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11 Dec 2022
How to sleep with herinated disc and sciatica

How to sleep with herniated disc and sciatica

Sciatica is caused due to impingement on your sciatica nerve. It’s typically due to an injured disc in the lower back of your body. The most common sign of sciatica is intense pain in the nerve. The pain usually ranges from moderate to severe and usually is felt on one side.

Best sleeping position for sciatica

  • Keep your eyes on yourself.

Sleeping on your back can ease discomfort by relieving pressure off your nerves that are irritated.

How to set up:

  1. Lay on your bed on your side with the injured part placed on the top for the sleeping position for sciatica.
  2. If there’s a gap between the waist and the mattress, place it on a pillow to help reduce the side bend.
  • Put a pillow between your knees.

A pillow between your knees can help keep your spine and pelvis in a neutral posture. It also stops your legs of yours from pivoting throughout the night. Hence it is an accurate sleeping position for sciatica

How to set up a sleeping position for sciatica:

  1. Begin by placing your shoulder on the mattress, then place your entire body on your mattress.
  2. Relax your knees and place them on a thin pillow between them.
  3. You could also place a small pillow under your waist if there’s space.
  • Fetal position

The fetal position can open up the space between your vertebrae. It can help relieve back pain that is caused by herniated discs. But, some experience pain that is worsened by it.

If you feel uncomfortable in the fetal posture, consider one of the alternatives on this list.

How to set up sleep for herniated disc:

  1. Relax on your side and raise your knees towards your chest until your body forms a “C.”
  2. You could also put pillows between your knees or beneath your waist.
  • You can lie on your back by having a pillow between your knees

Laying back on your back can help to distribute your weight evenly over your back and hence is a good position to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. In addition, placing a pillow of a suitable thickness between your knees can assist in maintaining the curvature of your spine by stretching your hips.

How to set it up:

  1. Relax on your back with an extra pillow on your head for assistance.
  2. Place one or two pillows beneath your knees. Then, place your legs comfortably against your mattress.
  • You can sleep on the floor.

How to set up a sleeping position for a slipped disc:

  1. Set up a thin mat, like a yoga mat or a camping mat, on the ground where you plan to lay.
  2. Lay down in any of the above positions or wherever you feel comfortable.

The softness of the surface could cause the spine to move out of alignment. However, sleeping on the floor can help you maintain your spine in a straight line

How to sit and sleep with a herniated disc

A herniated disc may occur at any point along the spine from the neck down to the lower back. It is typically the result of age or something as easy as a strong sneeze, lifting heavy objects, or sleeping in a slouchy place.

Better options are sleeping on your back or side to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. Side sleepers can put a cushion between the knees to relieve any strain on the hips or lift their legs with a pillow. You could also put an unrolled towel between the waist of your body and the mattress while lying on your back. Always lie on your side so that it doesn’t cause any discomfort.

The ideal sleep with a herniated disc would be lying on your back. The position of lying on your back will keep the spine and vertebrae in an even posture and reduce the risk of squeezing the nerve. To increase comfort, place the pillow or towel between your knees and lower back to sleep with lower back pain and sciatica. A wedge-shaped pillow that elevates your ankles and legs can reduce the burden on your herniated disc and is an ideal position to sleep with a herniated disc.

06 Dec 2022
What helps with hip replacement recovery

What Helps with Hip Replacement Recovery?

One of the most commonly performed elective surgeries is total joint replacement, including hip replacement. 

Total hip replacement surgery or arthroplasty is the surgical procedure in which the damaged ball-and-socket hip joint is replaced by an artificial joint made of metal or synthetic material. 

The surgery is performed to provide relief from arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and from various other hip-related issues. It helps to restore the range of motion in the joint. The surgery is only performed after conservative measures have failed to treat the underlying pain or mobility. Some of the conservative hip treatments are: 

  • Pain medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise 
  • Stretching
  • Weight Management

Total Hip replacement surgery recovery time varies from one person to another. However, knowing what to expect from the recovery will help you plan effective outcomes. 

How to prepare for recovery?

During hip replacement surgery recovery time, one needs to be patient. There are various instructions that one needs to follow after the surgery. However, preparing before the surgery will help you to make the hip replacement surgery recovery time smooth. 

Before the Surgery

Steps to take before the surgery that helps to make total hip replacement surgery recovery time easier are: 

  • Undergo a physical therapy program to strengthen the muscles around the hip. 
  • Arrange a help who can assist you after the surgery. 
  • Make changes in your home arrangements to make sure that you carry on with your daily activities after the surgery safely and efficiently. Start with putting a seat in the shower or bathtub. Install a hand-held shower. Apart from that, remove things that you can trip on and fall. 
  • Consult your surgeon about what to expect and what issues to look for after the surgery. 
  • If you are overweight or obese, then lose weight before undergoing surgery. 

After Surgery 

Following your healthcare provider’s instructions after the surgery is one of the most vital things. The more you follow their instructions, the easier the recovery will be. 

  • Wound Care
    Always keep the wound area dry and clean for at least 3 weeks after the surgery. After that, you can either change the dressing or ask your caregiver.
  • Exercises
    Physical therapy starts right after the surgery. Being consistent with the exercises after hip replacement is key to leading a safe, effective, and quick recovery phase. Your physical therapist will put together the most effective exercise routine for you. You will need to perform the exercises after hip replacement 3 to 4 times a day for various months.  

The simple exercises you do can be particularly beneficial following surgery to prevent blood clots and improve your recovery.

Ankle pumps: When sitting on the back, slowly move your foot upwards and downwards repeatedly. Repeat this exercise for one foot, and repeat it with the second. Repeat the exercise as many times as possible every 5-10 minutes.

Ankle rotations: When lying back on your back, rotate the ankle towards your body and then back towards your other foot. Perform this exercise on one foot and, afterwards, the other. Repeat five times, three or 4 times per day.

Knees bend: When lying back, bend your knee while keeping your heel on the mattress. Move your foot towards your buttocks while keeping your knee straight. Keep your knee bent for 5-10 seconds before resetting it. Repeat this exercise for one knee, and then repeat it for the other. Do this 10 times. Repeat 3-4 times a day for both legs.

Make sure you work closely with your physical trainer to keep up with the number of exercises after hip replacement you’re performing.

Take a walk frequently

One of the most effective methods to increase your fitness is to walk. In the beginning, you’ll use the walker and, later, aid for stability. As per the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, it is possible to begin walking for 5-10 minutes at a stretch three or four times per day. When your strength grows, you can increase the duration from 20-30 minutes per session to 2-3 times per day.


After recovering from your injury, you can begin a routine maintenance regimen that will require walking for 20-30 minutes at a time, three or four times per week.

Visit Germanten Hospital to know more. 


29 Nov 2022
How long does it take spinal surgery

How long does it take to walk after spinal surgery?

The recovery time required after a lumbral depression surgery depends on your fitness level. Hence, it is recommended that the patients have a physiotherapy session before undergoing surgery.

On the day of surgery, after the procedure is done, it is recommended for the patient to walk and move around. You would be discharged around 1 to 4 days after the surgery.

Spinal cord surgery recovery time is anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks. After that, you will have a relaxed level of mobility. The spinal surgery recovery time mainly depends on the severity of the injury and symptoms before the surgery.

After you wake up from the lumbar decompression surgery, you will feel soreness in your back and will have one or more tubes attached to the body. It would include the following:

  • Intravenous drip would ensure hydration levels in the body.
  • Drain to remove any excess fluid from the body.
  • A thin, flexible tube ( catheter) is inserted in the urethra if you face micturition issues.
  • Pump to inject painkillers directly into the veins.

These tubes remain attached to the body for a short time after surgery.

Immediately after the surgery, you would experience some extent of pain in the area. Pain relief medicines would be given during the spine surgery recovery time. You would notice an immediate improvement in the original leg pain, but if you don’t see so, inform the doctor.

Usually, very few people face problems in their postoperative period. It is mostly temporary, but in rare cases, if nerve damage occurs, it can interfere with bladder and leg movements. During the spinal surgery recovery time, make sure to inform each detail to the doctor.

The pain would decrease in around 6 weeks of the spine surgery recovery time to disappear completely.



Doctors might do stitches or staples to close the cuts and incisions on the surgical site. Stitches done in deep layers of the skin would dissolve themselves and don’t need to be removed. Instead, the non-dissolvable stitches would be removed 5 to 10 days after the surgery.

The stitches are covered by simple adhesive dressing like plaster. Make sure to keep it dry. After the stitches are removed, you can usually take a bath.



After the surgery, the doctor would want you to move around and walk for a smooth and shorter spinal surgery recovery time. Inactivity can cause blood clot development in the leg (DVT). 

After the surgery, a physiotherapist would help you regain strength and movement after the surgery. In addition, they would train you with some exercises and activities, which would help in faster spinal surgery recovery time.

At home


It takes 1 to 4 days for the patient to return to their home. The time duration of hospital stay depends on the extent of the surgery, your health conditions and the rate of spinal cord surgery recovery time.

Remember to keep your activity level as instructed when you are at home and then gradually increase it. You would require help in the first week after the surgery. Having an active routine would facilitate the spine surgery recovery time. Follow all the instructions of the doctor and physiotherapist. Avoid sitting or standing in the same posture or position for more than 15 to 20 minutes, as it can make your muscles stiff and sore. 

Walking is an easy way of maintaining an active routine. Avoid getting into heavy weight lifting, sudden twists and jerks to the muscle when performing daily activities. Instead, increase your limits and the extent of work at a slow pace.

After the surgery, you would have to go for follow-up appointments during your spinal cord surgery recovery time. It is done to check the progress of the operated area and look for any symptoms or infections in the wound area.



You can resume your work after your doctor has allowed you. It depends on the rate of your recovery as well as the kind of job you do. For low-activity level jobs, you can resume your usual routine 4 to 8 weeks after the surgery and 3 to 6 months for high-level physical activity jobs.


If you follow these tips, you can speed up the recovery time. Contact your doctor for any queries. 


19 Nov 2022
How to release frozen shoulder

How to release a frozen shoulder

Whether fastening a bra or taking a book off a shelf, even the simplest activities seem impossible when you have a frozen shoulder. Let’s know what exactly frozen shoulder is.

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is a disorder that causes stiffness and pain and hinders the range of motion in the shoulder. This disability can be hazardous and tends to worsen if not treated early. Women aged 40 to 60 are more prone to have frozen shoulders than men.

The cause of frozen shoulder is not understood completely, but an inflammatory process is probably involved. Due to the immobility of the shoulder for a long duration by injury or illness, freezing occurs in the shoulders. Fortunately, the affected shoulders can be unfrozen though it costs time and a lot of self-help.

The shoulder is a part that has a maximum range of motion. It pivots mainly on a ball-and-socket joint called a glenohumeral joint. It joins the top of the humerus to a scooped-out part of the scapula called the glenoid cavity. 

Anatomy of a frozen shoulder

Anotomy of frozen shoulder

Usually, the head of the humerus moves smoothly in the glenoid cavity, a depression in the scapula. The frozen shoulder occurs when the capsule that protects the glenohumeral joint contracts and stiffens. Adhesions may also form between the head of the humerus and the joint capsule. 


How does a frozen shoulder happen?


After an injury or inflammation of the soft tissues, primarily because of bursitis or tendonitis of the rotator cuff, the process of a frozen shoulder begins. The inflammation causes pain, which worsens with the disability of shoulder motion.

When the shoulder gets immobilised, the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint thickens and contracts, thus losing its capacity to stretch. If it is tried to avoid the pain due to shoulder movement, it further leads to capsule contraction. There is a space constraint in the humerus to move in, and the joint may lose synovial fluid, which is the reason behind its lubrication.

It may take two to nine months for a frozen shoulder to develop. Though the pain can gradually increase, stiffness continues, and the range of motion is limited unless pain relief for a frozen shoulder is utilised. 

In the next paragraph, let us know how to cure frozen shoulders quickly and regard pain relief for frozen shoulders.

Frozen shoulder treatment


If you are looking for how to cure a frozen shoulder quickly or remedy a frozen shoulder, read below.

If you feel you have a frozen shoulder or you are developing one, visit your clinician for a physical exam for the frozen shoulder treatment. The clinician will ask you to perform a set of activities involving shoulder movement, such as touching the opposite shoulder by reaching across the chest. Next, they may take an x-ray scan to ensure no problem, such as arthritic changes. Finally, an MRI is ordered to check for a rotator cuff tear.

Relieving pain and restoring the normal range of motion are the main focus areas of frozen shoulder treatment. In addition, the clinician may advise an anti-inflammatory medication. Applying an ice pack or frozen bag to the shoulder for 10 to 15 minutes many times a day is pain relief for a frozen shoulder. You may also be given the corticosteroid injection into the soft tissues or shoulder. Ultimately, it is physical therapy, concentrating on stretching the joint capsule and strengthening it for an effective frozen shoulder treatment. A physical therapist will guide you regarding exercises. Once you learn them, you can practice them on your own.

Once you begin to work out to stretch the shoulder capsule, you should abstain from any activities that need overhead reaching, lifting, or anything similar. If you regularly exercise as per the physical therapist’s guidance, you will soon be able to resume your activity. Getting recovered from frozen shoulders takes time – maybe two to three years. If you see no progress, get back to your clinician or consult a shoulder expert to cure a frozen shoulder quickly. Rarely it requires surgery. It is how a frozen shoulder treatment is done.

Contact Germanten Hospitals for solutions to your frozen shoulder-related problems.


13 Nov 2022
Diet plan after knee replacement

Diet plan after knee replacement Surgery

Now that we are getting into things needed after knee surgery, Also known as arthroplasty, knee replacement is a surgical procedure meant to replace a knee joint’s weight-bearing surface. All of it happens to relieve disability and pain.

After Knee Replacement Surgery:

Healing is the first post-surgery priority. Proper diets plans after knee replacement are necessary. A careful post-surgery diet and adequate nutrition aid can be of much help.

Eat Clear Fluids

Clear fluids are needed among items needed after knee replacement surgery. For the doctor to be sure of your digestive system’s functioning before solid diet intake, your immediate post-surgery diet must consist of clear fluids:

  • Water
  • Apple Juice
  • Coconut Water
  • Cranberry Juice
  • Tea Broth
  • Ice
  • Gelatin
  • Grape
  • Electrolyte drinks & popsicles

Don’t guzzle liquid; go slowly at first. Adequate fluid intake will prevent dehydration

Avoid Cheese

Post-surgery constipation is common. Here comes another element for a diet plan after knee replacement. One should avoid high-fat food like cheese as it can cause nausea.

Eat Yogurt

During and after surgery, most people receive antibiotics to prevent and treat the infection. However, they can disturb the gut’s balance. Yogurt has healthy bacteria making it unlikely to cause post-surgery nausea. Make sure to include it in your diet plan after knee replacement. For healing, it has zinc and protein. Probiotics are needed for digestion, providing mental balance and combating germs & infections after hospital stays or procedures.

Some common foods rich in probiotics are:

  • Sauerkraut
  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Kefir

The gut’s balance is incredibly delicate. Painkillers, antibiotics and anesthetics tend to upset that balance and cause digestive upsets, constipation and nausea. So you know some more things needed after knee surgery.

Avoid fatty or fried food.

Opting for fatty food is not a good nutritional choice. Instead, One must include the undermentioned nutrients in your diet plan after knee replacement.

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E and zinc
  • Protein

Additionally, nausea or vomiting can be caused by fried and fatty food. Thus, it is vital to include protein and vitamin-containing food in the things needed after knee surgery

Eat Lean Meats And Seafood

They are necessary for healing promotion. Fatty fish like white caught salmon and tuna decrease inflammation and prevent infection as they contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Avoid Alcohol

Avoiding alcohol is also one of the things to do after knee replacement surgery. For healing, healthy fluids are necessary. So as alcohol dehydrates, make sure to avoid it.

Eat Berries

Berries’ antioxidants help with the immune system’s functioning and help to avoid post-surgery infection. So for vitamin C, it is good to include blackberries and raspberries in diets plans after knee replacement

Eat Whole Grain

Whole grain containing plenty of fiber helps avoid post-surgical constipation. A whole grain includes:

  • Bulgur
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Millet’s contain zinc, protein, magnesium and B vitamins.


Dark, leafy green foods also help digestion and support the immune system as they have fibre and antioxidants.

Avoid Vitamin K After Surgery

While taking blood thinners in post-surgical circumstances, one must be careful with foods rich in Vitamin K. These foods include:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Soybeans
  • Onions
  • Kale
  • Green beans
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Liver
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils
  • Garbanzo beans

Eat These Foods To Speed Up Post-surgical Recovery

Diets plans after knee replacement determine the recovery speed and the surgery’s effectiveness. Surgery doesn’t only lead to more calorie demands for recovery but also increases the metabolism pace.

Brightly Colored Fruits Are Good After Knee Replacement

For a significant intake of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, carbohydrates and calories that can lead to a fast recovery, bright and colorful fruits and veggies need to be consumed.

For vitamins and energy-boosting carbs, fruits and veggies like the undermentioned are required.

  • Melon
  • Apricots
  • Oranges
  • Mango
  • Apples
  • Grapefruit
  • Berries
  • Tomatoes
  • Papayas

Fruits benefit one during the process of healing. But there is another advantage that they bring. The fruits are light and suitable for small and regular portions. Therefore, having a nutritious diet for recovery is one of the things to do after knee replacement surgery.

Make sure to have an ideal diet plan after knee replacement. Of course, one must include nutritious foods in the items needed after knee replacement surgery. So stay aware and have diet plans after knee replacement that benefits you.

05 Nov 2022

Why Does My Neck Hurt? Neck Pain Causes and Treatment

What is neck pain?

Even before we explore neck pain causes and treatments, we need to know what it is. It is simply a pain in your neck at any point in time. It is common and has numerous causes.

The neck has a tough job holding up almost 11 pounds of bones, muscles and ligaments. Bad posture can cause it. But, generally, it doesn’t indicate any severe complications.

What are neck pain symptoms?

As we approach, there are some neck pain symptoms.

  • While on a computer, driving or doing other tasks, the pain increases in a specific position
  • Muscle tightness/spasms
  • Difficulty moving head/neck
  • Headache


Symptoms usually depend on the neck pain causes. So if you are looking for more information on neck pain causes and treatment, come over to Germanten Hospital.

What causes neck pain?

There can be various neck pain causes, including medical issues and injuries. Some conditions that may cause neck pain are:

  • Muscle strain and tension: One of the most common neck pain causes, it can be the result of activities and behaviours like:
  • Poor posture
  • Injury
  • Neck jerking during exercise
  • Wrong position of the neck while sleeping
  • Sitting too long in the same position.
  • Vulnerable to car accidents, falls, and sports injuries, the neck can have muscles and ligaments forced to move outside the normal range.

The spinal cord may get damaged in case of neck bone fractures. Whiplash is a neck injury resulting from sudden head jerking.

  • Heart attack: Neck pain can also indicate a heart attack. There are many other symptoms of a heart attack.
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Jaw/Arm pain


In case of neck pain or other heart attack symptoms, go to the emergency room or dial the emergency number immediately.


  • Meningitis: It is the inflammation and pain of the brain and spinal cord surrounding thin tissue. Meningitis patients may experience:
  • Stiff neck
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sensitivity of light
  • Vomiting


A few of the other neck pain causes include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis leads to pain, joint swelling and bone spurs. In the neck area, they can cause neck pain.
  • Usually affecting hands/knees, osteoporosis weakens bones and can lead to minor fractures. It also occurs in the neck.
  • Fibromyalgia is muscle pain throughout the body, especially in the shoulder and neck region.


Cervical discs can degenerate with ageing. Also called spondylitis or osteoarthritis narrows the space between the vertebrae and adds stress to your joints. In a slipped disc case, a disc protrudes and may add pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. Spinal stenosis occurs when the spinal column narrows and pressures the spinal cord or the nerve roots as it exits the vertebrae. That can be from arthritis or other condition-led long-term inflammation.

Rarely neck pain can indicate:

  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Abscesses
  • Spine cancer
  • Infections
  • Tumours

If you experience any of the above-stated symptoms of neck pain, seek medical care. If you want more information on neck pain causes and treatment, come to Germanten Hospital.

How can you treat neck pain?

Muscle relaxant medications, physical therapy, padded neck collar, or traction, form neck treatment. Cortisone shots or surgery might be needed rarely.

With treatment, neck pain is a few days’ deal. Medicines like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin can help ease the pain. For the first 2-3 days, put an ice pack on your neck to reduce swelling. Then moist heat can help heal. Exercising at home can help gently stretch neck muscles. 

For short-term relief, visit a chiropractor or do a neck massage. But for a permanent neck pain treatment, come over to Germanten Hospitals and get an appointment with our experts today.

How to prevent neck pain?

Here are a few ways you can prevent neck pain: 

  • Fixing posture can help improve neck pain. Adjusting the chair or desktop can also help. One should also take frequent breaks.
  • Carrying heavy bags with shoulder straps is a big no. In the case of a stiff neck, different pillows can help.
  •  Changes in sleeping postures can also help ligaments and muscles relax.


These were some other ways of neck pain treatment that can help. At Germanten Hospitals, we offer quality neck pain treatment. So if you have any neck pain symptoms, come over to Germanten today!


30 Oct 2022
spine surgery treatments

Spine Surgery: Types And It’s Procedure

Is surgery a must to cure the problem, or would a spine treatment without surgery be more feasible? Such questions could arise when it comes to spine surgery. If at all surgery is necessary, of the types of spine surgery, which one is better – keyhole surgery or traditional spine surgery? Back surgery helps to treat spine problems and relieve back pain, but surgery is not always necessary. Many of the back issues resolve with no external aid or can be treated with conventional spine treatment without surgery.

When do you need spine surgery?

When a person suffers from symptoms related to spine issues, they need to get evaluated by a primary care physician. For example, if diagnosed with back or neck pain, the orthopaedist advises them to maintain stable physical posture or activity, proper weight, and diet. If the problem persists, physical therapy, OTC medicines, or anti-inflammatory medication is the next step or treatment suggested by a doctor.

Types of Spine Surgery Procedures

Severe spinal conditions are treated using various types of spine surgery:

Decompression procedures:

These spine surgery types try to relieve symptoms caused due to pressure or to decompress the spinal cord that has been compressed. Loose ligaments, thickening of ligaments, bulging discs, and new bone growth can shrink the space of the spinal canal and the spinal nerve openings, causing pain. In addition, it may lead to paralysis due to excess pressure on spinal nerves, along with causing bladder and bowel movement problems.

Only fixation (spinal instrumentation) procedures

It is one of the spine surgery types that utilise devices during spine surgery. This surgical procedure involves implantation on titanium or titanium alloy, steel or non-metallic spinal instruments in spines. Different types of medical implants are available to treat spinal disorders in people of all ages. However, it cannot provide a permanent solution to spinal instability unless spinal fusion is done.

Spinal Fusion Procedures

Spinal fusion is one of the spine surgery types in which two bones are fused using a bone graft to grow the bony surfaces together. Its medical term is arthrodesis. During the primary surgical procedure, a bone graft is taken from an autologous patient or from others called allograft bone. In some foreign centres, instead of bone grafting, Bone morphogenetic protein is being used. It is still in the evaluation phase. 


Both Spinal Fusion and Spinal Instrumentation Combined

Spinal fusion, along with spinal instrumentation, is required for the successful correction of spinal deformities. The instrumentation renders stability and aids in maintaining the correction when the fusion of bones is still happening. Internal fixation of devices in the spine leads to an increased rate of solid arthrodesis. The spinal instruments will also fail due to repeated stress if the spinal fusion fails.

Spiral Correction Procedures for Deformities like Kyphosis and Scoliosis

A deformity is any spine structure alteration compared to the standard shape. A spinal deformity may develop because of any condition causing curvature and twisting of the spine- however, there are many procedures to correct mild to extreme spinal deformities. Some of the main types of spine surgery include osteotomy, spinopelvic fixation, pedicle subtraction ostomy, and vertebral column resection. These procedures differ from person to person.


Osteotomy involves removing bone from the deformed vertebral column. This procedure is performed at different levels, and about 10-20 degrees of correction are made at every level. Therefore, it is used to rectify the long curves of kyphosis or ankylosing spondylitis condition. 


The pedicle subtraction osteotomy is similar to the osteotomy procedure. Ankylosing spondylitis, flatback syndrome, angular kyphosis, and a few c-shaped scoliosis.


The vertebral column resection (VCR) removes the entire vertebra to correct and stabilise the spinal cord. This procedure is more complex and needs professionals with rich expertise and experience. The removed vertebra is replaced with spinal instruments such as bone grafts and cages. A system coupled with a screw and rod implanted in the spine helps restore stability when the bone graft is healing. This procedure can yield nearly a correction of 80 degrees or more. 


If you are looking for spine treatment without surgery, the experts at Germanten Hospital might be able to help you with little to no complications. So book an appointment at Germanten today!


22 Oct 2022
frozen shoulder treatment

5 Things You Need To Know If You Have A Frozen Shoulder

How to cure a frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a condition involving shoulder joint stiffness and pain. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, it shows slow symptoms that worsen with time. Keeping a shoulder still for a long period can lead to a frozen shoulder. It can happen after breaking an arm or surgery.

Its treatment consists of range-of-motion exercises. You can also apply numbing medications to the joint. In some rare cases, arthroscopic surgery is performed to loosen the joint capsule for free movement. Usually, frozen shoulders do not recur in the same shoulder. However, within five years, it can commonly develop on the other shoulder. There are certain do’s and don’ts for a frozen shoulder that we will explore later on.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder

Now that we know what happens in the condition and how to cure frozen shoulders quickly, this is the time to learn some symptoms.

The primary symptom of a frozen shoulder is the inability to move the shoulder. Other symptoms include:

  • Achy, diffuse pain: Felt over the shoulder and occasionally on the upper arm; this pain begins gradually and increases with shoulder movement. Usually, it is worse in the early phase and decreases later on.
  • Shoulder stiffness: As the shoulder’s joint capsule becomes tighter, the shoulder’s range of motion decreases noticeably. Although avoiding arm movement can lead to more stiffness, people with frozen shoulders avoid moving arms due to the pain. Mobility can improve and may be completely restored with improving conditions.


  • Trouble sleeping: How to sleep with a frozen shoulder? The simple fact is that sleeping on the affected side causes discomfort and pain.


  • People with diabetes are more prone to having it, so it is essential to know about the frozen shoulder diet


Now we come down to things one must know. Other than the fact that there are 4 stages of frozen shoulder, there are 5 things to understand:


  • Tendonitis: It is usually observable that an arm affected by a frozen shoulder appears a bit shorter than the unaffected one. The shoulder tends to pull the humerus(upper arm bone) rounded head further into the socket. As the tendons try to compensate for the change, they become stressed, and tendonitis enters. Avoiding painful movements, doing gentle stretching, and doing physical therapy can help relieve.

  • Neck pain: Neck faces staring during day-to-day movements like washing hair or sleeping in positions that don’t cause more shoulder pain. So you know how to sleep with a frozen shoulder. This way, the neck can become stiffer and may hurt more gradually. For relief, regular stretching and massage can help.


  • Use your affected arm: A vital element of the do’s and don’ts for a frozen shoulder is the movement of the arm. Resting it does not help with healing. According to medical professionals, resting the shoulder can lead to more adhesions. One must use the shoulder to prevent further problems and maintain muscle strength.

  • Hormones matter: Women in their 40s and 50s are more likely to face the condition. Cases have been reported by women who were having perimenopause, menopause or were at the start or end of hormone replacement therapy.


  • The shoulder may not regain its full range of motion: After the 4 stages of frozen shoulder, this might be the sum. At the end of the frozen shoulder phase, one may not be able to have the full range of motion. At the same time, You might observe raising arms over the head and a bit more height in the affected shoulder.


An “almost normal” shoulder is possible after months of going through pain, restrictions and discomfort. The result of figuring out how to sleep with a frozen shoulder can be good. Even though long-term effects can lead to disappointment and frustration, you can consult with your doctor or physical therapist on how to cure a frozen shoulder wholly and quickly. It is good to consult with doctors for therapies and a frozen shoulder diet.


How to cure a frozen shoulder quickly?

Contact Germanten Hospitals for solutions to your frozen shoulder-related problems. For a healthy frozen shoulder diet and to help get over the 4 stages of frozen shoulder, Germanten Hospitals can provide you with the perfect solution.


15 Oct 2022
non surgical treatment

Non-Surgical Treatments for Back Pain & Neck Pain

Non Surgical Treatment for Back Pain 

Long-term back pain can be challenging to be treated by doctors. However, back pain can be treated without surgery using spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes. 

The reason behind the development of back pain might be a muscle strain caused by heavy lifting or an accident. Other times, arthritis, osteoporosis, or scoliosis can cause back pain.

Below are the details of methods for non surgical treatment for back pain:


  1.  Spinal Manipulation:One of the non surgical treatments for back pain is spinal manipulation. Also known as chiropractic manipulation, this method involves using the hands to adjust, massage or stimulate the spine.

    While this method seems effective, it is not meant for everyone. People with osteoporosis, arthritis or spinal cord issues must avoid this method.

  2. Acupuncture:It is a traditional Chinese medical practice in which an acupuncture practitioner inserts thin needles into specific points on the body.Acupuncture may help revive the low back muscles and relieve pain in people suffering from low back pain.

    Acupuncture also provides long-lasting relief for chronic pain. It is one of the preferred methods which involves spine treatment without surgery.


  3. Weight loss:The back muscle, bones, and joints work hard to provide maximum support to the body. Being overweight can trigger back pain due to the increased pressure on the spine and back muscles.Losing excess weight could help reduce some of a person’s back pain if weight is a contributing factor. An overweight person may work with their doctor to lose weight.


It is one of the simple methods of non surgical treatment for back pain.


  1. Anti-inflammatory diet:According to some studies, higher levels of inflammation are closely linked with certain types of chronic pain. Inflammation is caused by many factors.One of the ways to reduce inflammation is to consume a non-inflammatory diet. An effective spine treatment without surgery.


  2. Correcting posture:Having an appropriate posture may help to reduce back pain. Conversely, incorrect back posture might have caused back pain for some people.In one of the studies, it was found that participants who completed an exercise program for 8 weeks experienced relief from back and shoulder pain. It is one of the best methods of non surgical treatment for back pain.


In some cases, one may consider renovating their workspace if it does not have proper ergonomics. It helps in effective spine treatment without surgery. Germanten Hospitals provide you with personalized remedies for back neck pain. They also provide effective neck pain treatment.


Non-Surgical Treatment for Neck Pain


If you suffer from long-term neck pain but are not ready to have surgery, there are non-surgical treatment options that may eradicate your pain. Below are the five ways to overcome neck pain using methods involving non-surgical treatment for neck pain.


Understanding the main reasons can help you approach better non-surgical treatment. 


Before agreeing to undergo surgery, it is better to try a non-surgical approach. Five non surgical treatment options include 


  1. Pain management: Controlling your pain may heal your body naturally. NSAIDs, narcotics, or steroidal injections, combined with rest, may enable you to get rid of pain in future.
  2.  Rest: Simply resting your neck enables the muscles to relax and nerves to turn normal. Avoid the activities or positions that increase the pain. Resting is one of the best ways that involves non-surgical treatment for neck pain.
  3. Physical therapy: Strength training, increasing flexibility, and maintaining proper posture can improve your neck health and reduce neck pain caused by muscle pain. These things can be learned by a certified therapist. An effective neck pain treatment.
  4. Manual manipulation: A chiropractic specialist manually adjusts your neck to reduce nerve pressure and alleviate sore muscles.
  5. Alternative therapies: Therapies such as massage and acupuncture improve blood flow, relax tensed muscles and reduce symptoms. These are the methods involving non-surgical treatment for neck pain.


Non-surgical methods are the better way to deal with neck pain as they prevent you from undergoing surgery. Instead, consult a certified specialist in spinal surgery and one who can provide you with a range of personalised therapies. 


If surgery becomes inevitable, consult a physician who can perform surgeries and also can provide therapies as remedies for back neck pain.


08 Oct 2022
Geriatric orthopedic problems

Geriatric Orthopedic Problems

Geriatric Orthopaedic problems are one of the most common diseases nowadays, especially in old age people. After age 40, geriatric orthopedic problems start rising in the body, and more often, this problem happens to women.

Research has shown that prevention can help to lower geriatric orthopedic problems. In some cases, orthopaedic problems can be genetic problems as well, but majorly this problem arises due to the daily activities of human beings. Some of the primary reasons for it in today’s world are long hours of sitting on a laptop and computer, using excess mobile phones, walking or running on harsh surfaces and, most significantly, changes in our lifestyle. All these lead to dangerous orthopaedic problems, which can sometimes be non-curable diseases. 

What common diseases lead to problems of geriatric orthopedics?

Here are a few common diseases that may lead to geriatric orthopedic problems:

  1. Osteoarthritis: One of the most common problems nowadays among adults is osteoarthritis. In every three older adults, one is an osteoarthritis survivor. This degenerative disease usually affects the joints of the body like the wrist, ankles, knees, fingers and spinal cord. This disease causes problems in day-to-day activities because the movement of joints starts becoming difficult, which causes pain in the body. Therefore, the orthopaedic doctors recommended treatments and medicines to decrease the pain in the joints and begin to ease the movement of joints.
  2. Fractures: A severe orthopaedic problem which can happen to anyone at any age is a fracture. In youngsters, it can occur due to any mishap or loss of balance during physical activity. Still, in old age, it happens due to the loss of calcium from the bones, which leads to weaker bones and unsteady balance in daily life. Therefore, any trouble and fall during old age can lead to some severe fractures of bones.
  3. Dislocations: Dislocation of bones means shifting of bone from its original place. It is usually in old age due to falls caused by bones of the body dislocating. It causes severe pain in the body as well. Medicines and physiotherapy by doctors help to overcome this problem.
  4. Osteoporosis: It is a disease under which bone density and bone mass start decreasing from the bones, which leads to its weakening. It usually happens after age 30 and often happens early in women.

If you are experiencing geriatric orthopaedic problems due to the diseases mentioned above, come over to Germanten Hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

How to prevent problems of geriatric orthopaedics?

Here are a few ways to prevent geriatric orthopaedics: 

  1. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or underweight can lead to orthopaedic problems in adults. Obesity can lead to the weakening of body muscles, and people who are overweight have a higher chance of osteoarthritis. So all adults should maintain a balanced body weight to prevent orthopaedic problems.
  2. Keep it moving: We should keep our body moving, for this regularly thirty minutes of exercise is the best. Regular light exercise like walking, jogging, swimming and stretching benefits bones and muscles. Heavy workouts can lead to too much stress on the body muscles, so regular light exercise is good for maintaining your health.
  3. Develop a strong core: For maintaining a balanced weight, it is vital to develop a strong core. Yoga and pilates exercise work for developing a solid core, and it also helps in preventing orthopaedic problems.
  4. Stretch before starting an exercise: It is imperative to do light stretching before starting an exercise to maintain flexibility and warm up the body to reduce the risk of injuries like sprains and strains. In addition, it helps to prevent muscle and joint injuries.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes: Footwear is the most important thing while you are getting ready. For any occasion, comfortable shoes are essential. So always wear comfy shoes rather than going with trendy heels, which cause pain in the body.
  6. Get regular checkups: Visit your local doctor for regular checkups and get a complete check on your orthopaedic health. Regular checkups are more important for old adults to prevent themselves from orthopaedic severe health issues.

Follow the tips as mentioned above to ensure you don’t encounter problems with geriatric orthopaedics. But if you still have these issues, visit Germanten Hospital now!