Explore Other Options?

Before recommending surgery, orthopaedic doctors use non-invasive therapies, including medication, injections, and/or assistance equipment (such as canes and walkers). Doctors who do not advocate attempting any of these therapies before proposing surgery should be avoided. If these therapies do not work, a surgeon will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Best Orthopedic Surgeon Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years. 

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to the society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.

01 Aug 2021
knee pain while sitting

What Are The Causes Of Knee Pain While Sitting & Standing?

Does the back of your knee have pain after sitting down? 

Do you experience excruciating knee pain after sitting then standing?

It might be due to the simplest of activities of your daily routine. You might be worried because of the popping joints in your body. But you need not worry as even the healthiest of the people might experience sudden popping of the joints.

Knee pain while sitting and getting up is one of the most commonly seen issues among every group. But the sudden knee pain after or while sitting is primarily familiar with people over the age of 60. It could concern any element of the knee, including cartilage, patella, knee joint (femur, tibia, etc.), knee cap and ligaments. The mild to severe knee pain after sitting depends on which of these structures are involved and how. It might be because of a torn ligament, structural issues in the bones, etc.

One of the most popular questions asked by our older patients is, “Why do I feel pain in the back of my knee after sitting?”. Of course, it might be due to the long-term effects of a particular medical condition. But it is primarily because of the natural ageing among the elders.

Why Do Healthy Knee Joints Cracks?

Age develops newer issues with the body structure. One of the areas most commonly affected in the knee is the cartilage. It is the tissue that stops a bone from coming in direct contact with another. So while moving around, the rough areas on the cartilage cause the bones to move together, resulting in popping sounds. It sometimes even causes a sudden knee pain after sitting and getting up. 

A few common medical conditions might result in you having knee pain while sitting down and getting up, including conditions like knee osteoarthritis and Patellofemoral pain syndrome.

In patellofemoral pain syndrome, you tend to feel pain behind the knee after sitting down, specifically around the area where the kneecap or patella meets the thigh bone or femur.

Here Are A Few Symptoms Of The Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome:

  • Pain in the knee joint after sitting,
  • Discomfort and pain under the patella or kneecap,
  • Constantly increasing knee pain due to prolonged sitting, standing or any other activity.

An issue we often get around our hospital is “my knee hurts after sitting”. However, this pain could also be due to the two main kinds of arthritis in the knee. These are rheumatoid arthritis, which is autoimmune and knee osteoarthritis, which is degenerative.

Here Are A Few Signs Which You Might Experience Due To Knee Osteoarthritis:

  • Continuously increasing pain in the knee joint while sitting, standing up or doing any other activity.
  • Warm joints,
  • Stiff knees with swelling and light bruising.

If you are experiencing sudden sharp pain in the knee while sitting or standing up, consult with the experts at Germanten Hospital.

What Are The Frequent Causes Of Knee Pain After Getting Up From Sitting?

Knee pain can be treated with the help of various therapies and treatments, but they all depend upon the symptoms and, more importantly, the causes. Extreme knee pain after sitting is most probably due to a prior wound or injury. However, here are a few other causes that can result in knee pain due to sitting:

  • Body Weight: The most important cause of knee pain after sitting down or doing any other activity is your body weight. Too much body weight not only causes significant medical conditions it also affects your overall structure of your body, causing pain in your knees.
  • Lower Flexibility: Having an inactive lifestyle leads to a lack of exercise and workouts, which affects the body’s flexibility. It results in having body pains, especially in the knee.
  • Sports: Often, the body pains are due to high-activity sports and over-exercising. It highly affects the knee joints.
  • Lack Of Nourished Meals: For proper maintenance of the muscles and joints, the body requires a well-nourished meal; otherwise, you might experience knee pains.
  • Health Conditions: There is also a case of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc., among older people.

Consult with the experts at Germanten Hospital if your knee hurts while sitting down or getting up.

Why Choose Us?

The German spirit of “Precision and Perfection” is followed to the core at Germanten Hospital. Dr Mir Jawad holds expertise with advanced German multi-speciality orthopaedic technology, and partnering up with the experts from Germany ensures the best possible care for our patients. 

Our experienced professionals have treated and provided orthopaedic patients with outstanding and cost-effective healthcare for more than 45 years.

Here Are A Few Accreditations Obtained By Germanten Hospital:

  • NABH Accreditation: Obtaining accreditation with National Accreditation Board For Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a privilege. The board confers this accreditation upon a thorough inspection of the staff and facilities possessed by the hospital, clinic, etc. 
  • ISO Accreditation 9001 : 2008: Neither Germanten Hospital nor any of our employees have never made any illegitimate claim regarding any step of the medical process. That is why we are a member of the International Society Of Orthopaedic Centres (only 2nd Hospital from Asia with full membership).

Along with the accreditations, Germanten Hospitals have been conferred with various recognitions for our service to society:

  • We are the first hospital in Asia to have the German Joint Replacement Technology.
  • Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan has been highly regarded for performing 10,000+ joint replacement surgeries.
  • We are regarded for the highest number of joint replacement surgeries per year in South India.
  • We have performed more than 2000 Joint replacement surgeries in 2 years. 

So consult with Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan at Germanten Hospital if you want the best knee replacement surgery followed by unparalleled aftercare.


05 Jul 2021
Common Sports injuries

Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Common Sports Injuries and How to Prevent Them


When you actively take part in sports, be it tennis, cricket, soccer, or basketball, injuries are bound to happen. It can also happen during exercise. When you experience a sports injury, the first priority is to get the right treatment to restore the normal functioning of the damaged part and to spend the shortest possible amount of time recovering.

What causes these injuries?

  • Inadequate warm-up – One of the major reasons for sports injuries is not warming up before exercise or sports, correctly. A proper warm-up is essential to prepare the body for any rigorous activity.
  • Sudden stretching – If you stretch your ligaments or muscles suddenly, after a certain limit, it can cause tears.
  • Overuse of a body part – Putting too much strain on any body part such as your ankle or your elbow, while participating in a sport can cause internal injuries. Fatigued muscles are prone to injuries since all the protective mechanisms are down.
  • Accidents – There is always a risk of accidents when engaging in any sport and these accidents sometimes lead to major injuries.
  • Playing after not being regularly active – Suddenly playing a sport after you haven’t been practicing regularly is an invitation for injuries since your muscles aren’t conditioned to be able to handle the stress while playing.


Common Sports Injuries

Each different injury is associated with every different sport. Some of the most frequently observed injuries are –

  • Shoulder injuries – Shoulder injuries include dislocation of the shoulder or tearing of the rotator cuff, a group of four muscles that keep the shoulders moving in every direction.
  • Spinal injuries – Injury to the spine is often lower-back muscle strain. It is a severe condition and extremely painful. It could lead to deeper structural issues.
  • Elbow injuries – Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) and Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) are injuries associated with the elbow joint. This happens due to repeated stress on the elbow joint, causing tears in the tendons.
  • Ankle injuries – The most frequent ankle injuries are ankle sprains and Achilles tendon rupture.
  • Knee injuries – A tear in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and patellofemoral pain syndrome are two knee injuries that frequently occur while playing sports.
  • Foot injuries – The tissue that creates the arch of the foot is known as plantar fascia tissue. When this tissue is irritated or inflamed, it leads to plantar fasciitis. This injury makes it difficult to put weight on your heel.
  • Groin and hip injuries – Other injuries associated with basketball are hip and groin strains. These injuries occur when the player puts too much pressure on their thigh, groin, and hip muscles, beyond a limit. Symptoms of these injuries are usually pain, swelling, and tenderness.


Treatment of Sports Injuries

The RICE method is used to treat mild sports injuries.

R – R stands for rest. After the injury has occurred, you should refrain from any strenuous physical activity and allow your body to rest. Toughening up and working through the pain might make the injury worse.

I – I stands for an ice pack. Applying an ice pack to the swollen area helps curb the pain and bring down the swelling. Apply it to the injured area, every fifteen minutes.

C – C stands for compression. To lessen the swelling, compress the injured area using a medical bandage. It shouldn’t be tied too tight so that the blood flow to the area doesn’t get restricted.

E- E stands for elevation. To reduce pain and swelling, you should keep the injured area a few levels above your heart, using pillows or other items.

Prevention of Sports Injuries

Accidents while playing sports cannot be avoided, but we can take precautions to minimize the damage. Proper warm-up, as well as regular exercise and stretching, is essential to prevent these injuries.

Treatment of Sports Injuries

When the injuries are severe, at-home treatments don’t work. At Germanten Hospital, we have a dedicated team of sports medicine physicians, orthopedic surgeons, and physiotherapists, who are experts in this field. Severe injuries such as knee injuries, tendonitis, tennis and golfer’s elbow, as well as plantar fasciitis are treated by doctors at this state-of-the-art leading hospital in India.

The non-surgical and minimally invasive techniques used by experts at Germanten Hospital earned it the title of Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital in India, awarded by the Times of India in 2019. It has also been named the Best Orthopedic Hospital in South India by the Economic Times 2021. Germanten hospital is NABH accredited, has more than 200 beds and each operation theatre has a high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control.

At Germanten, the best treatment is offered to patients to both prevent and treat sports injuries. The injuries of the patient are diagnosed using the hospital’s advanced diagnostic facilities and a specialized treatment plan is developed, tailored to the patient’s needs. The orthopedic team at Germanten hospital is led by Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan, one of India’s top orthopedic surgeons. He has over two decades of experience in the field. To celebrate his achievements and effort, he has been felicitated with the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honored with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra. If you’re suffering from any severe sports injuries, then Germanten Hospital is your go-to place to get the right treatment.

05 Jul 2021
Meniscus tear ,causes ,symptoms

Meniscus Tear

Meniscus Tear- Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


A tear in the meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries. It can be extremely painful and weakening. The largest joint in the body is the knee. It consists of three bones – the kneecap, the thighbone (femur), and the shinbone (tibia). The piece of cartilage that acts as a cushion between the shinbone and the thighbone is known as the meniscus. In each of our knee joints, there are two menisci.

Our knees enable us to bend where the thighbone and shinbone are attached. The knee joint is how we can perform different activities such as walking, running, squatting, and climbing. Athletes such as basketball players make these effortless turns and twists, but one wrong move can lead to a torn meniscus.

It happens most commonly while engaging in contact sports that require a lot of twisting or squatting. If you hear a pop sound, that is an indication of a tear in the meniscus. You might experience swelling and pain that comes and goes. It might also feel as if your knee is locking or giving away when you bend it.

Causes of Meniscus Tear


Engaging in any activity that requires one to rotate or twist the knee suddenly or forcefully can cause a tear in the meniscus. Sometimes, activities such as squatting, lifting something heavy, or kneeling can also lead to a torn meniscus. Older adults may suffer from a torn meniscus due to degenerative changes of the knee. As we grow old, the cartilage weakens and becomes thin, making it more prone to tearing.

Symptoms of Meniscus Tear


The most common symptoms of a meniscus tear are as follows –

  • Swelling
  • Pain in the knee
  • Feeling like knee being stuck or locked up
  • Popping sound while the occurrence of injury
  • Difficulty while straightening or bending the leg

Athletes tend to play through the pain. It may seem like a minor injury but if left untreated, a torn meniscus could develop into a long-term knee problem such as arthritis or even require surgery.



At Germanten Hospital, we have a dedicated team of physicians, orthopedic surgeons, and physiotherapists, led by Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan, who is an expert in the diagnosis and surgical as well as non-surgical treatment of the knee. He has over two decades of experience in the field. To celebrate his achievements and efforts, he has been felicitated with the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honored with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.

Your doctor at Germanten Hospital would discuss your medical history and symptoms with you. After that, he or she will examine your knee for tenderness where the meniscus is located, thoroughly. To check for a torn meniscus, your doctor will perform the McMurray test, wherein they will bend your knee, straighten it and rotate it, thus putting tension on the meniscus. If it is torn, then a clicking sound will be heard every time the doctor performs this test.

To rule out other knee problems with similar symptoms, your doctor might also perform X-rays and an MRI. X-rays can identify other causes of knee pain such as osteoarthritis and an MRI offers better visualization of the knee joint, especially the meniscus.


After your diagnosis, the orthopedic surgeon will devise a treatment plan depending on the type, size, and location of your injury. Your age, level of activity, and previous injuries are also factored in while deciding on a treatment plan.

A meniscus tear can occur either in the outside one-third part or the inside two-third part of it. A tear in the outside one-third of the meniscus might heal on its own or it can be repaired with surgery, as this area has a rich blood supply. If the tear is in the inside two-thirds of the meniscus, then surgery is required to repair it since this area does not have a blood supply and cannot heal on its own.

Non-surgical Treatment

For a tear in the outside area of the meniscus, non-surgical treatment might be adequate. The RICE protocol is the best method for such treatments.

R – This stands for Rest. The first step is to rest after the injury and avoid indulging in the activity that has caused this injury.

I – This stands for Ice. Applying ice packs on the injured area for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day is essential for the injury to heal quickly.

C – This stands for Compression. Applying a bandage on the injured area helps prevent swelling and loss of blood.

E – This stands for elevation. Keep your leg a few levels above your heart to reduce the swelling in the injured area.

Your doctor might also prescribe you some medication to reduce pain and swelling. If your symptoms are not relieved after non-surgical treatment, your doctor might recommend performing surgery. Some commonly performed procedures to repair meniscus tears are –

  • Arthroscopy – In this procedure, the surgeon creates a small incision through which a miniature camera is inserted. This offers a clear view of the knee to the surgeon. After this, the surgeon inserts miniature instruments through other incisions to trim or repair the meniscus tear.
  • Meniscus repair – In this procedure, the surgeon repairs the meniscus tear by stitching the torn pieces together.
  • Partial Meniscectomy – In this procedure, the surgeon trims away the part of the meniscus that has been damaged.

After treatment, your doctor will recommend to you some rehabilitation exercises to restore your knee’s strength and mobility. You can perform these exercises at home or go for physical therapy.

At Germanten Hospital, each operation theatre has a high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control. With over 200 beds, Germanten Hospital is NABH accredited and has earned the title of Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital in India, awarded by the Times of India in 2019. It has also been named the Best Orthopedic Hospital in South India by the Economic Times 2021.

05 Jul 2021
PRP Injections in Hyderabad

PRP Injection Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection in orthopaedia: How It Works


The liquid component of blood is called plasma. Composed of nutrients, antibodies, proteins, and glucose, plasma is the medium through which the red and white blood cells, along with other material, travel through the bloodstream. Platelets are also a component of blood. The job of platelets is to secrete proteins and other growth factors that help maintain cell division, promote healing and tissue regeneration. Apart from this, platelets also assist the blood in clotting.

What is Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP)?


Platelet-rich plasma is plasma with more platelets than the concentration normally found in the blood. To prepare platelet-rich plasma, blood is drawn from the patient. From this blood sample, the platelets are separated from other blood cells. After this, a process called centrifugation is performed to increase the concentration of growth factors.

What is PRP therapy?


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a form of regenerative medicine, wherein the blood’s natural healing properties are utilized. The healing solution is made by the above-mentioned procedure and is injected into the body at the point of injury. When the injected growth factors interact with local cells, these cells get triggered to begin healing the injury. Inflammation is reduced and tissue formation is also promoted, with this therapy.

Where can PRP therapy be used?


Platelet-rich plasma therapy can be applied for various purposes, such as:

  • Acute injuries – PRP injections can be used to treat acute sports injuries such as knee sprains or pulled hamstring muscles.
  • Tendon injuries – Tendon injuries such as tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis, and jumper’s knee can heal very slowly, but PRP injections have been used to treat the same.
  • Osteoarthritis – Traditionally, hyaluronic acid injections are used for treating osteoarthritis but studies have shown that PRP injections were more effective as compared to them. However, for definitive conclusions, more studies need to be conducted.
  • Hair loss – PRP injections have been effective in treating male pattern baldness. PRP is injected into the scalp to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.


How is PRP therapy used in Orthopaedics?


According to research, PRP therapy has been an effective form of treatment when conventional methods such as physical therapy, surgery, cortisone injections, or anti-inflammatories have failed to work. Many orthopedic conditions such as rotator cuff tears, tendonitis, arthritis, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, Achilles tendon ruptures, and soft-tissue injuries can be treated using PRP therapy.


PRP injection process


PRP therapy is a fairly simple procedure. First, the healthcare professional draws a sample of your blood. The amount of blood to be drawn depends upon the area of PRP injection. After this, the blood is placed into a machine called a centrifuge. The machine spins at a high speed such that the components of blood get separated. This process takes around 15 minutes. After this, a technologist will take the separated plasma and prepare it for injection. To pinpoint the exact area where PRP is to be injected, the doctor might perform imaging tests such as an ultrasound. After this, the PRP is injected into the affected area. The complete process takes around one hour.

Side effects of PRP therapy


Since PRP is injected directly into the skin, there may be a few side effects such as:

  • Nerve injuries
  • Tissue damage
  • Infection
  • Pain at the injection site


The risk of an allergic reaction is low since the body’s own substances are being injected directly.

Recovery time for PRP injections


It is recommended by doctors that after PRP injections, one should rest the area in question. Most people can continue their daily activities after PRP injections. The instructions given to you will be more related to your injury rather than the injection.
You may not notice an immediate difference, post taking the injection. It might take several weeks or months for the area to heal.

At Germanten Hospital, PRP therapy is used as an alternative for surgery to treat knee pain. Our team of doctors, led by Dr. Mir Jawad Zar Khan, aims to personalize PRP therapy according to each different patient and their injury, to provide the best possible results. Germanten Hospital is NABH accredited and each operation theatre is of class100 level, offering high-advanced laminar airflow for total infection control, with more than 200 beds. In 2019, Times of India graded Germanten Hospital as the Best Emerging Orthopaedic Hospital. It was also named the Best Orthopaedic Hospital in South India, by the Economic Times in 2021. At Germanten Hospital, the most recent, modern, and advanced medical procedures such as PRP are performed, to take orthopedic medicine to the next level.

At the forefront of Germanten Hospital is the renowned orthopedic surgeon, Dr Mir Jawad Zar Khan. A veteran of more than 20 years in the field of orthopedics, he is a gold medalist of Osmania University and has received advanced training from Germany and the USA. To celebrate his achievements and effort, he was awarded the title of Best Doctor by the ex-CM of Joint Andhra Pradesh & Former Governor Tamilnadu, Shri Roshaiah Garu in 2018. In 2019, he was honored with the Vaida Ratna Award by the Honourable Health Minister of Telangana, Shree Etala Rajendra.